Psychology and Psychiatry by 'Chinese-Whispers': Plausible Mechanisms for 'Medic' (Generic) Group and Mass Delusion [Rosenhan, 1973]
With subtitle:
The 'Back-to-Front' Mental Health Legal System: Guilty Until Proven Innocent -- Defendant Testimony Assumed Unreliable from the Outset
At the end of 'The Drunkard's Walk' by Leonard Mlodinow, is described work by psychologist David L. Rosenhan. Eight 'pseudopatients' complained (falsely) of hearing strange voices. Otherwise, they reported their life situations completely accurately, except for identity and job roles. They were duly admitted to mental hospitals, mostly with the label of schizophrenia, where they then acted completely normally. These 'pseudopatients' were all mentally healthy. 'None of the staff noticed. Instead, the hospital workers interpreted the pseudopatients' behaviour through the lens of insanity.' 'The hospitals never detected the ruse and, when later informed of what had gone on, denied that such a scenario could be possible.' David Rosenhan wrote that 'once a person is abnormal, all of his other behaviours and characteristics are coloured by that label'. [David L. Rosenhan, 'On Being Sane in Insane Places', Science 179, January 19, 1973, 237-55.]
-- This is an example of 'medic' (generic) group and mass delusion -- my usage of terms. Medic belief in contradiction with pseudopatient reality and rational argument.
Tinnitus is not always unpleasant. Musical ear syndrome is a recognised variant. Tinnitus, because there is no physical, external acoustic wave, impinging on the ear drum. Nobody else in the household, hears this effect. In my case, imagine a blank musical score, scrolling from right to left with time. Like a mental musical synthesiser, place voices, male and female, on the score at various points. High on the score for high voices, low on the score for low voices. With left-right position on the score determining entry point in time, as the music unfolds. The effect is choral and multi-phonic, in the form of a round. I found two songs particularly effective for this: Abba's 'Winner Takes it All' and 'One Moment in Time', the version by Dana Winner. I did also try Caruso, by Pavarotti, but did not get anywhere with this. Though I could hear the 'shape' of that music, without attaching actual words to the lyrics (which are in Italian). Over the top of the multi-voice melody and harmonies, a single pure tone, in a female voice, higher in pitch, and sustained as a single note for longer, than I had ever heard. I improvised around it, making simple variants on refrains from the underlying tunes. Each variant being placed mentally at a chosen point on the unfolding blank score, then picked up in an appropriate voice, and woven into the round. However, that single pure tone went on so long, I got concerned that the singer was in trouble. I paused, continued, and eventually that single note modulated and resolved. This was primary (internal world) experience. Heard not imagined. The effect was in-tune, musical and far better than I could invent. I do not compose. And at high (internal world) loudness. All experience being real, by dint of being observed. Enjoyable experience and interesting. If this mental synthesiser existed as electronic technology, everybody would want one.
I have also experienced choirs, brass bands and musicals, Mary Poppins-like. All with no external, acoustic wave excitation of the ear drum. As well as drilling-the-house-down noise so loud that all the neighbours would have been in the street expecting to see the house crumble, if the source of that noise had been external acoustic wave. A dictionary definition of delusion, is belief in contradiction with reality and rational argument. My reality is my immediate, combined, primary experiences, local to self in space and time, internal world and external world. As my belief is not in contradiction with my reality, or my rational argument, I am not deluded. As medics deny my reality, they are deluded on one dictionary variant, their belief in contradiction with complainant reality and complainant rational argument. However, the medic definition of delusion is belief in contradiction with reality and rational argument, which is a manifestation of mental ill health. Thus the medic definition can be fully circular, i.e., delusion is a manifestation of mental ill health, one example of mental ill health is paranoid schizophrenia, a key element of paranoid schizophrenia is delusion, delusion is a manifestation of mental ill health, ..., and around the loop.
Beyond personal reality, reasonable assumptions are required to explain observations. Clear signal of any kind needs explanation. Generically, source-to-receiver communications in its broadest form. Determine source, receiver and transmission mechanism, even if entirely 'local to self' in some non trivial fashion. And if a clear signal is not of physical / external / mutually accessible world origin, either directly or indirectly, then what is its origin ? 'Psychosis' or 'imagination' are non answers. Old science, new science and always mixed science. And that science could include (cognitive) psychology. In fact, that is the whole Universe in a nutshell, at least from this scientist's viewpoint. Then the details to work out ...
