The above is what the ‘supposed’ PAC should be renamed. The scandalous Whitewash which they’ve just engaged in - is obviously designed to protect the wealthy who use the ordinary taxpayer as fodder. Instead of bowing to pressure from the elite, the PAC should have demanded; not just recommend that no more confidentiality agreements are made. Every penny and cent from these ridiculous exit payments must be paid back.
Everyone of the ‘Snout in the Trough’ parasites should be named - shamed and given a date of one months hence - by which to repay their ill gotten gains or made explain ‘in a court of law’ why they are entitled to these massive under the counter fraudulent payments?
They must be treated… just like the ordinary citizens who defrauds the public purse? Obviously the PAC has been persuaded that a public flogging of those who robbed the tax-payer would not be in the country’s best interest. This is paramount nonsense and if implemented would give succour and even hope to those whom, day in and day out queue on trolleys in our hospitals. They languish, without privacy or dignity as they wait to be seen by overworked and desperate doctors and nurses - in our crumbling health system.
I say desperate because they’re torn between staying in Ireland and being taken for granted by an uncaring government; or abandoning this country and going to the far- flung corners of the world where they’ll be treated with respect. Not only will the weather be better but there’s the 'not' inconsequential fact - that they’ll be able to afford to have children, buy a house and have a life?
It should be noted that no-one ever dies while waiting to be seen in a Private Hospital? Actually, if some of the wealthy would go into a public hospital they’d have their rich eyes opened. This will never happen. The sight of sick bodies on the endless queue of trolleys in corridors would have turn on their heel and vomiting.
I have said many times, I am not opposed to wealth. If anyone works hard and make a success of his business, that’s great. What I’m opposed to is the people who inherit money and expect everyone to jump through financial hoops for them. These manipulators have ruled every so-called government since the foundation of the State - through their control of Law and Order. This is why the RTE despots, past and present were allowed to do what they want - and when partially exposed, to pay themselves what they want in so-called exit payments.
To add insult to injury, while the elite who exited RTE with massive payments stolen from the poor - the PAC is wishing them well and facilitating their obvious corruption. I don’t say this lightly and the proof is: unless the exit payments already paid… are not taken back - the next RTE miss-rulers will want just what their predecessors got - and they will get it. If they don’t they will call in the Lawyers - and as usual these new payments will all be kept secret just like those presently being queried.
The PAC, if… they were actually acting in the interest of the Public, would have called on the Justice Minister to sack the entire board and and those who knowing facilitated the corruption. To allow them to keep these massive payments in view of the damage they've caused is [TO TOUCH THE FORELOCK] They should be paid nothing for the waste of public money they corruptly engaged in. Also, Tubrity stealing money and the secret Barter Accounts for paying secret backhanders plus all the other 'perks' and five thousand for flip flops shows just what the think of public money.
Not only should this so-called elite get no exit package, they all should be charged with Grand Larceny and taking public money under false pretences. In any other country in the world this is what would and should happen. Not one of them should be allowed to rob the Public and they should remain incarcerated until every cent of their ill gotten gains is paid back. This money could be used to pay for a Private Hospital; which would ease the burden somewhat for some people on trolleys.
This I know is wishful thinking. If the PAC really cared about the Irish People the people they're supposed to represent, they'd have disregarded the recommendation from the C&AG, Mr McCarthy and held an investigation into the Asbestos Deaths at Belfast Docks. However, in giving the cease and desist instructions to the PAC, Mr Mc’Carthy was not just showing disrespect for Belfast Dockers, he was also showing great disrespect for the citizens of Dublin. He obviously didn’t care that Asbestos was also discharged at Dublin Docks and driven through its streets 50 years ago. This is the latency of Asbestos and many cancer sufferers right now could be suffering from it and not know it. Every lung cancer patient should as a matter of course be checked for Asbestos in their lungs - which is hard to detect.
No doubt the wealthy who control Mr McCarthy ordered him… to order the PAC to desist and not allow me to expose the Asbestos Scandal to their committee - which would then have pointed the finger at Dublin Employers - and not to mention the compensation that would be paid out. At the time of their refusals to expose this matter, which was several years ago, I put these facts on linkedin and they are there for anyone to read. Hopefully the slavish PAC when they see this article and the other they will think twice about their cover up. When I put the article on linkedin about the controlled PAC - I fully expected the so-called newspapers here to report on the cowardly behaviour of the PAC - but I was wrong, not one of the went against the grain.
In view of the the RTE, PAC and the C&AG cover up everyone of them should be sacked. I call upon the Left Wing members of PAC to whom I’ve related [in person] the Asbestos Corruption - to demand answers? Obviously their ‘Left Wing’ ethos is being pandered to - and they’ve been convinced that to expose this Asbestos corruption would destroy Democracy in Ireland? To them I say this: you are being used to cover up… RTE, PAC and C&AG cover ups for the Wealthy, who didn’t - and don’t care how many Irish People die from Asbestos Poisoning. Obviously these billionaires with their islands in the sun raise a glass to your stupidity - and your silence in the Dail - and it didn’t even cost them a cent.
I was asked recently why I use linkedin to air my views? The answer is simple, I’ve not allowed on the other so-called freedom of speech sites, for years. I was censored on Cedar Lounge Revolution, then about two months I tried again and my post stayed up. However, about a week later the moderator who calls himself ‘World by Storm’ censored me, took down my post and told me to get a blog of my own. The others also censor me for similar reasons.
Hugh Murphy