Published Material
Note: this article is a resource that provides an inventory or bibliography for a body of published material. For links to most recent work see Linkedin article "Developing the Forum 1980-25--Work with the Editors of Army, e-Veritas, Indian Defense Review, Indian Military Review, and Infantry.)
JOURNALS, AGENCIES, and ORGANIZATIONS that have published ARTICLES, PAPERS, MANUALS and REGULATIONS authored or co-authored (12 other authors contributed to some of the work) by the author of this posting.?
List of Published Work?
1. Rozman, Thomas R., and Saunders, William A., “The True School of the Lieutenant,” Infantry, July-August 1980, pp. 16-18. (An article about management by objectives in a military experiential setting as a leadership development vehicle. The article developed from a University of Massachusetts Graduate Business School research paper written by Tom Rozman under the mentorship of Dr. George Odiorne as an independent study requirement in Academic year 1979. Dr. Odiorne was the authority on management by objectives in the country and published significantly on the concept. Colonel Bill Saunders brought perspectives to the initial work that made for a very useful and publishable article.)
2. Rozman, Thomas R., “The Vital Link,” Infantry, March-April 1986, pp. 17-18. (An article about the then mechanized infantry battalion's consolidation of the mechanics of 6 companies into an organization of 60+ mechanics to accept the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The article discussed a success with this initiative and was based on the reorganization work done in the 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 46th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division in Erlangen, Germany. Then Colonel Richard B. Griffitts, brigade commander and later major general, requested the article be written and submitted to Infantry Magazine.)
3. Rozman, Thomas R., and Sunell, Robert J., “Future Training with the Armored Family of Vehicles,“ Proceedings, November 30-December 2, 1987, 9th Inter-service/Industry Training Systems Conference, American Defense Preparedness Association, Washington, D. C., pp. 519-521. (A technical article concerning applications of emerging simulation technology at the time to the Army’s future armored force training systems based on early research, analysis and findings of the Department of the Army’s Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force, January 1986 to July 1987. Major General Robert Sunell was the first Director of the Department of the Army Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force.)???
4. Rozman, Thomas R., “Organic Indirect Fire in the Heavy Maneuver Force,” Infantry, March-April 1990, pp. 18-20. (This is an article about problems and possible solutions for organic indirect fire support in the mechanized infantry battalion, an important element of tactical combat capability. The article developed from work being done with the Department of the Army Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force as the Task Force's infantry member.)
5. Blankenhagen, Edward E., and Rozman, Thomas R., “A Training Concept for Heavy Forces Modernization,” Military Review, June 1990, pp. 50-57. (This is an article that proposed a comprehensive concept of training for the Army’s future armored forces. Aspects of the article developed from work done with the Department of the Army Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force.)
6. Blankenhagen, Edward E., and Rozman, Thomas R., “The Infantry Mount of the 21st Century,” Infantry, September-October 1990, pp. 21-24. (The article proposed a more realistic assessment of the vehicle system to be used by future mechanized infantry troops. Aspects of the article developed from work done with the Department of the Army Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force.)
7. Rozman, Thomas R. and Saunders, William A. “The Expansible Army,” Military Review, November 1990, pp. 30-39. (This article proposes a mechanism/organization of the U. S. Army that would adapt to anticipated future budgets yet assure a ready and effective Army.) This article was used as a reading for Elective Course SE 206, Reserve Component Forces, United States Naval War College (see course syllabus for 1991-1992 Academic Year).
8. Rozman, Thomas R., “Expanding the Role of Fire and Maneuver Centers,” Military Review, January 1991, pp. 29-35. (An article that proposed more centralized management of Army weapons firing ranges and field exercise facilities.) This article was referenced on page 27, CRS Report for Congress: Natural Resource Issues in National Defense Programs, October 31, 1991, Congressional Research Service, The Hearings, Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands, 102nd Congress, 2nd Session April 29-30, 1992.
