Psycho-Somatic to Soma-Psychic – Body-Mind linkage to “Stay Grounded”

Psycho-Somatic to Soma-Psychic – Body-Mind linkage to “Stay Grounded”


People operate within a certain context. They perceive the context and respond to it, based not on the ‘reality’ but on ‘what they perceive’. The perception is subjective. It is not possible for anyone to perceive anything ‘as it is’. The reason being the perception passes through the ‘lens’ and this modifies and moderates the image as it is felt, or the wordings as it is read, or the speech as it is heard. Often, we hear of the ‘psycho-somatic’ condition, meaning the body is driven by the mental/psychic condition we are in. Similarly, we have reverse called ‘soma-psychic’ condition, meaning body condition or health decides or drives the perception of a ‘reality’. Here the question that arises is, which reality we are talking of. The same condition or a situation is perceived differently by different individuals depending on the perspective or the viewpoint they may have. The famous old lady or the princess photograph’s ‘view’ by tilting a little is well known in Psychology classes on Perception. Similarly, three dimensional, ‘depth’ view giving two scenes in the same visual/photo is also known to us.?


‘Soma-Psychic’ condition and moderation

The body and the current condition of it deciding the perception can be experienced by us all. On a day of feeling bodily heaviness, there may be an element of dizziness felt around what is being ‘seen around’. There may be startling starlets around, the hazy pictures that appear in clouds may be clearer or less clear. For reasons if someone had missed the sleep on the previous slot, or over-eaten during the current slot, the repercussions are clear for them personally and for those around in that eco-system. Most of the meetings or classroom situations often are empathized during the post-lunch sessions. This mostly around the condition of being non-attentive. On the other hand, this response of the individuals to the external stimuli getting moderated by the physical condition is ‘soma-psychic’ response. Depressed response due to the insufficient rest or improper digestion is often exhibited by people. The gasping and quick-wit responses are seen in case of those affected by the ‘vayu’ issues. The ‘prakop’ of pitta or bile condition, the reactions are distorted from the otherwise condition. ‘Kapha’ or the phlegmatic aggravations are marked in terms of the unstable decision making that happens during such phases. Being aware of the distortions and the deviations from the ‘normal’ for the concerned individuals are to be appreciated.


Beyond factoring, the condition of ‘Soma’

The impact of the body condition on the psychological well-being and decision making is clearer from the above summarized treatment. However, from the ‘application perspective’, what is there for us to appreciate and move beyond appreciation for something concrete? In management, the proof of the pudding is ‘application’! From a process perspective of inputs fed to process that gives the outcomes, we have no measurability options left between inputs and the process, and what happens in the process directly (if not moderated) gets out as outcome. Where we have some scope for improvement is what ‘goes in’ as the inputs, and the way processing happens can be improvised. The outcome flow from the process, if is already in an amplitude high condition, should not be forced down as it shall affect the body based on the ‘psycho-somatic’ linkage. So, wherever we have scope, improve the condition of the body or ‘soma’ so that the very inputs get adjusted properly, and also the processing happens on a holistic plane. Then there shall be no need for anyone to do the moderation of the outcomes thus triggering spiraling down effect of ‘psycho-somatic’ actions.


On ‘Actioning’ front

Preserve the ‘Soma’ condition properly. One of the simple means of keeping it in better condition is, maintaining the ‘Aahaara, Vihaara, and Vichaara’ in due condition. The minimalistic approach in Aahaara and Vihaara instances shall work. Do take the minimum required as the physical food input, and within the tuned-up timings of not too late. As the saying goes that ‘ati sarvatra varjate’, too much is bad from all perspectives. Too much of eating, too late a meal to be abjured. Occasional fasting is good. The Vihaara refers to the general conduct. Here again the moderation helps us. Too much of an excitement or desolation shall cause bad reaction by the body which triggers bad ‘psychic’ reactions. ‘Vichaara’ refers to the thinking paradigm. Generally, keeping it simple, thinking more about relevant ones, and ‘not-thinking’ about anything that doesn’t contribute to the improvement on any front are preferred. Do it right, timely, and in adequate measure shall keep the ‘Soma’ condition better which in-turn shall lead to better psychic condition.


Finalizing the linkage?

When the seeker gets into the above desired mode, the lightness can be experienced by self, and perceived by others, those who are near and dear. There shall be more and better scope for real ‘Actioning’. The outcomes shall be better, the quality of psychological outcomes too shall be better. The positive spiral starts, and for better for all the stakeholders. The challenge is, each one has to align, aspire, and adopt the pattern that suits one. The general guidelines can be there, but fine-tuning and tweaking have to happen at the individual level as the macro guidelines adapted by the micro shall ensure that the aligned actions and oneness at the micro level, stretching to macro. Rest shall be ONE universal vibration that shall only cause all stakeholders betterment. The journey shall become pleasant. The eager waiting for the destination and further pushing forward the shifting goalposts won’t happen then. It shall be a pacific journey with higher and aspirational outcomes. Then prevailing serenity needs to be felt and experienced, for one to have been on-boarded completely.


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