A financial institution having an ATM machine at your branch or off-site can increase foot traffic and sales but also it gives your consumers much confidence of getting money (cash) at their convenience time thus it is one of the things that attracts customers for account opening and other services.
It’s not that I am disregarding the power of online/digital banking but in the real sense in many cases having cash in a wallet has been one of the very preferred ways in much research done and proved from very developed countries to the developing ones in Asia and Africa.
I have been contacted by many of my friends and colleagues in the ATM industry asking for the A, B, C… on purchasing either ATM machines and/or ATM spare parts. Once you find that you want to invest in an ATM, I would like to advise on few things that I think maybe helpful to you.
- Reliable ATM Vendor/Company. When you are busy looking for a vendor, it is better to ensure that you get in touch with the most reliable names in the market. Talk to your friends or business in your network if they know a reputable company. Some people give me calls and sometimes I did referrer them to some companies I know. There was one time when I was still new in business, I pointed one company in Europe to a friend, and what happened, left me with disappointments. They purchased some ATMs from them in about 10 months now but only a few arrived till now and in those few arrived none is working fine and another one not working at all. They tried to look for support but even with that, the company was not full cooperating. Too sad.
- Look for a brand that is giant in your region. This as some benefit that even if there is a weakness to that brand, it must have been experienced by your colleague and may have been resolved or know how to live with it in harmony. The availability of spare parts is another thing to consider since there are a lot of the alike even the existence of accessories will not be of something to hustle.
- Understand your needs. Once you are pleased with a company you what to work with, learn all about their services as I mentioned above especially on how you get support in case off ill-formed. There are a number of different types of ATMs choose the one that will well accommodate your demands.
ohw seeing all these parts, they just takes me back in the days when I was a ATM jnr tech!