Published Abstract Submission for Fire & Materials 2021 - 1 June 2020

Published Abstract Submission for Fire & Materials 2021 - 1 June 2020

Remember published Abstract submission deadline was 1 June 2020. Thank you to those who have submitted Abstracts despite the quarantine challenges many of us have. Please get your Abstracts to us ASAP so we can keep our schedules.  

Remember we are featuring 2 special sessions, Fa?ade Fires chaired by Anja Hofmann & Wildland -Urban Interface & other Large Outdoor Fires, chaired by Samuel Manzello

29 years after our first event in Washington, this major international forum still focuses on the fire performance of materials and the products into which they are made. This is increasingly relevant to those working in the materials and construction industries and the associated research and regulatory sectors. The conference focuses on the needs of manufacturers,their customers, designers and regulators who require up-to-date information on fire issues, including new materials, applications, assessment techniques & regulatory requirements.

Papers on Fire Chemistry Flame Retardants, FR applications and Modelling are welcomed, along with those on fire performance in construction, electro technical & transport applications.The conference also addresses specific topical issues and over the last decade, introduced parallel sessions on fire investigation, large outdoor fires including; wildland urban interface fire studies and facade fires.

Technical Presentations:

The Programme Committee has targeted specific areas for presentation and invites papers on the following:

Chemistry In Fire, Facade Fires,Combustion Toxicity, Materials Behavior in Fire, Large Outdoor Fires, Wildland Urban Interface Fire Studies, Environmental Concerns, Fire Dynamics, Fire Retardants including Nanocomposites, Fire Safety Engineering, Modelling including Pyrolysis Modelling,Fire Hazard and Risk Assessment, Fires in Tunnels Vehicles and Transportation, Fire Safety of Building Contents, Electrical Fires including Cables and Li-ion Battery Fires, Fire and Building Products,Fire Resistance, Test Methods and Measurement Challenges, Fire Safety Codes & Regulations, Fire Investigation.

Submission Dates for Abstracts and Papers:

To offer a paper,send a maximum 2 page abstract (including tables & images) for review before June 1, 2020. (Format: A4 paper,1 inch margins,11pt Arial font,max 2 pages) to: Stephen Grayson, Fire and Materials 2021. E: [email protected]

Authors will be advised of acceptance by September 1, 2020.

Final version of the full paper is required by November 1, 2020.Papers will be eligible for publication in the Fire and Materials Journal.

1 speaker per technical paper will be entitled to register for the conference at a discounted rate.

Further details can be found on the Fire & Materials website: here

Programme Committee: Stephen Grayson, Interscience Communications, UK; Vytenis Babrauskas, Fire Science & Technology Inc, USA; Marcelo Hirschler, GBH International, USA; Anja Hofmann, BAM, Germany; Marc Janssens, SWRI, USA; Patrick Van Hees, Lund Univ, Sweden.

Scientific Committee: Serge Bourbigot, ENSCL, France; Steven Craft, CHM Fire Consultants, Canada; Nicholas Dembsey, WPI, USA; Richard Gann, NIST, USA; John Gale, York Univ, Canada; Eric Guillaume, Efectis, France; Tuula Hakkarainen, VTT, Finland; Robert Jansson McNamee, Brandskyddslaget, Sweden; Brian Lattimer, Virginia Tech, USA; Sergei Levchik, ICL-Group, USA; Christine Lukas, Dow Chemical Co, UK; Richard Lyon, FAA, USA; Samuel Manzello, NIST, USA; Alexander Morgan, Univ of Dayton, USA; Daniel Nilsson, Univ of Canterbury, New Zealand; Bernhard Schartel, BAM, Germany; Anne Steen-Hansen, NTNU, Norway; Bj?rn Sundstr?m, Brandforsk, Sweden; Colleen Wade, BRANZ, New Zealand; Yi Wang, FM Global, USA, Koichi Yoshida, Yokohama National Univ, Japan; Hideki Yoshioka, NILIM, Japan; Mauro Zammarano, NIST, USA

Serge Bourbigot

Membre IUF chez Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)

4 年

Do not forget to submit an abstract!


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