Pupil Absence hits the headlines (+ best practice tips, our new Exec Head, and more)

Pupil Absence hits the headlines (+ best practice tips, our new Exec Head, and more)

In this edition of Academy21 Alternative Provision News:

  • Education Committee's Absence Inquiry
  • Best practice for online AP
  • New Exec Head Announcement
  • New Prospectus for 2023-24
  • Student comments and thanks for Thank a Teacher Day

Last week, our CEO Ashley Harrold and many of our Partnership Managers continued conversations with broadcast media about the Education Committee’s Inquiry into persistent absence and support for disadvantaged pupils in UK schools.?Representatives from Academy21 were invited to talk to BBC local Radio and many regional TV news outlets about the ways in which Academy21 can support schools struggling with persistently absent students.

With 21.8% persistently absent and a 7.4% absence rate in the 2022/2023 academic year (up to 15 June), these figures continue to show a long-lasting impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, with pre-pandemic figures at 4.9%, and 13.1% persistently absent (Autumn term 2019/20).

The DfE data continues to highlight that thousands of children face challenges in returning to school. Early intervention by headteachers is key to supporting young people, as attendance issues can be a cumulative problem - the more school students miss, the harder it is for them to reintegrate.?

We know that our online alternative provision can make a real difference in helping disadvantaged students continue to learn and stay engaged with their education, before fully reintegrating back into school when they are ready.?

"Thank you to Katie Lawrence, she taught me maths in year 9 and she has inspired me for maths (and school in general) again and made me feel like I could do stuff. She gave a massive boost to my self-confidence, and I would really like to thank her for that." Christopher, Academy21 Student

This year, we’ve helped more than 4,000 students like Christopher to continue their learning from as little as a few weeks to the full 3 terms. Our combination of qualified teachers, bespoke timetabling, easy-to-use technology and fast turnaround (48 hr) enrolments mean schools increasingly choose Academy21 for their alternative provision.

Best Practice in Online Alternative Provision

We have long standing partnerships with our customers, with many schools working with us year after year. Drawing on their experiences of implementing online AP programmes, we've asked for their top tips and best practice advice for implementing Academy21. The 4 key drivers of successful outcomes that they can all agree on are:

  1. Mentor (teacher) engagement
  2. Home visits
  3. Parents or carers at home and cultivating a supportive learning environment
  4. Using Academy21 in a school setting to facilitate the transition back to mainstream

You can read the full details on all of these points and other practical advice in our blog 8 Top Tips for Getting the Most Out of Online Alternative Provision

Block quote from All Saints Catholic Academy in Nottingham says 'Academy21 has been a fantastic resource to find'

New Executive Head Announced

Following the recent announcement of Ashley Harrold as the new CEO of Inspired Online Schools, we are thrilled to share the appointment of our new Executive Head of Academy21,?Alessandro Capozzi.

With an MA in Educational Leadership, Alessandro is an experienced senior leader having led on inclusion, pastoral care and curriculum as a Deputy Headteacher. Most recently he has served as headteacher of?King's InterHigh, the leading online school, developing flexible, inspiring educational opportunities for online learners.

Alessandro joins the team alongside Academy21 Head?Clare Brokenshire?adding further strength and depth to our school's leadership in its continued growth as the UK's leading Alternative Provision.

Welcome Alessandro!

Image of new Executive Headteacher Alessandro Capozzi
Academy21 Executive Head - Alessandro Capozzi

New Prospectus for 2023-24

Picture of the front cover of the new Academy21 prospectus
2023-24 Prospectus out now!

We're pleased to release our brand new prospectus. Packed full of information about how we can support your students, how you can commission us and the courses that we offer.??You can download your copy now!

Thank a Teacher Day 2023

We always love to hear the feedback from our students and their families and this year's National Thank a Teacher Day, was no different. Here are a few of the lovely comments we received this year.?

"I would like to thank Afiya for being the best teacher!" — Kerris

"I would like to thank Ciara for teaching Emma in your lesson for the last months. Emma has really enjoyed your lessons and having you as a teacher and supporting her." — Michelle, mum to Emma (Year 11)

“I would like to thank Sarah A Brown for being so encouraging and just amazing. ?I never used to be a massive fan of English and at times found in quite boring however Sarah really encouraged me to keep trying and I now love English and write multiple short stories because she helped me find the enjoyment and excitement in writing. ?I am a member of academy 21 because I struggle to attend school due to extreme stomach pain. However I have now found so much enjoyment in my English lessons that even when I’m in so much pain to the point its unbearable, I still join because of how enjoyable and interesting the lessons are.” –?Year 8 student??

Booking now for September

If you'd like to discuss the needs of your students and find out how we can help you support them, get in touch with one of our partnership managers, we'd love to hear from you!

Geraldine Bell for schools and Local Authorities in the North East of England

Hannah Cairns for schools and Local Authorities in the East of England

Humza Nazir for schools and Local Authorities in the Midlands

Jonathan McGill for schools and Local Authorities in the South West of England and South Wales

Paula Reynolds for schools and Local Authorities in the South East of England

Susan Tooze for schools and Local Authorities in Greater London

Sheila Mosley for schools and Local Authorities in the North of England, Northern Ireland, North Wales and the Isle of Man

You can also request a call back.

With best wishes for a relaxing summer break from all of us at Academy21!