I am currently reading 'The Chimp Paradox' by Prof Steve Peters, broadly targeted at mind management and describing techniques employed in psychiatry and psychology for elite sport. That mind model recognises seven (sub-)brains and concentrates on three, parietal, limbic and frontal, as working independently to produce the psychological mind. Although musical ear syndrome is not discussed in this book, the notion of independent (sub-)brains, just one of which is 'the Human', leaves a lot of scope to capture complexities of mind. In very broadly related fashion, on the topic of mental complexity, Julian Jaynes presented an idea in his 1976 book 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind', that a bicameral mentality was the normal and ubiquitous state of the human mind as recently as 3,000 years ago, near the end of the Mediterranean bronze age. That is human minds were 'ruled by the gods' - wiki/Bicameralism_(psychology). Although Jaynes is not mainstream psychology, the above represent two interesting examples of well-known complexity of mind. The 'typical mind fallacy' is the mistake of modelling the minds inside other people's brains as exactly the same as own mind. Humans lack insight into their own minds and what is common among everyone or unusually specific to a few, wiki/Typical_mind_fallacy.
So what right do medics have to assert that their subjective reality is superior to mine ? And how do they justify attempting to force their minority world view, on someone with a different world view, by physical assault, 'soft' force, hence violence, in order to impose repeated depot injections ? Medics 'junkified' me forcibly, about half-a-dozen times over the last ~18 months, from a position of zero prescription (or recreational) drug use. That to impose repeated depot injections, by 'soft' force hence violence, against my zero escalation, token passive resistance, and clear ''No' means 'no'', on my grounds of my being adequately healthy. Never any acute, or emergency, situation in play. No standard, tick-box symptoms of mental ill health. No stress / depression / anxiety / mania / impairment. Always high functionality and generally happy disposition. No conventional anti-social problems of any kind. No significant risk to self or others. No history of ever having been so.
No 'degree' of mental ill health. Instead 'idiot-medics' cited completely bogus 'nature' of mental ill health, on the grounds that what I wrote and did, looked bizarre and non sensical to them. Those medics were ignorant by the standards of well educated people. Their knowledge of science, surprisingly poor. One 'idiot-medic' declared in all seriousness, that I was obsessed with time travel and cloning myself. Really. When, in fact, I had LinkedIn-blogged time-travel thought experiments,, to test the notion of Universe histories splitting at time-travel, jump-back singularities, compared to the competing notion of a single, self-consistent Universe history, e.g., 'Reversible dynamics with closed time-like curves and freedom of choice', Germain Tobar and Fabio Costa, 2020, Class. Quantum Grav. 37 205011. Another 'idiot-medic' declared that I wrote bizarre things about 'round earth'. When, in fact, I had blogged a number of Quora answers on the 'flat Earth problem', i.e., epistemology and the honest limits of knowledge. I also performed an order of magnitude calculation of brain-to-brain mutual induction, based on numbers from Magleby, 1971, frog sartorious nerve-muscle preparation, in the context of published literature on brain-wave sync'ing, e.g., between mother and child, Cambridge University. If brain waves can sync', how can this happen without feedback ? Presumably, that feedback is achieved by conventional social audio-visual cues, or else brains act something like resonant circuits, and either there exists direct electromagnetic field overlap, and/or the monitoring and measurement equipment itself provides feedback. I have included these discussions in my other LinkedIn-blogs, I was forcibly detained to a locked, acute psychiatric ward, within a week of performing that order of magnitude calculation. Moral of that story: don't discuss interesting, speculative pre-science with medics. Assume they are idiots.
