
Espa?ol desplácese hacia abajo-ProgressBelow@WINNER HOME FOR AT-RISK GIRLS!

Psalm 24:4 ....clean hands, and a PureHeart.

P = Personal! It's personal, between u & God.

U = Understand! You understand it's your choice.

R = Righteous! Unadulterated RIGHTness.

E = Everything! It encompasses everything!

People think they have to be pure before they accept Jesus, but the fact is that purity is only possible AFTER one accepts Jesus. Our hands are cleaned and our hearts are purified only after accepting JesusChrist through His finished work on the Cross of Calvary and His resurrection from the tomb.

The Bible says that we are washed by the blood of the Lamb, by Jesus' sacrifice. He creates in us a PureHeart when we choose to live IN Him. No one is born clean nor pure.

Psalm 51:7-10 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Anything good, pure and clean on this fallen planet is directly attributable to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Children are not born this way, We all need The Savior to wash us and purify us from sin.

Children ARE innocent, but not pure. Babies are not pure from birth. They have sin already in them. You ever see a baby that wants a bottle?? Have you ever seen a baby that is angry? I love them because of their innocence. I love them so much that I see them as pure someday, which I think is prophetic. Through faith, I see our children as people who are going to be washed clean and have their hearts (intentions) purified in the future. 'Faith without works is dead' says James 2:14, so we at PureHeart have our work cut out for us.

The definition of PURE is 'not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material.' Godliness only is the goal of a truly pure person.

We chose the name of our charity 'PureHeart' because it means that there are no other motives, a single purpose of heart. I think all missionaries should be pue hearted. They won't run when things get a tiny bit uncomfortable. They'll smile at people who are mean to them. Because they have a greater cause than feelings or comfort. I like to think that Winnie and I are PureHearted in our personal lives, and in our mission. The only thing either of us want is that our children live out their lives with their hearts so full of the Lord that there isn't room for anything else.

That's our goal at PureHeartChildren'sFund


?1. Stable home lives. Parents reunited. ?

?2. Protection child prostitution, incest and perversion.

?3. Real Christian friends as examples in their lives?.

?4. Wisdom and resources for us and PHCF to help.?

?5. Help, education, health and protection for the children.

A sincere thank you, with much love in Jesus.

Dean and Winnie Peters


You can donate online to www.whatistheloveofGod.com or www.pureheartchildren.org

-------by check----

Checks need to be made out to Grace Life OutReach (with PureHeart in the memo) and can be sent to our stateside mailing address:

Pure Heart C/O Grace Life Outreach

190 Seminole Ln Apt 302

Cocoa Beach Fla. 32931-3394


There really hasn’t been much , especially under ‘My Timeline’. Sometimes I wonder if I heard from God correctly. Again,the burden is on God, not on me.

It’s all about finances. The will is there (both ours and the Lord’s as expressed in His written Word). However, we need a drastic increase in funds (over and above our already existing ministry expenses, which is a lot!) to make the necessary additions and improvements BEFORE we can even present it to the government. If we are destitute, the government would be crazy to let us bring in kids to live with us, and I don’t blame them.

We will need more staff (minimum 2 full time employees more) to do this (by law and for legal protection). We also need to show (1) sufficient income perpetually, avgeraged over the past three months, about double what we are bringing in now. (2) An adequate vehicle. (3) A Nice Room for the children to live in.

We need to ‘sell’ this dream to the skeptical government. Some of these types of ‘homes’ in the past have made for bad reputations. The government has good reasons to be cautious. The philosophy ‘bring in the kids and the money will follow’ is reckless, dangerous, exploitive and presumptuous. Good for movies on television, not for real life on the mission field though.

Our goal WAS to have kids living here by my birthday next week, June 21, but it’s looking less and less realistic. That’s my date, but maybe not God’s. That’s the day I am officially retired according by social security standards. Lord willing I will be getting $1,290 a month, so that will really help PureHeart to step up the game. Retirement is a worldly term to me, not a Christian term. I will take the retirement money to help, not stop this labor of love.

