Publishing Simplified
Vincent Ogoti, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English & Global Black Studies, Clemson University | Award-Winning Editor
Looking to publish your story or research? Pearls Publishers works with authors to create books, develop and publish online courses, and digital products that will impact lives in East Africa. We know that the process of publishing can be daunting to many professionals. So, we have simplified the process:
Authors have many ways of sharing your work with the public. The three most common forms of publishing include:
1. Getting picked by a publisher and receiving royalties for your work. In East Africa, this means that a publisher takes care of the publishing process and cost of production including marketing and selling. Authors typically receive royalties of between 10 to 20% (calculated as a percentage of every copy sold).
2. Self-publishing with platforms such as Amazon, Lulu, or Kobo
3. Hiring a publishing service company. In East Africa, this service can be obtained at some of the established publishing houses.
If you choose Option 1, which is ideal for most authors, Pearls Publishers will help you prepare your manuscript, edit it, and publish it, and distribute it in our popular network. Here is the process:
Step 1: Submit your manuscript and a page abstract giving a synopsis or summary box of your work. We only accept electronic copies in PDF and Word Doc format. Once you submit your manuscript, you will receive an acknowledgment email within 48 hours.
Step 2: Our editors will review your manuscript and provide a decision and/ or report within three months. In cases where we outsource the review process, the time period ranges between three to four months.
Step 3: If we decide to publish your manuscript, we will invite you to sign a contract.
Step 4: Our editors will work with you to produce the story you intended. This step typically takes about 6-8months depending on what kind of edits are needed to produce a quality product you and your readers will appreciate.
Step 5: Your work will be assigned to a production editor/manager to ensure that it’s of the best quality. This step can take a week to a month.
Step 6: Printing. This step takes a week to a month.
Step 6: Book launch. Typically, this step starts right away once the editors begin to work on the manuscript. Our designers will work with you to produce the book cover and some impression to use in online promotions. Once the book is printed, the marketing division organizes for a book launch in one or several locations. We also do online book launches to reach a wider audience around the world.
If you choose Option 2 or 3, Pearls Publishers has a dedicated publishing service department that offers the following services:
-- Review submitted manuscripts
-- Edit those manuscripts for story
-- Work with authors to revise the manuscripts
-- Copy edit the final draft
--Repeat the previous three steps until the book is as close to perfect as possible
-- Layout and design the interior of the book
-- Provide cover art and jacket copy
-- Print the physical book
-- Create and distribute e-versions of the book
-- Promote the book
-- Coach the author on publicity
-- Distribute the book to bookstores and online
-- Use professional contacts to create promotional opportunities
-- Manage the royalties and income from the book
-- Pay the author periodically.
To submit your fiction manuscript, email [email protected]