9. Rozman, Thomas R., “Thoughts on Medium or Motorized Forces,” Infantry, January-February 1991, pp. 22-26. (This article considers application of lightly armored wheeled forces in future U. S. security contingencies. Aspects of the article developed from work done with the Department of the Army Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force as the infantry member of the task force. Some of this work had been jointly done with Major Richard G. Duvall, USMC, a task force member previously assigned as the executive officer of the LAV battalion at Camp LeJeune, NC, such as arranging a proof of principle demonstration for then XVIIIth Airborne Corps commander LTG John Foss at Camp LeJeune that a 105mm gun could successfully be mounted on and fire from a LAV chassis.)
10. Rozman, Thomas R., “Making Light Forces More Flexible and Responsive,” Armor, January-February 1991, pp. 18-20. (An article that considers approaches that would make light infantry forces more versatile for future national policy applications. Aspects of the article developed from work done with the Department of the Army Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force as the infantry member of the task force.)
11. Rozman, Thomas R., “Making the Combined Arms Training Strategy Work,” Military Review, May 1991, pp. 74-82. (This article discusses the implementation of a comprehensive force education and training strategy for the Army with emphasis on systematic concept and requirement definition and resource acquisition.) This article was referenced on page 27, CRS Report for Congress: Natural Resource Issues in National Defense Programs, October 31, 1991, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress and on page 245 of California Desert Hearings, Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands, 2d Session, April 29-30, 1992. The article also is referenced on page 169 of the TRADOC (Training and Doctrine Command) Annual History 1 January to 31 December 1991, published by the TRADOC Command Historian’s Office, Fort Monroe, Virginia, in June 1992.
12. Rozman, Thomas R., “Training Combat Support,” Infantry, May-June 1991, pp. 43-45. (By citing a case study, this article proposes a more refined approach to training low density but critical subordinate organizations and employees/soldiers in median organizations, e.g., 700-800 soldiers/employees.)
13. Rozman, Thomas R., “OPFOR--The Battle Standard,” Army Trainer, summer 1991, pp. 39-41. (An article that proposes an approach for assuring a critical Army training resource, opposing force, as budgets become smaller.)
14. Johnson, Lory M., and Rozman, Thomas R., “Heavy Equipment Transporters: A Training Multiplier?,” Transporter, July 1991, pp. 36-39. (This article discusses a possible Army concept for training the application of heavy equipment transporters operationally and tactically and their use as a training resource by the armored force to conserve tactical vehicle mileage.)
15. Rozman, Thomas R., “The Mechanized Rifle Company as a Leadership Academy,” Infantry, July-August 1991, pp. 31-35. (This article discusses an approach to leader/manager professional development and education within an organization of 187 personnel.) Per letter of October 3, 1991, Colonel Frederick E. Van Horn, Commander of the U. S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss, Texas, this article was commended. Colonel Van Horn thought it “important enough to be placed on file in the Academy’s Learning Resource Center.”
16. Blankenhagen, Edward E., and Rozman, Thomas R., “The Army Officer’s Learning Contract,” Military Review, July 1991, pp. 75-77. (The article proposed a more focused and specific approach to long term officer/manager professional learning--not just formal schools.)
17. Johnson, Lory M., and Rozman, Thomas R., “The Armor Force and Heavy Equipment Transporters: A Force Multiplier,” Armor, July-August 1991, pp. 13-16. (This article examines the combat and training role of heavy equipment transporters in the armored force.)
18. Rozman, Thomas R., “Operational Basing of the Army,” Army Logistician, September-October 1991, pp. 33-35. (An investigation of possible approaches to Army basing in future that considers experiences with the Southwest Asia deployment of Operation Desert Shield and other contingency operations possibilities.) This article was referenced on page 50 of CRS Report for Congress: Natural Resource Issues in National Defense Programs, October 31, 1991, Congressional Research Services, The Library of Congress and on page 268 California Desert Hearings, Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands, 102d Congress 2d Session, April 29-30, 1992.
