Published Article 1 - iStrategic Newsletter (Apr. '21)
Abir Mozoomdar
Thought Leader II Entrepreneur II Business Author II Strategy Consultant II Trainer II Teacher
The Year 2021 ushers a new beginning for India, and the rest of the world. The Country is getting vaccinated, people are resuming work (from Office), and companies are drawing fresh plans of growth and expansion, and a slew of IPO’s are seen hitting the primary markets.
These are exciting times, as a new India is slowly emerging, in sync. with a new World Order.
As the country tries to create new jobs, and evolves a slow and steady Recovery Cycle, we are indeed excited to reclaim our sunshine days, yet again.
After all, RESILIENCE is the key skill that enables Countries to rise up from ashes, again and again.
As a new Growth Curve emerges, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP seems to be an Emerging model, of a new Charted journey.
As an ADVOCATE OF THOUGHT LEADERSHIP, I have released Books, published Articles, attended Panel Discussions and posted Videos, that emphasize the importance of NEW IDEAS & INNOVATION, as the Core of the new Growth Curve.
For the uninitiated, THOUGHT LEADERSHIP is a Framework of Innovative Ideas & Strategic Solutions, that bring out WORLD CLASS PRODUCTS & SERVICES, evolve futuristic Business Models, create Customer Ecstasy, generate BEST PRACTICES and build LONG LASTING ORGANISATIONS for the future.
It is, therefore, only natural to suggest some interesting ideas, for a Country that has its eye set on $5 Trillion Economy, by 2025.
Here is a humble attempt to articulate a 5 Point Development Agenda, for the Economy.
At the Core of the revival, is the immediate need to create lacs of jobs, by industries & companies. To kickstart the Hiring Process, the Govt. may look at the possibility of creating a National Task Force for Job Creation, that will work with Industry Bodies, International & Domestic MNC’s, & MSME’s, and build a Structured Framework of Policies, Database, and Dashboard of Permanent & Part Time Jobs created in the country.
The Framework may also build a Protection Mechanism for sudden Job Losses in the Country, due to unforeseen circumstances like Global Depression, Pandemics etc.
Let us recall that such a National Dashboard has already been created for Covid Reporting, and is being used for several National Initiatives like Vaccination etc.
This is the right time to INCENTIVIZE INNOVATION & NEW IDEAS, for solving various problems in the Country. As the Country is being swept by an Entrepreneurial spirit of Start-Ups, it is important to keep the focus on Originality of New Products.
New Medical Devices, Scientific Gadgets, Health Supplements, Automobiles, State of the art Construction Technologies, DIY (Do It Yourself) Kits, Machine Automation, Anti Ageing Research and a slurry of new Products (& Services) can eventually make our lives better, healthier and more productive. A robust Patent Mechanism will enable us build our own ‘WORLD CLASS PRODUCTS & SERVICES’.
Let us start the journey today..!!
As a Nation, where do we stand on SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ? And where are we on INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION ?
Despite the ‘Make In India’ initiative by our Government in 2014, India has not been swept by a wave of research & manufacturing. We have not yet been able to establish ourselves as Science protagonists & Technology Leaders, despite lacs of Engineering graduates & postgraduates in the Country. Where has all the knowledge been used up ?
As a Self Reliant/Aatmanirbhar Nation, we need to ESTABLISH FOCUS on our own strengths, as Technology & Manufacturing Leaders.
Medical Research, Food Processing, Consumer Durables, Smart Gadgets, Computer Hardware/Software etc. are important sectors to invest in, as Technology Players.
It is high time, that India builds up strong policies to incentivize Science & Technology Institutes with due support from Corporate Houses.
Society is changing. India is slowly shedding its traditional approach, and evolving a Talent Driven model. People are discovering their own interest areas, and planning their lives accordingly. Reality Shows, Talent Competitions, unconventional paths of life are becoming a reality.
As society evolves, India needs to develop a flexible approach to building jobs, economic policies, and financial compensation.
Mathematicians, Teachers, Chefs, Freelance Writers, Physicists, Botanists and a whole host of other professions need to grow and flourish in the new regime.
It is high time, that we moderate a skewed society of Filmstars & Cricketers, and bring the flashlight to multiple sections of the society.
This is the only tool to bridge the gap between the rich & the poor.
The importance of non-paid work/household work got a new impetus, during the pandemic times. We all realized the foremost importance of health & hygiene, food habits, and daily routine, in our way to perform productive work at office.
It is high time, that our EVA (Economic Value Add) evolves into a new measure, incorporating important aspects of work at home/office/society/states/nation.
A revised EVA may slowly replace our traditional GDP Model of Growth.
While there are many ideas that float around, there are very few who take such ideas forward, towards successful implementation.
As an ADVOCATE OF THOUGHT LEADERSHIP, I have chosen to take responsibilities of my proposed ideas, towards building an ecosystem of people, for cross-pollination & suitable implementation
My Start-up, THE IDEA FACTORY, works with B2B Clients, and helps them translate their ideas into reality, as well.
Ideas, Concepts, Frameworks, Matrices, and finally Results go into making a successful Thought Leadership Model.
For more details, please write to us at [email protected]
Abir Mozoomdar is a BE (Elec) from Jadavpur University & PGDBA/CFA from IBS, Kolkata.
Abir has a rich Corporate experience of 15 yrs as a Strategy Planning Professional in reputed MNC’s like E&Y, Volvo India, Bharti Airtel & Tata Teleservices, before starting on his own.
Today, as a Self Employed Professional, Abir is a Trainer/Consultant & a Business Author, as well.
Abir has ventured into entrepreneurship with his two Knowledge Ventures - The Idea Factory & The Learning Hall.
Abir’s first Book ‘Thought Leadership in India’ analyses the Economic & Business landscape of India, & offers Structural Reforms in the long/medium term.
Abir’s initiatives of Entrepreneurship and Business Writing, has started THOUGHT LEADERSHIP MOVEMENT, a Worldwide Knowledge Revolution from India.