Psychology and Vibration, Newsletter 14: The psy-(non)fi of our human experience.
The psy-(non)fi of our human experience
Introduction ?
Up till now Abraham has been guiding us into a new dimension of self-identity in which our inner identity - our vibrational vortexes which is part of Source Energy - is brought to the fore as the blueprint of unspeakable potential. Our amazing vortexes are continuous catalysts towards the expression of the entire potential that is within us. Because of our vortexes, it is possible to experience wellbeing on our personal as well as on our collective level.
The role of desires ?
Abraham informs us that Source Energy is the fountainhead of the physical and the non-physical. Time and again Abraham reminds us that Source Energy is all about desire, and thus all about fulfillment. And because we are part and parcel of Source Energy, we are also all about desire and fulfillment. As a matter of fact, all of life, or consciousness, if you will, seeks fulfillment, not simply physical survival. ?
The insight of having our own vortexes gives leeway and freedom to all of us, and it causes that we do not have to feel at the mercy of external events at all. Instead, the realization that we are co-initiators and co-creators with a far greater aspect of ourselves, namely Source Energy, is gradually becoming familiar. ?
Now, it is only because of the connotations placed upon the word “selfish” that we find contradiction. Left alone, our selfish desires are good. They are the desires of a self, born out of the glory of All That Is, and therefore those desires are good. We are each good, and our desires are good. Our desires are those of vitality and creativity, and they bring joy and creativity that we all can recognize in each other. We cannot find our souls by giving up our desires (Roberts, 1981). ?
Thoughts become things ?
We are beginning to feel the relief of participating in a benevolent project where the physical world springs up in response to our individual desires and preferences. The benevolent project involves the existence of a mental (non-physical spiritual) realm into which the visible universe keeps on materializing. As we have learned in previous newsletters, thoughts become things. ?
Therefore, although our universe seems objective and real, there is no 'outside of us' into which the invisible realm materializes. We think we are predominantly observers of reality, but we are, in fact, participators. The things in our world are a projection of the things that are really happening in our minds. In one sense, anything that you can see or feel, or touch is not real. And yet, in another sense it is the nature of all reality. ?
Our gift to create – an aspect we are meant to develop ?
We have been given the most awesome gift of all—the gift to create from our own thoughts and desires. Many of us do not connect the fact of thought and desire with the fact of birth in the physical universe. We do not realize that our thought is literally the parent of the physical reality that we know.
Thoughts and desires are energy, and we must learn what to do with it. If we realize that we create our physical reality through our own thoughts and desires, then we have learned the most important aspects of reality. This is all about an aspect of our consciousness that we are meant to develop. How exciting is it to consider that we can birth and grow our own realities! ?
Our reality is a multidimensional artwork ?
According to the Seth material (Roberts, 1981), - which has a lot in common with the Abraham Phenomenon - thoughts have color and shape. In conjunction with our emotions, it also has an electromagnetic structure. These combinations form our physical images. ?
Thoughts and emotions are thus within all things that we see. Although it is invisible, it makes up the appearance of any physical construction. For example, buildings appear permanent to the physical senses. They are, however, oscillating, ever-moving, highly charged gestalts of thought units, organized and maintained by collective efforts on the part of all our inner selves, and thus by Source Energy Itself. Our reality is in fact a majestically multidimensional artwork consisting of solidified thoughts and emotions - our subjective states cause physical materialization (Roberts, 1981). ?
Our vibrational output ?
Our thoughts and emotions cause our vibrational output. Everything that comes back to us, no matter what it is, is coming in response to the vibration that we offer. Our lives are continually reflecting to us what our vibrational output is.
For instance, constant interplay between strongly contradictory ideas and beliefs can cause great power blocks, impeding the flow of inner energy outward. These unexamined ideas and beliefs can adopt a life of their own. Because of the law of attraction, it gains momentum and get out of control which accordingly then effectively dominate certain areas of activity. These types of conditions can be observed all over where the opposite of wellbeing is playing out.
An example provided by Seth (Roberts, 1981) is that we internally plot out our life (dramas) because of the, often subtle, negative thoughts and emotions that we allow (think and feel) daily. In this manner we choose the images which flash upon “the screens” of our life experiences. We choose our roles as we become our own main heroes, villains, or victims. We seek out our supporting cast members. Every encounter, every situation is a clue of our prevailing and dominant thoughts and emotions.
We create our futures ... today. We simply do not think that we do. And we do not connect our actions today with the information on our life screens that we will perceive tomorrow. And so, our own actions escape us.
The aspect that is so wonderful about this is that we can make continual adjustments. When we realize this, we can accept seeming setbacks, or seeming contradictions, with a calm detached air, while adjusting our vibrational output.
The presence of our own psyches is a miracle and can and should be a zone of great comfort and joy. We are all each part of All-That-Is. We cannot become disconnected from it, regardless of what we do. We receive our vitality and life from this greater reality. It is a reality in which we have our own unique place. It is a reality of which we are a living part. ?
And because it is based upon the fulfillment of desires, life is (supposed to be) joyful and exciting. We find this zest by realizing that we create the reality we participate in. There are no exceptions to this rule. Our successes and our failures alike, we have ourselves created. If we would but understand all of this, it would be the truth that would make us free.
And because of the Abraham Philosophy we now have enough practical, workable, and psychological facts to design the best of anything and everything. There is - there never has been - another way.
Roberts, J (1981). The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. Prentice-Hall,?ISBN ?0-13-457259-9 . Reprinted 1994, Amber-Allen Publishing,?ISBN ?1-878424-21-1 .