Pure Anger
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
I continue my reading of The Realm Between... and its application to life.... loooooving it. In Empathy and Response, I found and suggested:
- The question, for me, is to what will we choose to be responsible? To whom will we choose to be responsible? Responsibility must be strategic. We need to take it on for that which we are truly responsible. All else is shame... and that is "staying small".
Before that, in Find the Awe, I shared on Chapter 12... and, as noted before, I am a believer in what I call Human Tech. I am experiencing it here, in this book.
I am a believer in the power of both character and imagination. Sharpen the Blades (this weekly series) is all about that Human Tech thing; Soul. Here, we sharpen the blades on a power we have yet to truly tap into; character. As we name it, we can start to claim it.
These days indeed, I am experiencing an epic exploration of same through The Realm Between... by LD Olsen. To catch up, I invite you to engage Catching the Realm Between... and Pure Wisdom and Wonder... Find the Awe.... and Empathy and Response. That will get you all caught up. And, you can certainly read ahead. I am just digging in and discerning, and it is remarkable. Yes, to date, we have explored the Opening and Chapters 1-13. This weekend, we look at Chapter 14.
Then, in December:
- Chapter 15, December 7
- Chapter 16, December 14
- Chapters 17-20, December 21
- Chapters 21-28, December 28
... and then into the New Year. You can read ahead for sure; and it is free. You can have a listen to the Anthem, which continues to inspire me. This series of blog posts serves as a companion piece to explore the story and its relevance for living a cool, beautiful, hard earned, and well lived epic life of our own. Interested?
The story is capturing me and I am finding direct relevance and resonance for my own life, in this realm. So, I am inviting you to join me on the journey. Catch up, read up... on the book and blogs. To join the Wattpad community costs nothing, and you gain access to the book, and many others. In order to join, go to their login... and set up a simple profile.
This will give you access to countless online books; it is incredible. To engage LD Olsen search for...
Chapter 14: What Was Then Is Now Again
This was a Chapter, for me, full. I shall read again. I encourage you as well. Still, and for me, I recall this piece...
And then, this...
They speak to me of the difference in rage and righteous anger. Rage is defined as...
Extreme or violent anger.
Now consider Righteousness.
Living by our deepest values, not allowing them to be swayed by the ways of the world, accepting Responsibility and Accountability... resisting mere ego, and living soulfully.
Consider an anger born of that.
As a mentor of mine once said, "Anger is like a fire alarm." If we listen to it, we know that it is born of a sense of injustice that needs addressing. If we see it as an alarm, we can do something about it. We can act upon that injustice in constructive ways. We can do something about it. We can use the anger to inspire us. But if we dwell on it, letting it simmer, repressing it... it becomes much more ill and hideous.
If we listen to the alarm and act, good things happen. We are accountable. If we let the alarm simply go on and build up, something very different can and does occur.
Unaddressed anger becomes rage. Righteous anger deals in Justice.
Rage is, in itself, a form of injustice. Tahira feels something different, and in the balance. She could let it be rage, or she can use it, pure... to motivate and inspire. Consider Purity.
Consider anger rooted in Righteousness, Justice and Purity. It is not born of revenge. But, it will take and make a stand. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. felt it, I have no doubt. As does Malala, I would suggest. Puneh Ala’i speaks to it.
Anger is not the enemy to our Soul. It is the alarm. Rage is something different. It is Spider-man versus Carnage. It is Batman versus Joker. It is Luke versus Vader.
It is Elven versus Orc.
For me, righteous anger is powerful and inspiring. It causes us to take some action to correct injustice. Rage burns. It burns ourselves and others. It destroys.
The choice is what we do in facing the 45. What are you angered over? What are you going to do about it? Constructively, to do Justice, what are you going to do about it? I know what I am reminded to choose. I am thankful for this Chapter. and am looking forward to more. Have a great start to December.
Peace, passion and prosperity...
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage