Unfortunately, most underdogs end up losing.? Only a few triumph.? So, why should you be drawn to underdogs knowing there is only a slight likelihood they will succeed?? It’s because underdogs’ determination to succeed in the face of nearly insurmountable obstacles, is inspiring to onlookers.? The small fry struggling to triumph overrides the bad feelings of losing and ENCOURAGES HOPE.? When people demonstrate hope anything is possible even with great odds against them.?
Observe those fighting for positive causes and cheer for them.? Observe the most powerless and cheer for them.? Observe those “down and out” and cheer for them.? Observe those defeated in their struggles and cheer for them.? Observe the poorest among us and cheer for them.? Observe those fighting to overcome a life-threatening medical condition and cheer for them.? Observe those fighting against injustice and cheer for them.
If you can help underdogs gain hope for a better day, others including ordinary Americans, the successful, and the powerful and rich will also be lifted up.? And so, everyone can potentially benefit from pulling for the underdog!
Goldschmied, Nadav & Vandello, Joseph, The Future is Bright:? The Underdog Label, Availability and Optimism, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 2012, Vol. 34, 34-43