Pulling the Trigger on Next Level Lead Gen
Automations equal high quality lead gen

Pulling the Trigger on Next Level Lead Gen

In today's fast-paced, highly competitive market, traditional methods of lead generation often fall short. At the same time, performance marketers often find themselves lost in a web of tools in their quest to generate high-quality leads. One of my latest obsessions is using tools that leverage triggers to provide real-time insights, offering laser accuracy in lead generation growth.

Thinking outside the box involves breaking away from conventional strategies and exploring new, creative ways to achieve your goals. Automation, particularly when combined with triggers, can significantly streamline the process, making it more efficient and targeted.

The Obvious Part: The Power of Automation in Lead Generation

Automation tools can transform your lead generation process by automating repetitive tasks, improving accuracy and providing real-time insights. Here are some ways automation can enhance your lead generation efforts:

  1. Automated Data Collection: Automation tools can collect and organise vast amounts of data from various sources, such as social media, website interactions and email campaigns. This data is crucial for understanding your audience and identifying potential leads.
  2. Lead Scoring and Qualification: Automation platforms can score and qualify leads based on predefined criteria, such as engagement level, demographics and behaviour. This ensures that the leads your sales team are fed from inbound efforts are high-quality leads that are more likely to convert.
  3. Personalised Communication: Automation allows you to send personalised messages to your leads at the right time. By using triggers, you can automate responses to specific actions taken by your leads, such as downloading a resource or visiting a product page.
  4. Seamless Integration: Modern automation tools integrate seamlessly with your existing CRM and marketing platforms, providing a cohesive and streamlined workflow.

A Step Further: Using Triggers to Identify Opportunities

Something I've had fun playing around with lately are how triggers can be used to take some of the heavy lifting out of lead generation efforts. Triggers are specific conditions or actions that, when met, initiate automated responses. By setting up intelligent triggers, you can identify opportunities and engage with your ideal customers more effectively. Depending on what your teckstack looks like, here’s how this generally works:

  1. Behavioural Triggers: These triggers are based on the actions taken by your prospects, such as visiting your website, clicking on a link or filling out a form. For example, if a lead spends a significant amount of time on a pricing page, an automated email can be sent to provide more information or offer a discount.
  2. Engagement Triggers: Engagement triggers are based on the level of interaction a lead has with your content. If a lead frequently opens your emails or interacts with your social media posts, they can be flagged for further nurturing with targeted content.
  3. Demographic Triggers: By analysing demographic data, you can set triggers to identify leads that match your ideal customer profile. For instance, if a new lead fits the criteria of your target audience, an automated sequence can be initiated to nurture them through the sales funnel.
  4. Transactional Triggers: These triggers are based on transactions or interactions with your product or service. For example, if a lead makes a purchase, an automated follow-up email can be sent to thank them and suggest related products.

Some Ideas on Practical Applications of Automation and Triggers

Let’s look at some practical examples of how automation and triggers can be used to enhance lead generation taking into account both B2B and B2C environments:

  1. Content Downloads: When a prospect downloads a whitepaper or e-book, an automated sequence can be triggered to send follow-up emails with additional resources, case studies or invitations to webinars.
  2. Event Registrations: For leads who register for events or webinars, automated reminders and post-event follow-ups can be set up to keep them engaged and move them closer to conversion.
  3. Abandoned Carts: If a lead abandons their shopping cart, an automated email reminder with a special offer can be triggered to encourage them to complete the purchase.
  4. Survey Responses: Based on the responses to surveys or feedback forms, automated actions can be triggered to address concerns, provide solutions, or offer incentives.

Some Interesting Tools to Get Familiar With

Ok so onto the fun part, these are just some tools I've been watching lately that can put this all into action.

  1. Clearbit by Hubspot: Known for its data enrichment capabilities, Clearbit uses real-time intelligence to enhance lead data, providing deeper insights into prospects and enabling more targeted outreach strategies
  2. Leadify: This tool identifies companies that visit your website, providing actionable insights and automated lead generation by integrating with CRM systems and other marketing tools to streamline the process
  3. Leadfeeder: This leading B2B tool really helps you uncover companies that visit your website in close to real-time with a tracking mechanism similar to Google's Tags and Facebook's Pixel.
  4. Trigify.io: This platform helps marketers predict buyer intent with trigger event and identify and act upon key signals at critical moments, customising your approach to seamlessly align with each prospect's unique purchasing journey.

It's all about experimentation in the end...

In the end, I feel taking things a step further with automations and lead gen is all about making good decisions as to the most logical integration for your business model and then setting strong test parameters to see if this is the tool for you.

As marketers, we're constantly looking at new ways to optimise our lead generation processes and the quality of our leads, and I've certainly found that looking into tools that take things just a step further like those outlined in this article can make a big difference.

