Buck Rogers IPC LL.D D.Crim
Lt General- Commanding General International Police European Command HQ at International Police
Life death, victory defeat, success failure, peace suffering, offer up the same lesson, adapt, stay malleable, open eyed, vigilant, content, peaceful, prepared, strong, aware and the world is yours. Become ridged, stuck, resentful, blind, negative, fearful, jealous, righteous and the world has you reeking with the stench of victimness.
Old open wounds are a problem, ingrained in the land of the unforgiven and continually seeping into an ocean of misunderstanding, unknown to its host, content in righteousness. Having accepted ad nauseam as normal and vice as necessary, death on many levels creeps in quickly, robbing vital energy, the body and mind slipping into disease inevitably. In this state. All natural conscientious impulses to counter these energetic losses have either been ignored, at the onset, or been crushed by fear and perpetual self loathing. The delusion of justice, leads to a martyrs mind set... suffering is okay... well news flash, ITS NOT. Pushing through obstructions, being uncomfortable and at a limit for a certain duration is one thing, even healthy, but accepting perpetual pain, panic attacks, worry, negative, violent behavior as healthy, is another thing altogether.
Diminished health
low energy
uncontrollable fits of rage
panic attacks
shortness of breath
heart palpitations
digestive issues
relationship complications
cant hold a job
excessively competitive
self pity
hopelessness, to name a few...
And it all feels PC, fine, but a toll is definitely being extracted. The suffering can seem to become apart of us so much so, that if one were to loose it, the purpose to live wouldn't be defined by what was hated or afraid of, both of which need lots of imagination to stay active, thus lost without it. It's this over active imagination which is aloud to run wild that creates mountains.
It's very interesting to watch a worried person walk into a room full of people who have just been meditating for an hour... the worrying person instantaneously stops worrying. It's as if there is no place for it. Is there a place for it? Only in and amongst other fear infested individuals does worry and excuse feel at home. That fear infestation would include most of us now and all of us at some point, so its rampant and dangerous.
It's a silent killer that is so much part of this culture that we don't even see it, can't see it for a very scary reason, we think it is who we are and like it. Taking false pride in harboring pain is called tough, in truth that person could be referred to as a "dead man walking". All feeling is channeled through delusional bias. Vision becomes tainted in every respect and all choices are limited to what the bias perception will allow. This petulant, ignorant, blind delusional aspect ruins all great things in life and spins one out of control until justifying an unprovoked, personal crucifixion. For what reason? To be right, even celebrating revenge and violence against primarily ourselves, fellow man and then nature, under false pretenses. Chaos...
From this lost place the simple truth of the matter cant be seen, and the victims here are the harmonious rooted in truth, primarily the conscious and children, those not swept way by a scary fantasy, but caught in the wake of stampeding crazy people, (the running dead) a heard all have run with at one point or another.
I'm often shocked when I hear folks say, and I have said it, " Well I learned my lesson, I'm not going to let that happen again." When I hear that I know a new bias has been born, another hurt person moving ahead with a stuck idea, looking out for danger as opposed to seeking opportunity, not open to the abundance at hand. It's a sad day when looking for a problem trumps living, enjoying (in-joying) life. "But how can you argue with the studies? We need to be afraid in order to be safe. Look at all the things that could happen if I'm not acutely aware of all the things that could happen." We don't need to be afraid to be safe... It's like saying you need to be afraid of fire to know that it will burn you... not true. It's the fear of fire that will burn you.. No upside to fear when fearlessness is an option.
Afraid to repeat pain brings more pain. So abandon fear ASAP in order know what action to take and know that if it comes through fear (worry) pain can be expected.
Solution: Learning to create a new path along deep crevasses that nurture instead of deplete is the way out. Those crevasses will become the teacher, and climbing out of them to reclaim health will strengthen one enough to cut a new route, a road home where peace and contentment wait, always vigilant. Learning to respect (not fear) the hole we climbed out of, allowing the crevasse to become an accepted part of us, to be appreciated for the lessons learned but to never be traveled down again... until the new path is as deep as the old crevasse. Let it be a choice to return, an exercise to reinvigorate lessons learned, to help others climb.
Best Always,.