Publish Content for Conversions
Publishing content for conversions can look easy, but knowing exactly what to write, like call-to-actions, must be added effectively on the web page. If you want your visitors to do something on your site, you must persuade them to take action in a way that they benefit. If you tell them they will receive a newsletter with the most recent updates for a subject, or you are giving an e-book, or you are giving away free downloadable products, you must publish content, not in an advertising tone, but to convince them to take the necessary steps form them to convert. It is essential that the visitor benefits from your website always, they won't just fill a form or buy a product that easy. There are many types of personas that have different ways to purchase, such as researching before buying, compulsive buyers, the techies, etc. By creating a funnel for them to engage on your content, you must be pro-active on your writing. By these means, you can create content that tells the visitor to be engaging and active on your site. There is timing, behavior targeting, chat boxes, displayed phone numbers, act now buttons, pop-ups, sidebars, images that persuade, content that persuades, and many other ways to engage your audience.
By having conversions in mind when delivering your content to your users, you have many choices. Do I use "Get Started" copy? or do I use "Act now before it ends!" The sense of urgency in content is quite effective sometimes, but you must understand that users don't have perfect timing on taking action on your site. I believe in researching your target market and send them active messages on content, for example, Have you tried this marketing technology before? or, this new technology is revolutionizing you industry, is your business being outdated? or, other users have used this service and reduced 50% costs, have you used it? There are many examples that we can use to persuade the visitor to convert in a content page, but first, you must have converting objects that must be added on that page.
Some converting objects would be links to downloadable content, buttons, sidebar forms, contact us popup, chat boxes, try now, get started, buy it now text, landing pages for search engines, and relevant image ads. These work in pair for your content that your have published for your audience. If the user needs more information about the content being served, the action objects will help them take action and create a lead. I would recommend to have multi-variable testing before deciding exactly what you need for them to be contacted in an optimized way. One of the most powerful content for conversions is video. Video has the ability to explain and inform a user in an interactive way. This form of content is really useful in social media marketing, where they are focused attention on the video.
Video marketing has revolutionized content, and businesses are leveraging this marketing mix by adding call to actions near them. A product page may contain images, but now it is not enough, video has the ability to improve conversions by a great amount on content. Now imagine publishing a video in a blog post, and include a call to action button. Would that be content published for conversions? The answer is yes because you have an explanation video helping your user understand your content clearer. Using content marketing mix can help users to understand your message in an effective way. Try using a combination of them and test your content regularly, see what has most views, least bounce rates, time on page, etc. Metrics are useful to determine the winner, and to convert users.