Is Public Speaking Really Hard?
Written by Yeshwant Sai Kumar

Is Public Speaking Really Hard?

We all in our lifetime often have to end up in a situation where we are standing in front of a crowd and have to deliver a speech in whatever we represent. How prepared are we? Do we actually need to practice? Really? Mere imagination of this situation gives you chills? Don’t worry. you aren’t alone trust me.

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So what is public speaking?

It is simple, very simple actually it is just speaking to the people. So if we actually wonder we already do it on a daily basis. Who are public? Public is just humans just like you and me. We interact and communicate to our family, friends and many more. See public speaking isn’t that hard after all but yeah I get your voice. “How do we speak to strangers? How do we face a big crowd? What if someone makes fun? What if I do something stupid or say something wrong?” We will get there.

I wonder we all know the answer for a successful speech ourselves the key to it is confidence. Even though everyone knows it but no one really gets how to master it. It would have been much easier if we had stores for it where we can get it and transfer money through bit coins. Jokes apart but the major key to gain confidence to face the public is actually to face you. Yes you the beautiful face you see in front of the mirror. Often instances we fear are things we have seen or got influenced and noticed. So to avoid those just convince yourself that you have prepared well that’s enough.

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Some Key to convince you (the ultimate judge)

  • Be the master of the topic or prepare to the level. Often we fear that we might say something wrong. How can one be wrong if we have good knowledge of the topic?
  • Stand tall and face the public in the eye. It is hard but this step actually acts as a bridge. It connects the public to you.
  • Imagine all the people you are comfortable with are the one standing in front of you. It can be your partner, mother, teacher anybody. Just imagine you are giving speech to them.
  • Keep calm and never fear refutation. 100% world won’t agree with anything or everything so you don’t have to convince the world. Just convince yourself and you are good to go.
  • Get inspiration. There are many leaders out there who deliver speech. Watch any speech and get the adrenaline running.

So concluding on a funny note, for one full year I was called “Michael Obama” in school. You know who is he? No one… Just a character created by my stage fear in front of the whole school publically insulted by principal ruthlessly. But that actually eradicated my stage fear. So nothing can go more wrong than this so just get up and stand in front of a crown to actually stand for what you represent like a true leader.

Stage fear bye R.I.P.

Written by Yeshwant Sai Kumar


