Publisher’s Note-January 2024
Hello Partners & REALTORS?, We made it to 2024! This year, you will see some exciting new changes. Our two big events will be more of an educational collaborative along with a RP first-ever golf tournament, content will be market, team, and personal-growth focused, and we have implemented an Events Committee consisting of Preferred Partners, as well as a REALTOR? Advisory Board to help guide us through 2024.
Our social media has grown with LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and adding in our local and national podcasts. You are invited to post, share and comment as often as you would like on social media platforms.
We also invite you to sign up for the Local and National Podcasts. Look for the ad in the publication for the links. Real Producers will go back to its core platform of being an exclusive invite only of the Top 500 REALTORS? (based on sales volume) and our Preferred Partners. Preferred Partners have been referred to us by top agents.
Rising Stars are nominated by top agents and then featured; they too will be invited. We do encourage you to bring your team along with you and invite your Managing Broker.
No one succeeds on their own, and our teams and leadership are a very important part of that. We are grateful for each of you and wish you all the best in this new year of 2024! We look forward to seeing you soon.
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