Public riding bicycles of my time in Pakistan.

Public riding bicycles of my time in Pakistan.

By the way, all kinds of rides were available in Karachi, but the most favorite ride of the common and middle-class people was the bicycle. It used to happen in almost every house and it was kept large. At that time, government officers, even army majors, colonels and brigadiers, used bicycles. Teachers and doctors from schools, colleges also used to come and go on it. Bicycles ruled the city everywhere. A very limited number of motor cars used to run on Drug Road, the busiest road of Karachi, but bicycles were seen everywhere. The new Hercules or relay cycle was available for seventy eighty rupees. The old bicycle was available everywhere in thirty-five. Apart from this, bicycle rental shops were built in the market from where it was available in an hour or two. Since these shops were mostly in the neighbourhood, everyone knew each other and there was no need for personal guarantee. In the case of renting from somewhere else, a person who knew both of them had to be taken along and guaranteed the return of the bicycle. Otherwise, if the cycle was not returned, the paper would be cut in the police station. Then it was mandatory to install two or three items on the bicycle, without which the challan would be issued immediately. In some cases, if the mood of the police soldier became a little more angry, the bicycle would also be confiscated. In serious circumstances, the cyclist had to go to the jail and the accused had to go to the police station to get rid of him, where he was released after collecting a fine of one or two rupees. Instead of falling into this cycle, wise people used to get rid of the policeman by letting him come one or two at the same time.

One of these essentials was a bicycle bell on the front handle. By pressing his lever with the thumb of his hand, the sound of tin tin was recovered, on hearing which the careless type of passers-by would become alert and the path would be cleared. Secondly, it was very important to install reflectors on the back side of the bicycle, which would be illuminated by the light of the car coming behind and they would know that a cyclist was going ahead.

At night, going out without installing a front lamp on the bicycle would be challaned immediately, or the constable would at least threaten to do so to earn four paise. It used to be a small diya of kerosene, surrounded by glass and a small fireplace to emit smoke on top. At night, those who came out made special arrangements that there was oil and light in this lamp and the lamp was always lit. This gave the rider a little light so that he could see a limited space on the road, but the passers-by from the front could see it as clearly as a burning lamp at a shrine from a distance, which made their ears stand that there was a danger ahead. Riding a bicycle without a beacon was considered a serious and cognizable police crime, which cost no less than four annas to get rid of it immediately. Otherwise, by going to the nearest police station, it would have caused a huge financial loss. His most unique punishment was that the constable would sit in the back seat and ride a bicycle from the accused to the police station. Along the way, the two continued to negotiate "business" transactions. In the event of success, the constable would jump off his bicycle and take something from a cart owner from the newly earned sustenance haram and eat it.

After some time, these oil lamps became obsolete because due to the continuous development of science, a small bottle-like dynamo came to the market. It was attached to the tyre of the bicycle. Along the wheel, it also rotated rapidly, generating electricity that reached the lamp installed on the handle and lit the small electric bulb in it. The rays of light spread far and wide and the cyclist could see far and wide. The faster the bicycle was driven, the faster the light, and where the speed dimmed a little, the light would also decrease and die. The day of holiday in every house was also considered a day of cleaning bicycles. On that day, the boys used to tear her parts on the pretext of cleaning. For this purpose, the bicycle would be rolled up and its legs i.e. tires would be turned towards the sky and all its nut bolts would be opened. He cleaned it thoroughly and oiled the parts. This bicycle was jointly owned by all the family members. Whenever his heart wanted, he would take it away. In the meantime, if someone else needed it, it was necessary to wait for it to return.


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