19. Rozman, Thomas R., “Contingency Operations Sustainment Training Strategies,” Army Trainer, fall 1991, page 33. (This article offers an approach to planning future contingency operation’s unit sustainment training strategies like those that became necessary in Southwest Asia, by extending emerging features of the Army’s Combined Arms Training Strategy to such planning.)
20. Rozman, Thomas R., “Reserve Components’ Tactical C2,” Military Review, October 1991, pp. 25-34. (This article examines a possible option to more effective peacetime command and control and training of reserve component maneuver units.)
21. Rozman, Thomas R., “Maneuver and Gunnery Training for Tomorrow,” Military Review, November 1991, pp. 67-73. (This article outlines a concept of full service gunnery keyed to a more pragmatic land use approach given emerging land conservation and military availability trends.)
22. Rozman, Thomas R., “Company D (Mobile Combat Range),” Armor, November-February 1992, pp. 38-41. (This article discusses a method of providing critical training resource support for Army units deployed to areas with minimal training support infrastructure.)
23. Rozman, Thomas R., “Platoon ARTEPs on the Run,” Infantry, January-February 1992, pp. 38-41. (The article discusses an organization’s solution approach toward achieving highly successful training results despite conflicting schedule dynamics.)
24. Rozman, Thomas R., “All-Seeing, All-Killing Air Dimension and Army’s Force Projection Dilemma,” Army, February 1992 pp. 24-27. (This article examines the implications of precision delivery of weapons through the air dimension as demonstrated in the first Iraq War, e.g., the air dimension as a battle system and its effect on more precise applications of scarce strategic projection assets if fewer air delivered weapons are required.)
25. Rozman, Thomas R., “Rethinking Readying the Reserve Components for War,” Army, March 1992, pp. 12-18. (This article describes an approach to developing reserve component unit training strategies in light of Desert Shield and Desert Storm experience and in context of the Army’s Combined Arms Training Strategy.) This article is referenced on page 172 of the TRADOC (Training and Doctrine Command) Annual Command History, 1 January to 31 December 1991, published by the TRADOC Command Historian’s Office, Fort Monroe, Virginia, June 1992.
26. Rozman, Thomas R., “Initial Deployment Brigades Cutting Risks,” Military Review, March 1992, pp. 73-80. (This article describes a more flexible approach to organizing and employing initially deployed contingency operations brigades.)
27. Rozman, Thomas R., and Saunders, William A., “An Exercise In Leadership,” Infantry, March-April 1992, pp. 20-24. (This article discusses a comprehensive leader/manager development program on a college campus with high payoff results on austere resources--to include a degree program in management.)
28. Rozman Thomas R., “A Perspective on Mobilization: Expanding to a Larger Force,” Military Review, May 1992, pp. 52-62. (This article discusses a consideration of the impact of a reduced force structure on the Army’s ability to expand to meet different contingency operations scenarios--particularly the leader/trainer corps.) The U. S. Army War College requested permission to print 130 copies for educational use on 5 October 1993 (Course 3, Mobilization, Reconstitution and the Industrial Base, Lesson 3-8-S, 29 October 1993). Permission was granted on 8 October 1993. The Army War College requested printing an additional 425 copies for student handouts for the Department of Corresponding Studies, Course 6. Permission granted on 10 November 1993.
29. Johnson, Lory M., and Rozman, Thomas R., “Training the Reserve Components to Standard,” Military Review, September 1992, pp. 36-47. (This article examines the challenge associated with peacetime training of reserve component maneuver units to a known, achievable standard in light of the Desert Shield Mobilization.) This article is referenced on pages 8 and 43 of Post-Mobilization Training of Army Reserve Component Combat Units by Thomas F. Lippiat, J. Michael Polich and Ronald E. Sorter published by RAND, Santa Monica, California, 1992.