Just a few examples, above, of very many examples of 'medic-idiocy', which I have blogged below and in my other LinkedIn-blogs. Active rationalisation is a useful procedure, when placed in really odd situations, such as being beaten on by medics, repeatedly, for no good enough reason. Otherwise, the crazy-world nature of that situation, could be destabilising. As just a few further illustrations, medics wrote variously throughout my medical notes: (a) That I probably could not understand or comprehend hospital level meetings (!). Umm. I was firing on all cylinders as an IT Consultant. (b) That I could not manage my professional commitments. And that I talked pseudo-scientifically. Both serious professional slurs. Libel under common usage of that term. (c) The implication that 'being energised and tapping away at my laptop' (as an IT Consultant !) was an indicator of serious mental ill health, requiring repeated, forced depot injections. Medics propagated a very large number of falsehoods throughout my medical records with total impunity.
Just the other week, I was finally released from a Community Treatment Order. Medics will stop forcing injections on me, for now. However, these medics refuse to admit their thuggery. They remain deluded and ignorant.
My immediately-previous NHS-complaint narratives are listed later in this blog. However, once I have built them incrementally, by diary additions, these can become long reads. And, I do notice, somewhat repetitive, until I have edited them tidily. Which takes time. This particular blog is tidy and readable, but not yet a final edit.
All 'legally-relevant' terminology used, is common / colloquial form. I do not know fully-correct, legal language. All statements are made as accurately as possible, given the constraints of document writing and editing time. Any error will be corrected if and when notified. Otherwise, I have no way to present this argument.
What tone of language to choose, to make a case ? I avoid expletives, try to keep it measured and I state it as it is. Thus my language will offend those 'medics' (generic) with whom I deal. However, those 'medics' ignore me as a matter of routine, anyway. And they already excuse themselves behaviour as extreme as mob-handed, physical assault, 'soft' force, hence violence.
In the 'back-to-front' mental health legal system, guilty (seriously mentally ill) until proven innocent, most 'medics' (generic) are 'followers'. Injustice therefore only requires one arrogant and self-superior 'senior' medic to 'lie' with impunity, i.e., absolutely to refuse 'simply to get his facts right'. Then the rest of the 'medic' (generic) group and mass delusion, e.g., 'medic' belief in contradiction with complainant reality and complainant rational argument, is mutually reinforcing. One senior 'liar' (on common and reasonable usage of that term) and human rights violations can occur.
-- Is it any mitigating factor, for that senior 'medic' perhaps to be a 'nice, honest and concerned' 'liar', if he refuses wilfully 'simply to get his facts right' ?
-- What value on-going 'due process' based on ever-increasing amounts of false information ?
-- It is possible that the 'subtleties' of these arguments, and concepts as significant as 'human rights violations', simply go over the heads of the key couple of 'medics' (generic) involved, Responsible Clinician ('senior / leader') and Community Care Coordinator ('follower / minion'). For sure, whenever raised, they are simply dismissive of the need 'actually to get their facts right'. 'Truth matters' does not resonate with them. Their non-scientific approach apparently becomes actual anti-science, in the sense of refusing actively to examine all evidence in the form of my written work. Presumably on the basis that this might pull them into my toxic and refractory, circumscribed delusion. I can only guess. They mostly refuse to answer direct questions. The Responsible Clinician has not known me very long. He stated to the Mental Health Tribunal that he has never detected any primary symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. He states that there is no 'degree' of mental ill health visible or active, currently. That because of their excellent 'treatment' of me, i.e., repeated mob-handed physical assault and forced depot injections. However, the Responsible Clinician relies on 'nature' to justify the pre-notified, pre-scheduled 'trauma' of his on-goingly abusive 'treatment' (= physical assault) and his repeated overriding of my human rights. That is, I have been mentally ill in the past, thus I am now, and therefore forever will be. And the Responsible Clinician can absolutely guarantee that, because he defines mental ill health. All of his 'nature and degree' criteria are bogus. Historical, at best. And mostly mis-stated and mis-quoted. And he just does not care about that. He is simply 'right' ! Even if I am adequately well now, he 'just knows' that I have been seriously ill before. Therefore the last ~fifteen months' 'details' don't actually matter very much. Forget 'truth matters'. The situation is largely the 'same' as ~35 years ago (!) ... at the other end of the country ... in a totally different social environment. Umm. Even when he has never seen a symptom, the Responsible Clinician knows that it is me who has been deluded, not him. I am 'known' to mask my symptoms very cleverly. Magical.
