PULWAMA Terror Day
Sensei Raj
Driving systemic change via "One Planet . One Humanity." II "Live Responsibly !" "Do The Right Thing !" Vision India2032 movements II ESG . Climate . Planetary Steward II Global Peace II Human Rights II Earth Equity
14 FEB
P U L W A M A Terror Day:
A Call to Rise Above
Today, as we stand together on the anniversary of the Pulwama terror attack (in India), let us pay our deepest respects to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect this great nation.
Their unwavering bravery allows millions, like you and I, to breathe freely and live with the liberty we often take for granted .
Let us also salute the relentless service of those who continue to guard our borders and ensure our safety — particularly the elite forces like the TSD, whose heroic efforts have played a pivotal role in bringing a sense of normalcy to places like Kashmir.
We have every reason to be proud to be Indian. We should not only take pride in our rich heritage and he longest thriving civilization, but in our collective ability to protect and preserve this nation .
Our way of life .
However, pride alone is not enough . Now is the time for action, for rising above empty rhetoric and divisive politics. We must all grow a backbone — in every sense — to protect this land we call home.
To do the right
thing and to make Bharat proud
As we pay homage to those who laid down their lives valiantly for our freedom, let us pledge to root out terror in all its forms — everywhere, now and ever. The forces of hate and violence that threaten to tear us apart cannot be allowed to succeed. We must rise above them with courage, unity, and strength. Let peace reign. Let compassion, justice, and the pursuit of progress lead the way.
Let us stand united in our resolve, bound by a common love for this nation and the principles that make it great.
Let us not merely remember the black day of terror but act forcefully and responsibly commit to eradicating terrorism in all shape and form .
Let's steward our planet responsibly, to stand firm for what is right, and to protect the freedom and dignity of every individual .
Not only to ensure a safer, stronger India, but to radiate peace and harmony across the globe. By making India a beacon of peace & harmony, security and unity, we can contribute to the vision of one world, one humanity — a world where justice and compassion prevail, and where all people live in peace & harmony, justice & freedom.
Jai Hind . Jai Bharat .
One Planet . One Humanity
~ Sensei Raj
Thinker & Futurist
About the Author
Sensei? Raj is a systems thinker and futurist who works at the intersection
of socio-economic development, Planetary Wellbeing, world peace and responsible human evolution.
Sensei founded Global Changemakers Network and Restore Global 360 to bring together communities for this very reason, while upholding human dignity.