Public Address and Voice Alarm (PAVA)systems offer an efficient way to communicate with visitors at large public locations
PAVA systems are widely used in large public facilities like hospitals, universities, Airports, Metro and Train stations, Footbal stadions, high rise buildings and Industrial (petro chemical) sites. Their primairy function is to communicate with the public and facilitate security officers to give directions in case of an alarm or emergency situation.
Besides the emergency evacuation function PAVA systems can also be used for other functions like background music system at shopping malls or voice messaging system at airports and metro stations. The combination of different functions will make a PAVA system a versatile tool.
The Honeywell Variodyn public Address and Voice Alarm system is the best in class PAVA system on the market. Variodyn meets all international legislation and standards and is therefore a true global solution. There are numerous references were the Honeywell Variodyn system is in operation. The high quality sound will meet most demanding requirements while the distributed architecture makes it suitable for complex building lay outs and environments.