-- There will be a lot of reasons why the mentally ill, are ill for life. But one of them is that psychiatrists say so. And power defines 'sanity'. Thus these kind medics will now save me from myself, and force depot injections on me, quarterly, for the rest of my life. They will stand in my lounge and have me dragged out of my own house, by police, perhaps in handcuffs, every three months, even when the Kids are at home. By doing so, they may shorten my lifespan. How many years of my life are they allowed to take ? (Published literature: (i) studies of longevity versus hours slept per night, above or below optimal; (ii) studies of longevity versus press-up ability. Correlations observed. Causations not known to me. Implications unknown. Perhaps some; (iii) studies of longevity versus degree of personal control over own life, lack of control shortens lifespan.) They may damage my brain. How many points of IQ are they allowed to take ? (Published literature: indications of loss of grey and white brain tissue with prescribed psychiatric drug use. And implicit assumption that this will impact IQ.) They may cause tardive dyskinesia, Parkinson's-like. They certainly make me tired, lethargic and sleep far too much, each day. These medics make my life hard. They beat on me. And I have to work around these ignorant medics, to keep my family afloat financially. But these medics are 'always right'. From now on, my every success will be down to their excellent medical 'treatment' (=repeated physical assault). And if I let myself get crippled into a disabled person, by ignorant medic gas-lighting, and my family eventually goes under, then that will vindicate medics' excellent diagnosis of my 'serious mental ill health'. Mental ill health so serious, I am deemed incapable of refusing 'treatment' (=physical assault) to below the level of basic sign language. People can even be allowed to refuse life-saving treatment. But medics must make my decisions for me, because I am deemed simply incapable of thinking for myself. That medic position is straightforwardly dishonest. I can very obviously think for myself and make my own decisions. This is human rights violation. If legal, it is a civil liberties issue.
-- As an unintended consequence of their actions, if medics force injections on me, every three months, for the rest of my life, then they can guarantee that they are 'always right'. Their backs well and truly covered. Zero chance of ever being proved wrong. They will have 'treated' (=physically assaulted) and crippled me to a dependent and disabled person, for half-a-lifetime. With no chance of my ever regaining my independence. For which, no doubt, I should be truly grateful to these inadequately-informed, wilfully ignorant and non-listening 'medics' (generic). And how much damage can they achieve along the way ? If medics can achieve irretrievable damage, then again they are vindicated, backs well and truly covered. I become drug-dependent for the rest of my life. Such claims are not scurrilous. Published literature suggests that prescribed psychiatric drugs can increase dopamine receptor density and sensitivity, implying possibly increased risk of future psychosis. The scandal of induced drug addiction and drug dependence, due to medic-prescribed anti-depressants and tranquillisers, was well publicised.
This case study is my own. I do not have any statistics to tell me whether others experience similar treatment.
I appreciate greatly, the NHS and those that work in it.
And I do not like to be viewed or perceived as an NHS problem. In fact, I object to being viewed as any problem at all. Particularly in the current pandemic. However, I am being treated unfairly by some 'medics' (generic).
'Medics' (generic) are rightly held in high regard, especially at present. It will therefore not be popular or politic, to point out that some of them can be lax and sloppy, lying, slandering, and libelling me, on common usage of those terms. Such propagation of falsehoods, as a result of negligence, incompetence and discrimination in 'actually just getting their facts right', again on common usage of those terms. However, human rights violation, including repeated physical assault hence violence ('soft' force), is a big deal, and I will protest it.
