Puggy Benedict: The Saga continues
Traci K. Askew
ASKEW PRODUCTIONS LLC - Traci K. Askew - Corporate Event Planning /Film & Video Specialist ARE YOU WHERE YOU WANT TO BE IN YOUR INDUSTRY?
This is a new character with Puggy Benedict. Dr. Lawrence Shademan, Scientist
by Traci Askew
A lone figure cleans up a convenient store as evening comes to a close. He straightens, some stock, moving around quickly trying to put finishing touches to displays. He prepares to close his register and safe for the night. Turning off lights and grabbing his gear he doesn't see the dark figure waiting in the ceiling drop (attic). Although neither realize they not alone in the store. In the backroom a seemingly innocent breeze comes from the window area.
The store owner leaves as the figure in the ceiling prepares to drop down. He is a thief looking rob the store. The owner inherited from his grandfather, who was a very stern, old fashion man. Raphael double checks the locks outside of the store then walks away. One leg..then two legs appear and he drops quietly on to the floor. Creeping around one of the shelves, he moves towards the area where the register sits along with the safe.
He manages to get into the register, most of the money is put into the safe, so he finds the next day's starting till of 350.00 only. He turns his attention to the safe and gets to work on breaking in. He crouches down in front, turning the knob listening for his opening. He opens it and inside jack pot! $3,000 in one stack and $1,500 in another stack. Putting the money in his satchel he closes the safe. As he prepares to cross-body the bag, rising to see if anyone was passing the windows, he turns to grab his tools that aided his entry. The huge figure stands next to him coming into view. The thief screams as he remembers that this was the former owner. It can't be! He's dead two years now.
Dr. Shademan, I presume
Dr Shademan, a scientist and crime scene investigator is called in after the owner Raphael came in to his store. He sees what the events of the night before held, he called the cops. Cops and another investigator are there; a officer is interviewing Raphael, who came in finding the safe open and the satchel still there with all the money. No thief insight though. No one else either......
“ I'm Dr. Shademan, I understand besides this scene there was another area disturbed?” He speaks to Raphael. Raph nods and leads Shademan to the backroom. Shademan dabbles in the paranormal.
In the backroom it was in chaos, things thrown about and in one corner a huge black spot. Shademan examined the large spot to his surprise his hand seemed to go inside the wall. He pulled it back and studied the hazy matter on his fingers.
An hour later in the store walks the Benedicts' and Bean looking around, Puggy attempts a look of importance. It's not every day the cops actually need the gang. Their business has seen an upward spike. They have become popular and have six cases so far under their belts. Puggy figured a few more cases, they could actually pay themselves.
Dr. Shademan moves towards the gang as they search around the store. Puggy motions for the others as the scientist indicates for them to follow to the back room. They arrive at the back section of the room where the black spot appeared. Puggy and Jazzy put their hand through at the same time.
They came with the same green matter on their fingers. Puggy and Bean talk while Jazzy appears fascinated with the spot it starts to glow, slowly at first then more pronounced. The three review then get their equipment from Puggy's car and Bean's truck then set up with Raphael's permission. They walk to the room again and with packs and equipment on each man, they walked towards the black ooze, Dr. Shademan was along for this venture.
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