30. Rozman, Thomas R., “What is the Army’s Combined Arms Training Strategy?,” Army Trainer, Fall 1992, pp. 13 and 56. (Article describes the Combined Arms Training Strategy’s emerging form and purpose.)
31. Rozman, Thomas R., “90s Reserve Roles Mandate Bold New Training Initiatives,” Army, November 1992, pp. 14-20. (This article discusses the issue of a reduced Army school and training establishment meeting the challenges for reserve training in the 1990s.) This was the lead article for this issue of Army.
32. Malcor Dennis P., and Rozman, Thomas R., “Tomorrow’s Training,” Today’s Challenges Tomorrow’s Army II, (a special Department of the Army magazine), December 1992, pp. 6-7. (This article surveys future Army training concepts and the ways and means of supporting them, particularly the contributions of the technology expected to be available.)
33. Rozman, Thomas R., “CATS Is Where It’s At,” Today’s Challenges Tomorrow’s Army II, (a special Department of the Army magazine), December 1992, pp. 16-17. (A summary of the Army’s Combined Arms Training Strategy--what it is and what it is doing for the Army.)
34. Rozman Thomas R., “Training Support Units: An Element of Combat Power,” Army Trainer, Winter 1992, pp. 12-14. (The article describes the possible need for fully deployable training support capabilities able to flexibly meet contingency force training requirements in theater.)
35. Rozman, Thomas R. Virginia State Parks--The Next Step for Professional Education and Training, published as a concept white paper in booklet format by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks, Richmond, Virginia, 3 February 1993. (Analyzes the status of the Virginia Division of State Parks’ training and professional development system as it existed in fall 1992 and suggests a conceptual architecture for a comprehensive professional educational and training system that incorporates existing initiatives into a more effective program--published paper has received wide dissemination at the state and national level.)
36. Rozman, Thomas R., “Theater Level Training Strategy,” Military Review, March 1993, pp. 70-80. (This article discusses the need for theater level training strategies and considers how they might be developed and applied.) In July 1993 this article was reproduced on microfiche by Congressional Information Services. It was subsequently included in their American Foreign Policy Index, a quarterly publication for scholars and researchers. The article has also been considered reading of the Army’s Louisiana Maneuvers (LAM) Task Force, a group charged with the responsibility of shaping the Army’s theater level training system. The U. S. Army War College requested permission to reproduce 745 copies for educational use on 3 October 1993. Permission granted on 8 October 1993.
37. Rozman, Thomas R., “Make-Believe War on the Red River,” Army, published June 1993, pp. 30-38. (Examines the Louisiana Maneuvers and other General Headquarters maneuvers of 1941 in terms of their relevance to theater level training requirements of a contingency operations, force projection Army of the late 1990s.)
38. Rozman Thomas R., Department of the Army, Training and Doctrine Command Regulation 350-35, The Combined Arms Training Strategy, 14 May 1993. (I wrote the initial draft regulation as TRADOC Regulation 350-XX. I served on the regulation’s editorial review team during the review process until my retirement from active duty on 1 December 1992.)
39. Rozman, Thomas R., Department of the Army, Army Regulation 350-41, Training in Units, 19 March 1993. (A major revision and consolidation of several earlier Army training policy publications that provides the Army’s comprehensive organizational (units) training policy.) Wrote the draft Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) portions of the new edition regulation that in edited form appear as 14 different sections, to include the definition of CATS, in the published regulation. CATS previously had never been discussed in Department of the Army level policy.
40. Rozman, Thomas R., Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks, State Parks Manual T-1, Training the Field Staff, 30 June 1993. (This manual describes the doctrine applied by managers to conduct organizational training in the Virginia Division of State Parks--it was adapted with significant rewrite from Department of the Army Field Manual 25-100, Training the Force.)
41. Rozman, Thomas R., Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks, State Parks Manual T-2, Planning Organizational Training, 30 June 1993. (This manual describes the doctrine to be applied by managers in the Virginia Division of State Parks to plan organizational training--it was adapted with significant rewrite from Chapter 3, Department of the Army Field Manual 25-101, Battle Focused Training.)
