Pugsley From The Addams Family
Since last night's rain, our weather has rapidly changed back into something closer to what we'd expect during a normal Fall, and from what I noticed on the ten day forecast today, we may possibly be getting a light frost in the lowlands, which happens to be an area in which I live, because they're saying we should be expecting nighttime temps hovering around 39 degrees for four consecutive nights beginning Friday, so I'll be picking as many peppers and tomatoes along with the last big watermelon. I have two tomato plants which were late that I'll be covering up those four nights. Without question, I'm very thankful and grateful we didn't have any sort of frost warning until this weekend. My goodness how our weather has changed these recent years.
After getting settled-in at office this morning, I had another errand which took me out of town for about an hour, and when driving past those many fields of corn and soybeans, I dare say the yields are likely going to be down, and especially with the soybeans, which comes as no surprise because the small crop of black beans I harvested out of my garden, wasn't near what I was expecting.
When I arrived back at office, I prepared a small package to deliver to the abstract company and title attorney on the listing of mine which sold over the weekend. From the information I received from the selling agent, it looks like we should have a green light from here on out. Now if we can get a good offer on 315 Parkridge Drive, I'll be more than tickled. An agent who showed it yesterday mentioned how pleasantly surprised the buyer was regarding its condition and features, so hopefully it won't be under the radar any longer.
I finally received the title work on a closing I have coming up next week, and after reviewing it, everything appeared to be in order, so that's all I have left, is to wait for the closing company to supply me with the closing numbers, along with scheduling a time. I get just a tiny bit annoyed with them sometimes because they seem to wait until a day or two before we close before sending them out, which shouldn't be that way, especially when it's a cash sale.
Oh my goodness, I was shocked to see a sold sign on another home which I figured would be on the market for months on end, and likely what sold it, was because it was another example of 'lipsticking'. If we have another down-turn like we had in 2008, there's absolutely no question there'll be millions of people across our Country who'll be upside-down on their mortgages.
I've come to the conclusion that Holtz Realty is evolving into a 'boutique' real estate office where there's a great deal more counseling taking place instead of the 'herding' of buyers and sellers which has become commonplace. A very many years ago, I sold a young man an apartment house which at the time, I just wrote the offer and left it at that, but I 'knew' deep down that it definitely wasn't meant for him because he was too inexperienced in rental management, and definitely overly kind. Well, it wasn't but two or three years later, I discovered it had gone to foreclosure and ended up selling for many thousands of dollars less that what he paid for it. To this day, I could kick myself for not giving him my gut feeling as to what was most likely going to happen. Of course the amount those sellers received for it, enabled them to spring-board themselves into investing more money in real estate.
They lipsticked another house they purchased from me, but thankfully when they re-listed with our office some years later, it was another agent who sold it. Truthfully, I wouldn't have given them half of what they paid for it because of how little attention to detail or quality was made. Thank goodness we parted ways some years later, and ever-glad it happened. Whenever someone who has absolutely no expertise when it comes to the workings of real estate, leaves the impression they know more than a seasoned Realtor, that's the time to say "Sayonara". When discovering who the Realtor was they began working with, was just another example of like attracting like.
In spite of my having a slower year this year, I'm ever-thankful and grateful for the top notch buyers and sellers I've served so far this year, and believe me, I don't miss the lies and dramas that go along with being out there grabbing at anything and everything, just to make oneself feel productive, and especially when such productivity is laking in quality.
About a week ago I ran into a colleague while shopping, and the first words out of his mouth was, "Gee Joe. Why is it I haven't seen you at any of our Realtor gatherings?" I simply turned to him and calmly said, "After being illuminated as to the real character of some over these past 12 months, I finally decided it would be in my best interest to enter a social dormancy." My gosh! I actually left him speechless, so I also added, "Not to worry, I'm all the better person now that I don't have to listen to a handful of forked-tongued individuals, and now able focus more on the wants and needs of my clients and customers."
When reading the news today, there were numerous articles about Kevin McCarthy's being removed as the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Personally, I'm not sorry to see him go because he vacillated more than a leader should. Of course Matt Gaetz whom I can't even stand to look at, sure was making a spectacle of himself with all the more attention he was getting. I'm sorry, the more I look at him, the more he reminds me of Pugsley from the original Addams Family which was a TV serial many years ago. Now tell me truthfully, doesn't he remind you of Pugsley?
Tonight's One-liner is: The greatest use of a life, is to spend it on something worthwhile that'll outlast it.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/10/04/pugsley-from-the-addams-family/