-- Where to protest is a trickier question. The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) has no direct remit to treat the Mental Health Act. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) cannot and will not put its legal teams on the case and cannot / will not supply advice on medical decision-making. As it cannot / will not tackle 'legal or medical' it is completely toothless in my case. There exists no legal body in the UK, with an immediate and direct remit to treat unjust forced detention, and unjust forced treatment, under the Mental Health Act. None. The mental health bodies like Mind and Rethink cannot offer detailed advice on specific cases, nor address compound legal issues. Only 'one-line' advice on simple 'one-line' issues. 'NHS Complaints' effectively polices itself. From experience, it is partisan and non independent. It absolutely refused point-blank, to consider my key documentary evidence, in list-based fashion, true / false, true / false, ..., over ~10 months of a blatant, rubber-stamping whitewash of 'due process'. Hospital Managers appeals are one-sided and run by lay-people who openly congratulate medics on the quality of their testimony, and the great work that they do, during HMs' appeal hearings. And the Mental Health Tribunal system is 'back-to-front' as a UK legal system, 'guilty until proven innocent' and very much an 'us-versus-them' system by construction and implementation, if not by 'intent'. The MHT Judge confers with the medics, post-hearing and before decision-making, in the absence of the complainant, but does not act on complainant-charges as serious as lies, slander and libel against medics. Medic testimony and opinion simply taken as good, with zero checks on veracity of sources. There is no appeal to the First Tier tribunal available on the basis of false information. Only on the basis of 'due process'. 'Lying' medics can, and do, skew the MHT system to total worthlessness. Due process, but on the basis of an ever-increasing amount of false information.
Blogging to mental health websites like the MentalHealthForum is both not allowed (blogs might reveal identities) and is anyway inappropriate. The seriously mentally ill probably would not benefit from reading my blog. Sites like Reddit for mental health, can look angry, and ill-targeted. This general-forum, LinkedIn-blog, achieves very few hits above my own on-going edits. The Critical Psychiatry Network could not engage in discussion.
Writing to the Houses of Parliament, probably got me put on a 'blocked-list' (I suspect). And my local MP, at the time, never replied to my emails with anything other than stock 'busy' responses.
So where to go next ... ?
-- Brick wall after brick wall. Is it legal ? Is it discrimination ? Simply ignoring someone is a very powerful response. If I were wealthy and powerful, I would not be ignorable. However, as a man in the street ... . Easiest just to ignore me, until I go away. These medics have it sown up. They operate a cheating / lying / bulling system: (i) bend and break the rules, (ii) propagate falsehoods with impunity, and (iii) attempt to impose their own world view by physical assault, 'soft' force, hence violence. Why respect such a system, which wilfully makes no effort 'simply to get its facts right' ? Power defines 'sanity'. To these medics 'violence is not violence'. They are doing me a favour, by beating on me, again and again and again.
Email to my solicitor, Thu 27 Aug '20:
-----Original Message-----
From: William Batty <[email protected]>
To: ***
Sent: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 12:43
Subject: CTO recall 72 hour period
Hi **,
Just to recheck, because this still sounds suspect to me --
On CTO recall, can medics call in the police, without a warrant, and have me forcibly removed from my own home in handcuffs, when I am simply OK by all standard criteria, i.e., adequately healthy ? No acute, or emergency situation, in play.
How is this last consistent with personal freedom in a free country ?
-- Am I a second-class citizen in the eyes of the law ?
On CTO recall, are medics entitled legally to inject me forcibly, on CTO without reversion to Section 3, then release me, without invoking the 72 hour observation period ?
How is this consistent with safe application of the Stop the Line procedure, when the Community Team has totally side-stepped interaction with the in-patient team ?
-----Original Message-----
From: ***
Date: 27/08/2020 13:04 (GMT+00:00)
Dear Bill
You are not a second class citizen. It is permitted as it has a statutory purpose. Rights of individuals are always taken into account but on grounds of health they can be overridden.
-----Original Message-----
From: William Batty <[email protected]>
To: ***
Hi **,
I am then, a second class citizen. Medics can override my individual rights on their subjective medical opinion, no more. Simply declare lack of patient insight.
-- And that medical opinion need not include acute, or emergency, situation, or any primary indicators of serious mental ill health. No symptoms at all. It does not require me to fail the Mental Capacity Act decision specific test. It can be applied against someone highly functional and of generally happy disposition, of no significant risk to self or others, and no history of ever having been so. No conventional anti-social problems of any kind.
-- In short, if medics say put him in handcuffs, drag him from his own home, then physically assault him with a forced depot injection, they can do so on their own say-so, no more.
-- That is 1-on-1 abuse power. Medics can inflict trauma (pre-notified, pre-scheduled physical assault, 'soft' force, hence violence) legally.
-- I cannot do the same to them. I am a second class citizen, in law.