42. Rozman, Thomas R., Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks, State Parks Manual T-3, Training Methods, 30 June 1993. (This manual describes the doctrine the Virginia Division of State Parks managers apply in developing and executing a block of training--it was adapted with significant rewrite from the National Park Service’s manual, Training Methods, 5th Edition.)
43. Rozman, Thomas R., Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks, State Parks Manual T-4, Manager Development, 30 July 1993. (This manual describes the doctrine and system of manager development in the Virginia Division of State Parks--it was adapted with significant rewrite from applicable portions of Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-32, Leader Development for the Total Army: The Enduring Legacy.)
44. Rozman, Thomas R., Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks, State Parks Manual T-5, Management, 30 September 1993. (This manual provides the management philosophy of the Virginia Division of State Parks in keeping with currently held management principles, particularly those relevant tenets of Total Quality Management. The manual is a synthesis of Division of State Parks practices, Department of Conservation and Recreation “Vision 2000" management goals and objectives and adapted material from Department of the Army Regulation 5-1, Management.)
45. Rozman, Thomas R., Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks, State Parks Manual O-1, Operations, December 1993. (This manual states the primary expectations of park management for operation of key park operating systems. The manual was developed from the results of work produced by the 1991 Park Management Review Committee, primarily through rewriting, editing and staffing through Central Office and select field staff for update.)
46. Mastaglio, Thomas W., and Rozman, Thomas R., “A Device Based Training Strategy,” Army, February 1994, pp. 38-42. (This article examines the increased application of training aids, devices, simulators and simulations in future integrated Army training as technological advances increase the power and fidelity of these means to provide effective training at affordable sustaining costs.)
47. Rozman, Thomas R., Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks, Parks Pamphlet T-1, Training Management School Resource Package, March 1994. (This 48 page publication edited material developed as a distance learning professional development program to educate and train park managers in modern staff training management program planning and execution. The original program was designed for electronic transmission across the State Parks Division’s area network. The pamphlet revises the material into a paper based resource for staff reference and application to site based programs.)
48. Rozman, Thomas R., Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of State Parks, State Parks Manual O-2, Management Guidelines, March 1994. (This manual provides a baseline procedure for field managers to follow in working through the management decision process with subordinate managers and staff.)
49. Rozman, Thomas R., “The Combined Arms Training Strategy: On the Ground and at Battalion Level,” submitted to all Army branch journals as a strawman article for use as provided or to be personalized to branch requirements. (Used as the basis for several articles subsequently published by Air Defense, Armor, Chemical, Engineer, Field Artillery, Ordnance, Military Police, and Quartermaster.)
50. Chris Miller with Thomas R. Rozman, “Draft Virginia Worker Safety and Support Annex” to the “Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan (COVEOP)”, a Virginia plan developed for Virginia based on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Occupational Safety and Health Office’s “Concept of Operations For the Worker Safety and Health Support Annex Of the National Response Framework (NRF)--July to September 2008. Chris Miller, then Virginia Department of Emergency Management State Planning Program Manager, was the primary author of the draft assisted by Tom Rozman, Central Region Director, Virginia Department of Labor and Industry. Tom Rozman was assigned at the time as primary agency liaison to the Federal Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Emergency Management Office’s State Emergency Preparedness and Response Conference Program, an OSHA monthly conference call with the state programs’ emergency response offices.
51. Rozman, Thomas R., “Introduction”, by request of the artist and the publisher I wrote the introduction to The Spirit of Polonia A Legacy to Mankind a publication promoting an exhibit of sculpted work in clay and bronze of significant Poles through history by renowned sculptress Tracy Sugg that was presented at the Polish Consulate in New York City in Fall 2009. The publication was published by the Kosciuszko Foundation.
