The public enquiry stage on Draft South African Standards
South African Bureau of Standards
SABS, a trusted partner in delivering quality assurance!
Do you know about the public enquiry stage on Draft South African Standards (DSS) from the SABS??
An important mandate of the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) is to develop and maintain South African National Standards (SANS) SABS does this through National Technical Committees (TC's).
These technical committees are a representative sample of the industry in which the standardisation activities are carried out. It is therefore crucial for the public to be involved in the activities of the Standards development, to ensure that the final output represents the views of the entire South African community.?
Some of the standards available for comments this week are:
Have your Say and get involved in the development of South African Standards (SANS)
Below is the link to all the standards that are currently available for the public to comment, should you wish to view/comment on a DSS, please follow the link: ?