Reading the Mental Health Tribunal judgement from Wed 8 Jul '20:
The MHT is an inquisitorial system, with balance of probabilities decision-making. The MHT judge summarised fairly in her written report. Thus the whole issue reduced to 'who to believe'. And there, the MHT system becomes back-to-front as a UK legal system. Guilty-until-proven innocent, i.e., seriously mentally ill until proven otherwise, with previous (medical) record held against you and repeated at all hearings. Written English or arguments at the level of this LinkedIn-blog, for instance, are not sufficient indication of mental good health. Neither was my articulate MHT presentation -- a two-hour live meeting. The medics with whom I deal, trade on the good name of their profession. My testimony is deemed suspect from the outset. Medic testimony is deemed sound from the outset. The MHT panel made a balance of probabilities choice. It chose medic lies, slander and libel under common usage of those terms. Thus it chose due process based on increasing amounts of false information. And found against me on information that the Community Care Coordinator, in particular, knew personally to be false, but chose not to flag or highlight, when given explicit chance to do so. The MHT Judge presented best wishes for my career, but left me in an on-going abuse and trauma situation. Inadequately-informed and ignorant medics will simply side-step my right to refuse 'treatment' (= physical assault) under the Mental Capacity Act decision specific test, and enforce depot injections (= 'soft' force hence violence), quarterly for the rest of my life. Having me dragged repeatedly from my home, sometimes in handcuffs, by the police, with the Kids in the house. Medics assert that they must think for me. This is not an honest position by medics. I do computational physics and engineering maths for my day-job and I am firing on all cylinders. Simply in excellent mental health relative to people in serious mental distress and pain. Medics declare subjective medical opinion of 'lack of patient insight'. In reality, I am beaten on repeatedly as a result of medic group and mass delusion -- definition of terms and supporting arguments, presented below. The MHT Judge and medics argue that they are doing me a favour, by behaving this violently. However, they deny my personal reality in favour of their own. They largely ignore me and treat me like live meat. They do not see, hear or recognise my mind.
All minds are different. Over the last ~16 months, when medics have locked me up and beaten on me, I have been in relatively excellent mental health. Mentally active and highly productive. No mental ill health serious enough to justify immediate forced detention, by emergency ambulance and police, to a locked, acute psychiatric ward, for weeks and months at a time. Think normal but highly motivated. Never any acute, or emergency, situation in play. Those medics have never seen in me, a single primary symptom of serious mental ill health. No stress / depression / anxiety / mania / impairment. Highly functional. Of generally happy disposition. No significant risk to self or others. Ever. No conventional anti-social problems of any kind. Medics locked me up and assaulted me physically, for written work and actions which sounded bizarre or non-sensical to them. However, those medics were either junior, e.g., nurses or social workers with no great scientific training, or Consultant-level with a surprising ignorance of topics related to medical physics or English language cultural references. Completely impossible to have intelligent conversations with those 'medics' (generic), about topics such as low-frequency and diffusive electromagnetism or magnetotellurics. They simply did not have the concepts even to repeat the terminology correctly. Again and again, I speak and write professional-level good sense, and those medics hear nothing but meaningless noise. Those 'conversations' simply sound like empty or 'crazy' words to some of those medics. Non- and mis-communication. And inadequately-informed ignorance on the part of those medics, leads to on-going violation of my human rights. All that matters to those medics, is their own subjective reality. As one Consultant put it, 'that is your perception'. Umm. True of every observation, by anyone, in the entire Universe. However, it is my life and only I experience it. Yet those ignorant, self-superior and arrogant medics feel that they have the right to attempt to dictate my world view by 'soft' force, hence violence. Live meat. Sub-human.
The position of those medics is that if I am not seriously mentally ill now, then that is due to their excellent 'treatment' (= repeated physical assault), and that I was seriously mentally ill previously. In their view, I now suffer from circumscribed delusions, and am toxic and increasingly refractory, i.e., nasty and trouble-making. However, I am honest. And medics propagate lies with impunity, under common usage of that term. They simply refuse actually 'just to get their facts right'. I was never deluded. All statements of my serious mental ill health were made by other people. Never by me. Purely collateral evidence in the 'holistic' (!) psychiatric viewpoint. My opinions and statements are irrelevant to those medics. Whole system medicine without me much in the loop. Those medics were deluded and continue to be so. Their delusion is toxic (to me) and increasingly refractory. We share a physical, external, mutually accessible reality. Thus, despite the relative and subjective nature of knowledge and truth, 'hard facts' can be checked, given reasonable assumptions. However, those medics with whom I deal, adopt an anti-scientific 'always right' position and absolutely refuse 'simply to get their facts right'. They will not examine critically and amend their own positions, even when they have been told personally, by the individual who supplied the original and correct information, that they have corrupted those facts.