52. Rozman, Thomas R., "Provacative Thoughts" a book review of Ralph Peters' New Glory: Expanding America's Global Supremacy Amazon Books 24 February 2010.??
53. Rozman, Thomas R., "The Peasant Prince" book review of Alex Storozynski's The Peasant Prince Amazon Books 24 February 2010.
54. Rozman, Thomas R., "Invitation to U. S. Military Academy Class of 1970 to Participate in the Library of Virginia Greatest Generation Archive Project" Association of Graduates USMA Class of 1970 blog site 27 July 2011.
55. Rozman, Thomas R., "Cain at Gettysburg" book review of Ralph Peters' Cain at Gettysburg Amazon Books 21 February 2012.
56. Rozman, Thomas R., "Comment to Ms. Margaret Lough's comment piece distributed on the Class website--Value of USMA as Commissioning Source" Association of Graduates USMA Class of 1970 blog site Spring 2012.
57. Rozman, Tom (Thomas R.), "Officership at Its Best" book review of Georg von Trapp's, To the Last Salute Amazon Books 14 November 2012.
58. Rozman, Thomas R., Library of Virginia Collection of Lieutenant Colonel Robert W. Rozman and Lieutenant Colonel Thomas R. Rozman 1864-2012, archivist Dr. Trenton Hizer of the Library of Virginia initially compiled in 2012.
59. Rozman, Thomas R., one of 37 coauthors, chief author Major General Robert J. Sunell, Department of the Army Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force Final Report, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Department of the Army, 31 August 1987. This was a 6,780 page report of 16 Volumes. Tom Rozman concentrated on the six infantry systems being considered, lethality technologies less directed energy and training systems. Volume 11 of the report specifically addressed training considerations. A declassified reference to this work was first noted in November 2012 on the Defence Technical Information Center website.??
60. Rozman, Tom (Thomas R.) "A Soldier Tells a Story That All Americans Should Know" book review of Ralph Peters' Hell or Richmond Amazon Books 9 May 2013.
61. Rozman, Tom (Thomas R.) "A Needed Comment on a Vital National Subject" book review of Thomas Ricks' The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today Amazon Books 19 May 2013.?
62. Rozman, Thomas R., "Confidential Report" issued to the agency head, Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development of an impartial review of the Building Officials Certification Standards System requested by the agency head in 1998. The report was well received. Recommendations regarding several critical findings were accepted and applied.
63. A Virginia Occupational Safety and Health staff career map and professional development strategy/system draft directive was submitted to the Assistant Commissioner in May 2013 for policy review. Draft was well received and has been shared with the Washington and Minnesota State Programs, Virginia Community College Work Force Alliance, Virginia Commonwealth University's Risk Management Certification Program and Policy Management Group, and West Virginia University's Safety Management Program. Feedback has been highly positive.
64. Rozman, Tom "A Leader's Guidebook for Today's Leader" book review of Edward Rowny's book Smokey Joe & the General Amazon Books 16 December 2013.?
65. Rozman, Tom "Courage beyond Measure--a Struggle for Freedom in Central Europe" book review of Jan Karski's book Story of a Secret State: My Report to the World Amazon Books 6 April 2014.?
66. Dean, James, Rozman, Tom, and Winn, Gary--"A Modified Model for Experiential Training for Safety Professionals and Project Engineers", American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Professional Development Conference Proceedings, Dallas, Texas 7-10 June 2015. The paper examines a more experiential training model for safety & health professionals/leaders as Millennials come of age.
67. Rozman, Thomas R., "The Future of Infantry Fighting Vehicles," Indian Military Review, pp. 41-42, May 2016. This article reviews future development and employment of infantry fighting vehicles.?
68. Rozman, Thomas R., "A Common Chassis for Armored Fighting Vehicles," Indian Military Review, pp. 31-32, June 2016. This article assesses the status of, reasons for, and benefits to pursuit of an armored vehicle common chassis vehicle family for all systems in the armored vehicle force of an army and the effect of a range of factors affecting this pursuit, some that significantly inhibit achievement of a full vehicle family concept.?
