Public Consultation on Converged Competition Code for the Media and Telecommunication Markets
Kala Anandarajah, BBM
*Partner, Head, Competition & Antitrust and Trade, Rajah & Tann Asia *Non-Government Adviser, ICN *Senior Accredited Director, SID *Board Member, Health Science Authority *Director, IHRP
On 20 February 2019, the Info-communications Media Development Authority ("IMDA") published its consultation paper on a converged competition code for the media and telecommunication market. The development of a harmonised competition code that applies to both the Singapore telecommunication and media markets marks a further step towards taking a holistic approach to regulation and competition management of the two sectors. In this Update, we provide a summary and our high-level comments on the key proposals put forth by the IMDA in its Consultation Paper. Written by Kala Anandarajah, Dominique Lombardi and Tanya Tang.