11.45, Fri 10 Jul '20:
The Community Care Coordinator and police arrived, to drag me out of my house. I stated to the policeman: (i) that this is human rights violation, (ii) my zero escalation, non violent, token passive resistance. The policeman largely ignored me. He did not listen. No 2-way, adult, human interaction. He treated me as sub-human. Perhaps he regards me as retarded. Or in some other fashion, as mentally deficient.
-- 'Insanity' is in practical terms, being in a minority of one, irrespective of excellence of mental health. This is an us-versus-them system. Power defines 'sanity'. Hard facts become irrelevant. The Community Care Coordinator is sat in my lounge chatting. A jolly for her.
-- This really does not help me get my work done. Currently on a deliverable overrun. So all of these hours' forced-drugged-sleep, plus the current beat-on distraction, are not welcome.
On his return, the original policeman was friendlier and conversed. His colleague called in a third policeman. As a passive, token resistance dead weight, I weigh ~14 1/2 stones. The police do not wish to do me harm. I do not want one of them to pull their back.
-- Friendly chat all round, down in my lounge. I am not part of it.
Four policeman, this time. No handcuffs. The police took care to do no harm. Ambulance to the hospital. Last time, it was a police van. The ambulance staff pushed / lifted me out of the ambulance at the hospital. I did not try to wedge myself in the grilled-panel 'dog cell'. No police at the hospital. Only the Community Care Coordinator followed in her car. Six small female nurses in the injection room. I could have pushed my way out of the room, easily. However, someone would have gotten hurt. Once medics instigate mob-handed physical assault, hence violence, the limiting case is always murder. In the event, 'soft' force, as I choose zero escalation, non violent, token passive resistance in response to repeated medic violence. I stated clearly and repeatedly ''No' means 'no'', on my grounds of my being adequately healthy. I was ignored as always. And the Community Care Coordinator does the injection herself. It should not be legal for one person to have such 1-on-1 abuse power over another individual.
At Wed's Mental Health Tribunal, the Community Care Coordinator maintained the lie. She was asked if she had any further statement that she wished to make. She offered nothing. However, she knew that the Responsible Clinician had continued to propagate falsehoods throughout my medical records. She knew that explicitly, because she had been informed by the person who made the original and correct statements. The Community Care Coordinator therefore ensured due process on the basis of false information, as always. She is fully complicit in this cheating, lying, bullying system. Cheating because 'medics' (generic) bend and break rules. Lying because they propagate falsehoods with impunity and absolutely refuse 'simply to get their facts right'. And bullying, because ultimately, this reduces to nothing more than 'medics' insisting that things are done their way, irrespective of hard facts, justice or fairness. And their being willing to resort repeatedly to violence ('soft' force) to attempt to impose their minority world view on someone else, with a different, perhaps more minority, world view.
-- This should not be legal. If this is legal, then it is a civil liberties issue.
My son informs me that my eyes now look buggy. That is true. That is a side effect of these psychiatric drugs that I have noticed previously. And these drugs have been forced on me, by physical assault, thus violence. And against my clear ''No' means 'no'', on my grounds of my being adequately healthy. These ignorant, gas-lighting medics are trying to cripple me into a disabled person. They have now made me look disabled. It should not be legal to treat people this unfairly.
