A pure heart is never a poor heart
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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The people with pure heart see the world in their own way and consider others as good as them, they forgive easily and can even help the one who once hurt them badly since their heart is as pure as a pearl which can never hold hatred, grudges. Simply beautiful souls, rarely found and mostly misunderstood but God is kind with them, He is always there to protect them. Everyone will have his/her definition of pure in heart. Pure means something which is not mixed or adulterated. Being pure in heart means that your heart has no dual nature and you are free from any kind of hypocrisy and you say what you really think in your heart.
A person who thinks good about others and has no hidden motives is the only person who can say what he/she believes wholeheartedly. The purity of heart is an unconditionally opened and sensitive heart that does not close or become shadowed with clouds of negative emotions. Well, negative emotions can come and go, but not held onto. Like a child is pure even if it gets angry. Always feel your heart right now, open and spacious, like the sky. No effort. Feel it as light as a feather. Let a smile be on your lips and in your eyes.
If you need to think of somebody or a pet or a cute animal or a child that you really love to get the feeling going that is okay. But then just feel the sensation of an open and spacious heart as it is without any object of affection. When the heart is spacious enough, like the sky, it is spacious enough to contain the weather of emotions, without being overcome by them. The sky remains pure even when a storm cloud passes.
Feel your heart as light as a feather, sensitive. It is so beautiful. Tender. There is a tender spot in the heart. Feel it. Magnify it. That tender spot is pure. Open it up like the sky. It means that the person has no desire to sin whatsoever. They want to be aligned with God’s will in all aspects. Their desire is to only think and do those things that are pleasing to God. Today one might claim that they have no desire to sin but then will watch a movie that heralds the breaking of the commandments. Maybe it is subtle such as with Despicable Me or maybe it is more blatant such as in James Bond movies, but merely being entertained by sin reveals an inner desire for it. One that is pure in heart would not find it entertaining when another sins even if in fiction.
Watch how they treat living beings (people, friends, family, and animals) or someone who can do nothing for them.When you talk do they listen intently? Listening to understand instead of listening to reply is an amazing sign of pure heartedness or emotional intelligence. Do they go out of their way to help someone in need? Do they get sad when someone else is sad or happy when others are happy? May be a deep thinker on injustices. I think that it is easy to portray “pure of heart" as an almost perfect virtue. Purity has not a shred of contamination, but the human heart can never achieve this.
I believe that being pure of heart does not make someone immune to mental health struggles or absolves them of ever hurting others. I've known a few I would describe this way who struggled with anxiety and depression. I think being pure of heart means being genuine in your connection with others, hiding nothing of yourself. These are the people who continually struggle with their issues but invite others to come along with them because they truly want their company. They can win or lose those battles, but they are almost always a wonderful person to have in your life. Cheers!