Prof. Lora Levitchi
Open to Global Financial Transformations; Ex SVP Citi; JPMorgan Chase; New York Life; Author/Writer
"Only in the tree that does not bear fruit, no one gives stones / The sweetness of the fruit of the worthy infers the heart of the envious / He would also like to be able to access / To prosperity without work at all / To be able to prosper as much as possible / To show publicly his pride and wear it on the same leash with the faithful ego / Why would he work when he can steal, destroy, slander the diligent one/ It is much more comfortable to sit in the sun with his belly up / And to pull strings towards the demolition of the work of the one he was looking for...And a day goes by and a new one passes / The envious narwhal does not change it / Sly he goes around the new house / What the industrious man with all his care arranged / The envious cursed him/ Letting no one have a house bigger than his / And indeed on the family of the worthy death began to shoot / Taking the mother, the grandmother, trying and the daughter on the roller coaster to take / The tree loaded with gnaws to the ground / The weight of the fruit shakes it / The strangers camped to peel it / There were no lockers on home's gates / The property of the industrious man was temporarily in ruins / The envious man laughed contentedly at such a terrible deed / No one in the maleficent acts surpassed him / He stole the fruits of a life even from his uncle / Now he thought also his competitor he eliminated / Rumors that the industrious man came from a crazy family / At the priest, at the police, at the tax collector he threw / When he was called for interrogation / With cat and sow, in the country with the appearance of a shoe, he set up his tent / He stole everything that fell into his hand / But the sinful disease began to dig him up / The sweetness of theft seems to be running out of his hand / Slowly he lost his teeth from his mouth / His filthy gall bladder often spits poison / Now, he eats a little, he stays with his health like on thorns / He doesn't want to spend his wealth due to his ego / But the short line of life does not leave him peaceful in his armchair / Once Satan came to take him / In fine silks -dressed the scoundrel screams / That he wants to live / He wants to see his niece growing / But his Majesty Darkness instantly pricked arrows in his heart / The bastard writhed on the marble floors / He saw his sister, niece, mother covered in blood / He never thought he would see his deeds / The devil took him by the shoulders and showed him his nothingness / How he locked his relatives in an asylum of those with lost minds for his benefit / To be able to prosper, to gather wealth in silence / Now at the trial he was thinking how he will escape / He decided to bribe the devil / To leave his life and fortune to him / To use the collected fortune/ Thinking that no one will be able to stand in front of him / But Satan lost his patience / He grabbed the greedy one / throws it away in the spiral of time to reincarnate in the communal dungeon / In vain the sinner screamed and opposed / Due to the greediness for gold, still yellow in the future life generously gave him / But in human feces from top to bottom the insatiable became covered up. " By Lora Levitchi
Romanian translation:
"Numai in pomul care nu face roade, nu da nimeni cu pietre/ Dulceata fructelui celui vrednic infiereaza inima invidiosului/ C-ar vrea si el sa poata accede/ La bunastare far munca defel/Sa poata sa se laude cat poate ca e mare/ In vazul lumii fala sa si-o poarte-n aceiasi lesa cu ego-ul fidel/ De ce-ar munci cand poate fura, delapida, calomnii despre cel harnic a imprastia/ E mult mai confortabil la soare cu burta-n sus a sta/ Si trage sfori spre daramarea muncii celui pe care-l ochea..Si trece-o zi si trece noua/ Naravul invidiosul nu si-l schimba/ Vulpisin da tarcoale la casa cea noua/ Ce harnicul cu tot dichisul si-o amenaja/ Blestem asupra lui invidiosul arunca/ Sa n-aibe casa altul mai mare decat a sa/ Si-ntr-adevar pe familia vrednicului moartea incepu a sageta/ Luand pe mama, pe bunica, incercand si pe fiica cu tavalugul a lua/ Pomul incarcat cu roade pana la pamant/ De greutatea fructelor se clatina/ Au tabarat strainii sa il jupoaie/ Nu mai erau cuietori la casa/ Proprietatea harnicului fiind temporar in paragina/ A ras multumit invidiosul de asa facatura strasnica/ Nimeni in marsavii nu l-a intrecut/ Furat-a agoniseala de o viata chiar si-a unchiului/ Acuma competitorul crezut-a ca si-a eliminat/ Rumori ca harnicul ar fi avut familia nebuna/ La popa, la politzari, la perceptor a aruncat/ Cand fu chemat la interogatoriul/ Cu matza si purcica, in tara cu-aspect de ciubota, cortul si-a asezat/ Furat-a si acolo tot ce-i cazu in mana/ Dar boala pacatoasa incepu ca sa il sape/Dulceata furtului se pare ca-i fugea din mana/ Incetul cu incetu-si pierdu dintii din gura/ Fierea-i spurcata-i scuipa ades venin/ I-a revenit pardalnica de hepatita din copilarie, /Acum, manca putin, statea cu sanatatea ca pe spini/ Averea sa si-o cheltuie nu il lasa orgoliul/ Dar scurta linie a vietii nu-l mai lasa-n fotoliu/ Odata Scaraotchi veni sa il preia/ In matasuri fine-mbracat netrebnicul urla/ Ca vrea ca sa traiasca/ Nepoata cum creste s-o priveasca/ Dar Intunecimea sa pe loc inceput-a in inima a-l sageta/ Se zvarcoli netrebnicul pe podele marmorate/ Isi vazu sora, nepoata, mama in sange jos lasate/ Nu a crezut vreodata ca faptele-si va vedea/ Dracul l-a luat de dupa umeri si i-a aratat nimicnicia sa/ Cum rudele si le-a inchis intr-un azil a celora pierduti cu mintea spre al sau folos/ Sa poata sa prospere, avere sa stranga-n tacere/ Acum la judecata gandea cum va scapa/ Pe drac o sa mi-l mituiasca/ Sa-i lase viata si averea sa/ Materialul strans sa - l foloseasca/ Falindu-se ca nimeni in fata nu-i va putea sta/ Scaraotchi insa si-a pierdut rabdarea/ Pe sus sfrijitul lacom mi ti-l insfaca/ Il arunca in spirala timpului sa se reincarneze in comunala hazna/ Degeaba pacatosul a chirait si s-a opus/ Al aurului lacomie, tot galben in viata viitoare cu generozitate i-a dat/ Insa-n rahat de sus si pana jos pe nesatul l-a imbracat." De Lora Levitchi
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