Public Health Emergency

Public Health Emergency

As we approach the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) on May 11, 2023, home health and hospice agencies need to examine their current practices. Specifically, is the organization utilizing flexibilities allowed by the CMS PHE Waiver? Some of the waivers and flexibilities end immediately on May 11th; however, others allow a defined time period for the organization to achieve compliance. For instance, the PHE waiver allowed both home health and hospices to suspend the 12-hour annual in-service education training for aides. In talks with CMS, the National Association of Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) states the organization will have until the end of the first full quarter following the end of the PHE to ensure their home/hospice care aides are in compliance with the 12 hours of education. Aides who have missed annual training hours for previous years of the PHE are not required to “make up” those educations--CMS is requiring compliance for CY 2023 only. More clarifications regarding the end of the PHE are expected from CMS within the next few weeks. Until then, the most current home health and hospice-specific FAQ sheets can be found here:

Now is the time to begin preparing for May 11th.

Suggested products:

- Emergency Preparedness Plan

- Mini Manual of Regulations

- Federal Policy & Procedure Manual

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