69. Rozman, Thomas R., "Leveraging Technology for Economy of Force Solutions--The Future Penetration Denial Battalion," Indian Military Review, pp. 37-38 & 72, August 2016. This article explores a tactical organization that, using minimal personnel assets, leverages available technology capabilities to organize terrain into a dynamic terrain denial force. The use of a wide range of technology is integrated into a tactical organization designed to deny penetration by attacking forces using a fraction of the troop strength traditionally assigned to such a mission.??
70. Rozman, Tom (Thomas R.), "Perhaps the Finest Leader Professional Development Institution--the Battalion," e-Veritas, electronic newsletter of the Royal Military College Club, the alumni organization of the Royal Military College of Canada Edition of 21 August 2016 (Issue 32). This article examines the multi-discipline leader development opportunity of the army battalion format with its benefits to the military establishment, the developing leader and the civilian establishment, both private and public sector. There are few training grounds for the developing leader in any environment more effective than the battalion.?
71. Rozman, Thomas, "Challenges to Effective Mission Driven Performance Oriented Training," e-Veritas, electronic newsletter of the Royal Military College Club, the alumni organization of the Royal Military College of Canada Edition of 28 August 2016. This article examines the leader need to focus on organizational training systems needed to assure task skill competence in the current operational environment.??
72. Rozman, Thomas, "Thinking About Eben Swift: Effective Operational Communications," e-Veritas, electronic newsletter of the Royal Military College Club, the alumni organization of the Royal Military College of Canada Edition of 5 September 2016 (Issue 33). This article revisits operational communications in the context of the U. S. Army's five paragraph field order in the military setting and its applicability to a civilians environment as well.
73. Rozman, Thomas, "Leadership and Effective Organizational Safety and Health," e-Veritas, electronic newsletter of the Royal Military College Club, the alumni organization of the Royal Military College of Canada Edition of 11 September 2016 (Issue 35). This article discusses the importance of involved leadership in organizational safety systems and programs if they are to succeed and develop over time to more effective levels.??
74. "Rozman, Thomas, "Leadership Approaches That Get the Job Done"?e-Veritas, electronic newsletter of the Royal Military College Club, the alumni organization of the Royal Military College of Canada Edition of 26 September 2016 (Issue 36). This article is the first in a series requested by the editor to address practical applications of leadership in difficult circumstances at small unit and organization to higher policy level--military and civilian.??It is followed by the 189 vignettes of the series published over the next five years.??The Royal Military College Club was integrated with the Royal Military College Foundation in October 2021 to form The Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association.??The association continued to publish?e-Veritas.??The last two vignettes were published under the association.
Articles posted on Linkedin as an extension by author of the Royal Military College Club's then Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association's?e-Veritas Leadership Vignette Series published from 21 August 2016 to 15 November 2021. Extension published from 20 November 2021 to present.
75. Rozman, Thomas R., "Requiem for a Mechanical War Horse," Army January 2017, pages 15-16 (an article that recalls the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier).
76. Rozman, Thomas, “US Missile Attack on Syrian Air Base—A Precursor to Proactive US Involvement in Potential Flashpoints,”?Indian Military Review, Volume 8, May 2017, p. 62.
77. Rozman, Tom, “An Old Infantryman’s Story,”?Infantry Magazine, April-June 2017 (an article that recalls what a WW II amphibious combat assault was really like as retold by one who made five of these assaults—and the value of training to overcome the inertia of mind and body.)?
78. Rozman, Tom, "An Infantryman’s Journey with a Medical Platoon" Infantry Magazine, October-December 2017 (published 6 February 2018--an article that recalls a high performing infantry battalion medical platoon during its battalion's XVIII Airborne Corps tactical validation exercise.)?