We need large donations of money, materials and labor to get the home ready. We also need a different vehicle, and a steady increase in donations to provide for 5 or six more people (basically another young family).

STEP 1 is COMPLETED! Praise God!

*Before we progress we have a lot of minor repairs and painting to do. If you know of any handymen who want to come down let us know.*

STEP 2 is COMPLETED! Praise God!

Once we get the money we will move onto Step 3, but right now we are below broke from our normal day to day operations staring us in the face; Godwilling, we will get past this soon. We need a huge miracle and even more prayer.

STEP 3. Astetitics and repairs throughout the house, and most importantly, converting the rooms upstairs into a large dormitory for the girls.

STEP 4. We just found out by government that we will need a larger vehicle. Our 15 year old tucson is on it ‘s last leg, and won’t legally hold Winnie and I and 5 girls. So we have to have a 7 passenger vehicle, or a van.

Once all of that is done we are ready to bring in the toddlers. Pray with us in the selection process of which little girls we will bring in. It will take time and we need to raise a lot to of money to do this (est overall expenses will be a little over 13,100 dollars PLUS 15,000 for a good used van, and also keeping on paying our 4000+ p/m basic operating expenses which will increase with housing 6-7 more people when the construction is completed) That needs to be another $1000 a month permanently. (so we need a steady month donation base of $5,000 a month)

Thats what the Lord we believe showed us, but we are always open to opinions and advice! Like I said, we could be wrong, but that’s the feeling that we get.

thank you once again!

You can donate online to www.whatistheloveofGod.com or www.pureheartchildren.org

or by check

Checks need to be made out to Grace Life OutReach (with PureHeart in the memo) and can be sent to our stateside mailing address:

Pure Heart C/O Grace Life Outreach

190 Seminole Ln Apt 302

Cocoa Beach Fla. 32931-3394



Salmo 24: 4 .... manos limpias, y un corazón puro.

Nuestras manos están limpias y nuestros corazones son puros solo a través de la obra terminada de Jesús en la Cruz del Calvario y su resurrección de la tumba.

La Biblia dice que somos lavados por la sangre del Cordero, por el sacrificio de Jesús. él crea en nosotros un corazón limpio cuando aceptamos Su sacrificio. Nadie nace limpio ni puro.

Salmo 51: 7 Purifícame con hisopo, y estaré limpio; lávame, y seré más blanco que la nieve. 8 Hazme oír gozo y alegría; para que se regocijen los huesos que has quebrantado. 9 Oculta tu rostro de mis pecados, y borra todas mis iniquidades. 10 Crea en mí un corazón limpio, oh Dios; y renueva un espíritu recto dentro de mí.

Cualquier cosa buena, pura y limpia en este planeta caído es directamente atribuible a Jesucristo nuestro Se?or y Salvador.

Los ni?os no nacen de esta manera. Todos necesitamos un Salvador para lavarnos y purificarnos del pecado. Los ni?os son inocentes, pero no puros. Los amo por su inocencia. Los amo tanto que los veo puros algún día, en una manera profética. Veo a los ni?os como personas que serán lavadas y que sus corazones (intenciones) serán purificados en el futuro, por la fe. "La fe sin obras está muerta", dice Santiago 2:14, así que en PureHeart tenemos nuestro trabajo por delante.

La definición de PURO es que no está mezclada ni adulterada con ninguna otra sustancia o material. Un 'PureHeart' significa que no hay otros motivos, un solo propósito de corazón. Me gusta pensar que Winnie y yo somos PureHearted en nuestras vidas y en nuestra misión. Lo único que deseamos es que los ni?os con los que trabajamos, así como nuestros propios hijos, vivan sus vidas con sus corazones tan llenos del Se?or que no haya espacio para nada más. Ese es nuestro objetivo en PureHeartChildren'sFund



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