The Pull of the Future: When we have something exciting to look forward to... we will invest in our future.
Jay Block (Semi Retired)
America's Motivational Rapid Employment Coach; Best-Selling McGraw-Hill Author; Co-founder PARWCC; Good Morning America Guest; Mentor to Industry Coaches and Organizations
When we see it and believe it... we will achieve it. The same is true for your clients/students.
Can you recall a time when you drove in heavy fog - with visibility of maybe 100 yards? I bet you didn't stop to wait for the fog to lift. You drove the 100 yards, then another 100 yards, and so on... until you reached your destination.
It was the destination that kept you going, even in the fog. You had a compelling reason to reach your destination: something to look forward to.
What do you have to look forward to?
A vacation? New clients? A new job? Regaining optimum health? Greater wealth? Going out without masks? It's been my experience that when we have something exciting to look forward to, and we can envision success in our mind's eye, we'll work harder, smarter, and longer to achieve it.
But if the vision isn't clear, we won't pay the price. Neither will clients/students.
So it shall be written... so it shall be done. This phrase from antiquity can be successfully utilized today to achieve our goals and our future desires.
When we put thoughts to paper:
1) ... it identifies those thoughts that have our undivided attention
2) ... it helps us achieve clarity, which results in proactive engagement
3) ... it identifies our "WHY" so we can commit to the "HOW"
4) ... it keeps us going in the wake of adversity and setbacks
5) ... it enables a higher level of resourceful and creative thinking
When I work with job seekers, I ask them to write 3 "emotional" sentences explaining how great they will feel when they land a new job and how, specifically, it will favorably impact their whole life.
"I'll be a hero to my family and myself when I land my next job. I'll be able to put money back into the savings account rather than depleting it. And I'll be able to plan a family vacation to Disney World within a year of being hired - a lifelong dream for my family."
When job seekers see a better future and believe in it... they'll take disciplined action to achieve it. And when it's written down in an exciting and engaging manner - it will become the "inspirational roadmap" to rapid success.
Same for you. Same for me. Same for everyone.