Public Invention: Invention Coaches
Public Invention
Redefine what it means to innovate for humanitarian engineering Instead of reserving inventions for patents and profits.
Public Invention began to create a global open-source hardware inventions movement. by “Inventing in the public, for the Public.”
Public Invention has done some great work around open-source projects of intellectual interest and humanitarian value, and try to recruit teams to grow quickly and continue work on these invention team projects.
Had good luck recruiting Public Inventors. But to scale up, we need what we call “Invention Coaches”. You could use different words, like Project Manager or Team Lead or Technical Lead. Projects don’t run themselves. They require leaders. Ideally, a leader has technical skills as well as being able to manage and motivate a team, but perhaps any two of those three essentials is enough. Leading a team takes commitment, dedication, and a willingness to work through technical and personnel failures. But more than these, it takes time. At least six hours a week is the rule of thumb we use.
The world is out there full of beautiful, intelligent people. Very few people have the discipline to meet all of their commitments and have six hours a week left over. The number of people who have the time, the character, and the skill all at the same time is a small fraction of the population. Only a small fraction of that fraction are willing to do it for zero pay and gold stars, which is all Public Invention can offer today.
This little article is an attempt to reach you. Maybe you are a young person who is a gifted leader. Maybe, you are a mature person on the downhill side of your career or semi-retired or “funemployed”. Maybe you are already running a project that aligns with Public Invention′s mission and principles and thinks being a part of Public Invention could help your project along.
If you can manage, motivate, or technically guide a team (pick two), can dedicate six hours a week to leading a team without pay, and are motivated by a sincere desire make all of us healthier, wealthier, and happier, then please contact and let’s schedule a meeting:?[email protected]