Psychogenetic Code — Modern Dating: Search for SoulMates at the genetic level.
Kate Bazilevsky
Founder of the Human Population Academy, Junior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—CHS
This video is for those, who are tired of trying to meet their ideal partner, a SoulMate or at least someone, with whom it would be possible to build a truly normal (meaning, happy) relationship; and not only a romantic one, but any, including a business relationship. This is not easy because anything you try is futile. Searching on your own takes a lot of time and effort (and in the case of men, also money!), and leads to an unclear result or no result at all. Matchmakers only make money, and instead of helping women get married they try to slip them into tricksters’ beds, while these rich and not so rich men actually do not need anything from women. And, if you paid, but did not get a result, then they say that you are the one to blame.
And then, the client (you) gets ripped off again. You do not know how to make a normal man fall in love with you or how to keep him! Or: you do not know how to communicate with women! Here you are again, and now you need to pay for training and consultations. Or, you can listen to free lectures on the Internet. No, I am not at all against learning: no one is born with communication skills — they must be learned and learning in general is a good thing. What I am talking about is that 80% of all this coaching usually does not help much. Truly helpful relationship coaches can be counted on one hand. All others give advice that will lead you to having even more problems. For example, some teach about how to marry high-status men. The coach speaks beautifully, but if a woman starts to follow these recommendations, while trying to secure a marriage proposal, in the meanwhile she will end up pleasing an entire battalion of men for free… And, this applies not only to life coaches, but to psychologists as well. They make fools out of people, and do it with pleasure.
We will not discuss business matchmaking now. Everything is just as bad there as it is in other areas when a person tries to find someone for something. As to how and why it is such a bummer everywhere was already explained in the previous video. In a nutshell, the reason is the following: no one knows who is whose ideal partner by nature; by nature means at the genetic level, from birth, at the subtype level. (If you remember from the previous video, it is like in the world of animals: a cat for a cat, a dog for a dog, and a stallion for a mare.) Watch the previous video if you have not seen it. Besides, in order to apply the great schemes of coaches (which teach women how to make men fall in love, build serious relationship with them, get men to invest in them and so on), you must admit that first it is necessary to know from whom to seek all this, into whom exactly to make all these time and energy sucking investments? After all, if you choose a partner who is not right for you and regardless of how great of a relationship you build — you will never be 100% happy in this relationship.
The same goes for men. Yes, most men to not concern themselves that much with marriage, relationships, and so on. They want to have sex in all possible positions with a variety of women and, preferably, without having to invest into these women at all. But the catch here is the same: if you want sex, you still have to invest, and often financially as well. So, from the very beginning it would be nice for them to know whether to take this woman to a restaurant or is it better to invest their 2 cents more usefully?! More usefully in this case means getting a lot more pleasure, be it from sex or a relationship, and without unnecessary “hemorrhoid.” So, either way it is better to know exactly who to look for, even if you are looking for just a one night stand. Well, at least in order “avoid the feeling of excruciating pain for aimlessly spent years” later on.
Also, this way men will somewhat be cured of compulsive masturbation, and without the help of professionals. It seems that women with their games already got to them. As for prostitutes, men really do not want to or cannot pay for them. And, when it comes to taking advantage of the “kindness” of all sorts of free easy-going women when a man is financial insolvent, then there is a risk to be “rewarded” in such a way that medical treatment will be necessary for a long time. So, it turns out that you, dear men, have only two ways to avoid all this: either a relationship or masturbation.
Of course, many choose the latter and foolishly think that they are very crafty: why invest in women and lose your freedom when there is so much porn on the Internet? Quite naively a man does not understand that if he does everything himself using his “skillful hands,” then one not so wonderful day his “equipment” might not get “inspired” by a living woman. You do not believe me? Just listen to what sexologists say. And, of course, no one wants a glass of water in old age from the hands of some frump in the face of a wife or a live-in girlfriend, who exhausted all his nerves with her silly games. But here is the thing: besides the prospect of becoming a man from the category “I want to, but can’t” when it comes to a real, living woman, when one provides “self-service” — there is no energy exchange. This means that women do not share their powerful natural energy with such a man, and the poor fellow is left without additional energy resources. Why is this bad for a man? Well, it is very simple: the little man remains without achievements in society (be it in the business realm or whatever else), and will never become an alpha.
Right now I am addressing men because any woman already understands the necessity of a real, live partner and that this partner must be someone who is suitable specifically for her. So, dear men, do not try to deceive your own selves or others! Even a partner for one night stand must be the right one for you! That is just how nature arranged it. Remember: a cat with a cat, a dog with a dog, and so on. See the analogy? You try to climb onto a chicken while being a hippo, or, being a rabbit, you dare to have sex with tigresses. And then, you walk around with torn sides, unhappy, and all you have left is to resort to masturbation, while explaining your sloppy lifestyle by saying that all women are crap and you are so wonderful. Meanwhile, all you need is to KNOW WITH WHOM TO GO TO BED!
We can help you with this. Click here right now and get information about who your SoulMate is for FREE!
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