79. Rozman, Thomas, “Trade Wars to Shooting Wars—Do we Trade or do We Shoot?”?Indian Military Review,Volume 9, June 2018, p. 58.
80. Rozman, Thomas, “Synthetic Training Within Grasp” letter to the editor?Army,?Volume 68, Number 9, September 2018, pp. 4-5.?(Comments on Army article in the June 2018 issue "Get Immersed in It: Improved Virtual Reality Seen as 'Second Revolution in Training.' ")
81.?Rozman, Thomas R., “A Cavalry Tradition at the University of Massachusetts”?Armor, Summer 2018, pp. 43-44. (This article reprises the horse cavalry tradition of the University of Massachusetts noting the fact that the campus ROTC Program for over two decades provided new officers to the Army Reserve’s 315th Cavalry Regiment.)
82. Rozman, Thomas R., "Recalling a 3-Decade Commitment to Armor,"?Army February 2019, pages 11-13. (The article revisits a personal 30 year journey and connection with Army initiatives to sustain competitive armored force capabilities especially with its armored organization and armored infantry systems.)
83.?Rozman, Thomas R., “12th Cavalry Regiment's Early Contribution to Building Post-Vietnam Armored Force: Ground Force for Air-Cavalry Combat Brigade Tests I and II”?Armor, Winter 2019, pp. 31-34. (This article reprises the important role of an element of the 12th Cavalry Regiment in the work of Air Cavalry Combat Brigade Tests I and II at Ft. Hood, Texas in 1971-72 that laid the groundwork to reorganizing the post Vietnam War armored force.)
84. Rozman, Thomas R., "Develop Leaders to Build Tomorrow’s Army,"?Army June 2019, pages 20-21. (The article discusses the imperative of developing uniformed leaders for the “development Army” over their military careers and some of the challenges to effectively managing such development.) U.S. Army War College Library Periodical Articles for Current Awareness,?August 2019,?compiled by Travis Ferrell, MLIS, Research Librarian Typed by Sarah Pendleton. LEADERSHIP. Rozman, Thomas R. “Develop Leaders to Build Tomorrow’s Army.”?Army?69, no. 6 (June 2019): 10-11.?ProQuest
85. Rozman, Thomas R. “A Soldier of the Independent Tank Battalions--In the South Pacific with the 706th?Tank Battalion,”?Armor??Historical PDF (submitted 5 MAR 2018, since published, date of publication being confirmed.)
86. Rozman, Tom (Thomas R.) "The Garrison Town in the United States--Remembering the Army's Infantry Garrison in Spokane,"?Nostalgia Magazine,?February & March 2022, pp. 14-19 chronicles the infantry garrison, Regular Army and National Guard, that has existed in Spokane, Washington since the late 19th Century to the present.?
87. Rozman, Thomas R. "Terrain Denial Brigades" originally submitted to "Military Review" in 1991 and not published, the article was posted on Linkedin on 26 September 2022 as a PDF article. It provides a discussion regarding application of possible brigade formation designed to optimize the use of technology to deny terrain to an aggressor on a reduced troop base.
89. Rozman, Thomas R. "Army Training...Is it all we say it is?" originally submitted to "Army" in 1993 and not published, the article was posted on Linkedin on 10 October 2022 as a PDF article. It provides a discussion on concerns about the Army training system going forward at the time.
90. Rozman, Thomas R. “Transitioning 245,000 Troops to Civilians” originally drafted as an article for?"Armed Forces and Society," a publication of the Transition Periodicals Consortium at Rutgers University. In the event the article was not submitted but was shared with a colleague at the Congressional Research Service. Subsequently, a very well done paper along similar lines was published by CRS.??The article was posted on 20 October 2022 as a PDF article on Linkedin.
91. Rozman, Thomas R. “Remarks to German Treaty Troops during the American Revolution with focus on the Army of Hesse-Kassel” 22 June 2022 posted on Linkedin in February 2025 as a PDF article.
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Presentations have been made nationally and internationally.