My Greatest Generation father, a WWII B-25 pilot, lived with PTSD. As a child, I had no idea it was PTSD. I thought Dad was having bad dreams when the reality was he was reliving horrific war-time experiences.
Pull Up. Pull UP! PULL UP!!!
Get out. Get Out! GET OUT GOD DAMMIT!!!
He never told me what those experiences were. He was the epitome of his generation’s strong silent type.
When the first Gulf War came, I started speaking with some on active duty. Then visiting when they came home on leave. Followed by talking when they were discharged. The more of these fine service men and women I got to know, the more committed I became to doing what I could to help.
To try and better understand my father, I flew in a B-25 at the Doolittle Raiders Reunion in 2017 at Urbana Field in Ohio. I thank Ben Parker and his father Dave for encouraging me to go. I met Colonel Dick Cole, Jimmy Doolittle’s co-pilot and flew on the Texas based Devil Dog.
The B-25 is a medium bomber. The pilots used to joke the B-25 was proof that anything could fly if you put big enough engines on it. Even detuned to protect the vintage air frame the plane takes off effortlessly. During the flight, you begin to realize the aircraft’s skin is about as thick as three layers of a pop can and how little protection there was for the crew. Flak or shells would enter on one side and exit on the other. After the first combat flight, what kind of courage did these men have to go back knowing the risks, knowing how exposed they were, knowing the casualty counts?
Sitting in the tail gunner’s position that is almost all plexiglass offers an incredible view. In the peaceful sky of Dayton Ohio, I experienced a heavenly view. It was incredible. This same seat had to be terrifying in combat.
Every US Army Air Corps or US Army Air Force WWII pilot learned to fly in a Stearman. I had the pleasure of flying a Stearman yesterday. It was a gift from my wife and three daughters. The plane I flew is painted as a Navy trainer, but it was delivered to the US Army Airforce in 1942. My father might have learned to fly in this very plane out of Randolph Field in Texas.
The Stearman bi-plane was designed and first built in 1933. N3953B was constructed as a PT-13D Model E75 with R-680-17 engine in 1942 by Boeing and taken on Strength/Charge by the United States Army Air Force with s/n 42-17405 as a States Army Air Force with s/n 42-17405. It is one of 793 built.
Unlike the B-25, the Stearman would never see combat. My experience on this plane was very different. My gift was for an aerobatic demonstration. I knew we would do barrel rolls and loops. I knew I would be inverted in an open cockpit plane. To be my usual blunt self, I was scared $$$$less as we took off. I was more afraid I would embarrass myself, tarnish my father’s legacy, chicken out, or get airsick.
Champlain Biddle at Randolph Field gave every Cadet a flight Bible, a pocket Bible. When I started traveling by air for business my father gave me a gift. He gave me his flight Bible. He told me the Bible had been with him on every flight. He said there were some rough landings, some hard landings, but everyone that ever flew with this Bible walked away from every landing.
He joked that a good landing was one where everyone walked away. A great landing meant the plane could fly again.
I flew with my father and his Bible on the B-25 and now on the Stearman. They wouldn’t let me down and I wouldn’t let them down.
The pilot asked if I was ready to take the controls. The Stearman is incredibly easy to fly, very forgiving and why it was used as a trainer. I did a left 360-degree turn, leveled out and then a 360 to the right. While turning right I was struck with the beauty of the Earth. The airplane goes where you are looking, and I started to lose altitude. My instructor casually mentioned that, and I corrected it. We did a few more aggressive turns and I was instructed to do a 180 and bring the plane on a due west ?heading.
The pilot took control back and asked if I was ready to do a roll. My hands were in a death-grip on the air-frame as I said I was. We rolled left and I learned I wasn’t going to hang from my harness. The centrifugal force of the turn held me comfortably in my seat. We rolled right and my death-grip went away.
This is as close to heaven as I may ever get. Rolls, loops, split-s basic evasive maneuvers… FANTASTIC.
Stearman = Heaven
B-25 = Hell
I understand how pilots fall in love with flying.
I have a bit of insight into what a WWII air crew member would experience flying a combat mission. Not an understanding, just a glimpse of what it would be like. If you haven’t been in combat, you can’t know the hell of combat.
I’ll never understand the pain that caused my father’s PTSD or anyone’ PTSD, but my commitment to help is stronger than ever and I know how to listen.
If you need to talk to someone, call me. Text me. Message me.My phone number is in this video link
Contact the Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 988 and Press 1, chat online, or text 838255.