PT #6: Don't Use the Word 'Change' In A Change Initiative [Effective Leadership Series]
Effective Leadership Series
Whether you use the word "improvement" or "change" when talking about a change management initiative will depend on the specific context and goals of the initiative.
In general, the word "improvement" suggests that there is something that is currently not ideal or optimal, and that changes will be made in order to make it better. This can be a useful framing when the goal of the change management initiative is to address specific issues or challenges and make positive improvements.
On the other hand, the word "change" can be more broad and encompassing, and may be more appropriate when the goal of the initiative is to fundamentally alter or transform a process, system, or organization.
Ultimately, the choice of wording will depend on the specific goals and objectives of the change management initiative, and on how you want to communicate those goals to stakeholders. It may be helpful to consider the audience and the message you want to convey when deciding which word to use.
This said, if you are looking for a simple, practical, approach, consider this:
I learned this as a young 2nd Lieutenant in the US Marine Corps. As a 2nd Lieutenant you lead people who are, at times, twice your age with 10 times your experience. I remember a senior enlisted Marine telling me, 'When you get to your unit you are going to want to make changes. Don't do that. Instead, work with your Marines on improvements and you will find them more likely to go along with what you want to do.'
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