Pure Wisdom and Wonder
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
I am a believer in what I call Human Tech. You can call it Soul or the human spirit; I believe.
As we remember and honor heroes this weekend, I invite you on a continuing journey.
Sharpen the Blades (this weekly series) is all about that Human Tech thing; Soul. Here, we sharpen the blades on a power we have yet to truly tap into. But as we name it, we can start to claim it. These days, we are doing so through a great new novel. To catch up, I invite you to engage Catching the Realm Between. In the last couple of months, I consciously changed the focus of Sharpen the Blades, for at least the next few months, and running up to my own birthday February 20, 2020.
- Sharpen the Blades is a blog series about character and love in response to life and work. Each post is an exploration of an aspect of character and love and their impact on living and working more successfully, however we might define such. Sharpen the Blades is about preparing our character (and love) as strength; in the face of life and work. Period.
- The focus has not changed but it has. We chose to explore The Realm Between by my dear friend and "soul sis" LD Olsen. It is an epic tale of spirit and character and more... and a story I have been personally awaiting to read for a decade. The book is out now on Wattpad, and I am pumped.
To date, we have explored the opening and some 8 chapters. This weekend of November 9-11. we tackle Chapters 9, 10 and 11.
The story is capturing me and I am finding direct relevance and resonance for my own life, in this realm. So, I am inviting you to join me on the journey. Catch up, read up... on the book and blogs. To join the Wattpad community costs nothing, and you gain access to the book, and many others. In order to join, go to their login... and set up a simple profile.
This will give you access to countless online books; it is incredible. To engage LD Olsen search for...
Chapters 9, 10 and 11
First, I invite you to read the Chapters on your own. Then, I invite you to engage my own thoughts on same; about how it relates to our own living in this world.
From Every Aspect, I invite you to read Chapter 8. For me, and for now, I am drawn to this...
In reading the Chapter, I am reminded of the often confused interpretation of Purity.
Acting from pure intentions is about Purity of motive. Integrity is driven by this.
Trustworthiness is its result.
Consequences. This is a Chapter filled with Wisdom. I will let you read for yourself, but consider these lines.
Consider the role of Wisdom. Consider its power. Consider its beauty. Consider its protection.
Wisdom tempers us; strengthens us. It is not unlike an Emissary of a greater voice within. Consider indeed. Look it straight in the eye.
Experience those consequences.
Merging, with Wisdom is Wonder.
Read Chapter 11, and get a taste of it. I am drawn to this exchange.
In my life, I have experienced the timeless. You have too, I am sure. Consider that. What did it take? How impacting was it for you? As I remember, it was nothing short of magical. Wondrous. Wonder-full.
Purity, Wisdom and Wonder are joined at the heart. They are not kumbaya, nor soft nor weak. If we but practice them, they can actually ground us. They can provide us a sense that we are IN this world, but not necessarily OF it. That can provide a real Courage. And the world needs that kind of Courage.
On this Remembrance Day Weekend, as you Honor those who practiced Sacrifice...
... also remember the power of Purity, Wisdom and Wonder.
Peace, passion and prosperity...
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage