#6 - PT-1 : Project Management for Product Managers
Driving overall execution of their product is one of the critical responsibilities of product managers. Driving the execution of your product not only means doing whatever it takes to make your product win, but it also encompasses a set of core project management responsibilities.
Lets talk about some of the core elements that an APM/PM deals with on a day to day basis.
EX Epic: 1 Translate the app to spanish
EX Epic: 2 Implement photo sharing in direct messages
EX Epic: 3 Allow users to upgrade to pro version
This sounds a lot like features of a product but we call it an epic because it can include other subtasks as well such as migrate backend from SQL to Snowflake etc etc..
PRD - Product Requirement Document
- Anyone should be able to understand what you are building just be reading it. It also serves as a guide to your own team as you build "things".
- It has 4 main areas :- Intro, Product Requirements, Design Requirements, Engineering Requirements. As a PM you are responsible for the whole PRD but you are specifically responsible for Intro and Product Requirements.
1) Intro:
Summary of what feature or set of features you are building and why. It should tell what metrics you are trying to improve. You can also put links to the supporting documents, marketing plans and legal requirements if required. You can also include some early wireframes or something that shows what it looks like in the ideal state down the line.
2) Product Requirements:
Here we go deeper into the features/functionality we are trying to build. We can state the requirements in detail eg: this feature should generate or store this type of data etc etc
3) Design Requirements:
These requirements are filled out by you in collaboration with the design team. It should come more from the design team since they are the experts. This is where you can include early wireframes, prototypes or sketches.
4) Engineering Requirements:
This is mostly filled out by engineers after the discussing the product and design requirements with them. Here database and tech related requirements are written.
Acceptance Criteria is a set of conditions that the feature must satisfy to mark it as done. Acceptance criteria are very detailed.
1) Given I am a user, when I click on "Add Photo" button in Direct Message window, I am presented with a pop-up window to choose the file I want to upload, Upon clicking "Upload" button within the window, I see the preview of the uploaded photo.
2) Given I am a user, when I successfully upload the photo from my device, the image is sent to the person through the direct message when I click the "Send" button and appears in the chat window.
To be continued...