Purchase Info Record ( PIR)
This serves as the source of info for purchasing and is one of the master record and it can be maintained either at the client level, purchasing org level or the plant level.
Info record contains the info of the specific vendor, material, and the price of the material.
In source determination, PIR takes the place after quota arrangement, source list and contracts.
An information record contains the following:
General data: vendor’s material number, reminder data, order unit, etc.
Purchasing organization data: delivery time, minimum quantity, purchasing group, gross price, freight, discounts, price history, and text.
Info category are 4 types-
·???????? Standard
·???????? Subcontracting PIR
·???????? Consignment PIR
·???????? Pipeline PIR
?Some important fields in general and purchasing data in PIR.
a.?????? Reminders – no of days for the deadline if it’s an RFQ, for the PO it will be the delivery date. Negative numbers indicate the message should be sent prior to the delivery date and positive numbers indicate the message should be sent after the date.
b.?????? Regular vendor - The regular vendor is used by the system during source determination. This vendor is who you regularly buy a particular material from. You can set the Regular Vendor indicator in the general data of a purchasing information record.
c.?????? conditions - The purchasing information record contains data that defines the conditions for the material/vendor
The screen shows that, from the date as per the validity (28.01.2024 to 31.12.2024), the Gross Price indicated by condition type PB00, for Material-15 from Vendor-30000 per piece is 65.00. ?
Apart from the gross price, further pricing details can be maintained such as discounts or surcharges based on fixed values, percentages, or quantities.
d. Scaling – vendor can give discounts for a specific material with increasing discounts the more the company purchases.
For example, if a PO is for a quantity up to 30 units, the vendor could give the company the price of 65, for 31 to 60 units, the price can be 60 and for above 101 quantities, the price can be 55.
e. ????? Statistical data- The statistical screens can be accessed from within the General Data screen by selecting Extras -> Statistics.
Configuration involved.
·???????? Define no ranges
Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Purchasing Info Record -> Define Number Ranges
IL is for stock material // IN is for no stock material.
·???????? Screen layout
Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Purchasing Info Record -> Define Screen Layout- > ME11/ME12/ME13
·???????? Creating info record ( ME11)
SAP- IMG- Logistics- Material management- Purchasing- Master Data – info record.
We are taking the following details to create the info record-
Vendor- 300000 // material -15 // Purchasing Org – 29 // plant -1000
Info record maintained is 700041.
T code involved -
a.?????? ME11- create info record
b.?????? ME12- change info record
c.?????? ME13- display record
d.?????? ME14 – changes (audit)
e.?????? ME15- flag for deletion – if the info record needs to be inactive.
f.??????? ME16- deletion proposal for PIR
g.?????? ME1M- PIR records with materials
h.?????? Me1L - PIR records with vendors.
·???????? EINA – Purchasing info record – general record.
·???????? EINE - Purchasing info record –Purchasing Organization.
Thank you