Publication of our article in acta horticulturae
At PlantResearch, we are not only involved in contract research but we also perform fundamental scientific research to better understand the cultivation of medicinal cannabis. This benefits science and, ultimately, patients, and also helps us improve our other (applied) research. One of these scientific experiments has just been published in Acta Horticulturae 1377:785 (2023). In this study, we investigated the effects on the yield and nutrient uptake of cannabis of different EC levels (ranging from 1.8 to 12 mS/cm) by adding NaCl or by over-fertilizing. We found that the THC and CBD levels were not affected by the EC, whether it was increased with NaCl or with nutrients. The results indicate that production or quality in closed nutrient systems will probably not be readily affected by NaCl accumulation. You can find the details here, or feel free to contact us to receive the article.?
Curious about how we can apply this knowledge and what we can do for your organization? Get in touch with us via [email protected] or +31 (0)162-680012.
#CannabisResearch #MedicinalCannabis #PlantScience #CultivationResearch #THCandCBD #NutrientUptake #ResearchPublication #ScientificStudy #Horticulture #ECLevels #NaClAccumulation #AppliedResearch #PlantHealth #InnovationInAgriculture #CannabisQuality #ClosedNutrientSystems