The Responsible Clinician also lied at the Mental Health Tribunal, two days ago. He said that forced injection could not harm me. He knows that that is patently untrue. However, the well-known damaging effects of psychiatric drugs are an inconvenience to him. So he just adopted his standard tack of making things up, and stating that the fact is not a fact. His eyes will not bug out. He will not sleep all day long. He will not end his life with brain damage and Parkinson's like symptoms. The panel-medic, at the MHT, pointed out that my speculations and experiments on low-frequency, environmental noise in mental health and tinnitus, were well founded. However, despite the panel-medic's knowledge of relevant literature, the Responsible Clinician maintained his inadequately-informed, ignorant position, and said 'that was unlikely'. The Responsible Clinician is not interested in hard facts, fairness, justice and actually 'getting things right'. He is concerned only with getting things done his way. The Hippocratic Oath is 'first do no harm'. The Responsible Clinician and Community Care Coordinator are liars and hypocrites. They do a lot of harm.
-- Are the Responsible Clinician and Community Care Coordinator nice people, loved by their families and friends ? Probably. Does that excuse their arrogant, self-superiority and absolute refusal 'actually to get their facts right' ? Is well-intentioned, inadequately-informed and ignorantly caused harm, not still harm ? How about wilful refusal to correct flagged and known falsehoods ? And refusal to notify such, to the appeal hearing ?
-- If the Responsible Clinician and Community Care Coordinator are not liars, then what are they, under reasonable usage of terms, when they absolutely refuse 'actually to get their facts right' ? If the Responsible Clinician and Community Care Coordinator are not hypocrites, under reasonable usage of terms, then why do they do so much harm, when they could follow entirely different paths ? The RC and CCC both violate the Mental Health Act first principle, namely minimal intervention and maximal independence. They both gas-light and attempt to create a disabled, dependent person, from an able and independent person. The RC and CCC both violate the intended protections of the Mental Capacity Act decision specific test. They simply side-step that test, by invoking the Mental Health Act directly. Thus treating me implicitly and effectively as incapable of refusing 'treatment' (= physical assault) to below even the level of basic sign language. The MCA bar is set that low. That is simply not an honest position by these 'medics'. They 'lie' many ways.
11.15, Fri 10 Jul '20:
About to be dragged out of my house, by the police, possibly in handcuffs, again. Email reply to my solicitor --
-----Original Message-----
From: William Batty <[email protected]>
To: ***
Sent: Fri, 10 Jul 2020 11:07
Subject: Re: Could you please distribute my defence documents -- attached ?
Hi ***,
OK. If that is how you read it.
-- Dr *** of course, dismissed my experiments out of hand, from his usual position of inadequately-informed ignorance.
And now I await the imminent arrival of medics and police, to drag me out of my own house, again, in handcuffs, with the Kids all at home. Then lock me in the grilled-barred 'dog cell' at the back of the police van. And medics inject me by force, against my clearly stated ''No' means 'no'', on my grounds of my being adequately healthy.
Just how lunatic did I look and sound at Wed's hearing ?
-- That was a two-hour, live meeting. How many of the 'seriously mentally ill' would have made that level of presentation ?
No stress / depression / anxiety / mania / impairment. Highly functional and generally happy. No conventional anti-social problems. No significant risk to self or others. No history of ever having been so. Simply in excellent mental health, relative to those in serious mental distress and pain.
Yet shortly, an ignorant medic will stand in my lounge, with the police, and attempt again, to force her world view on me, by physical assault hence violence ('soft' force). Then the hypocrites will deny all violence. Instead, they will express their 'expert' medical opinions that I am at risk of aggression. The ultimate bully position. I have never been violent with anyone in my whole life. These medics are violent routinely.
These medics are assuming incapacity to refuse 'treatment' (= physical assault), on my part, below the level of even basic sign language.
-- How can they just ignore the intended protections of the Mental Capacity Act decision specific test, like this ?
-- Those four criteria are meant to be implicit in their decision making.
How can this be legal ?
-- I just have to put up with this ? And no further hearing application until Nov ?
This should not be legal in a free country.
-- It is ludicrous.
-- It is absurd.
-- It is unjust.
-- It is human rights violation.
All the best,
It should not be legal for a 'medic' to have an adequately-well person, causing no problems of any kind, dragged and lifted from their own home, in handcuffs, by police, in zero acute, or emergency, situation ... .
-- Personal freedoms and liberty should disallow this, in a free country.
-- Being deemed that 'seriously mentally ill' *should* have something to do with actually feeling ill and being ill ! For 'medics' to treat someone adequately-well and capable, as actually incapable of refusing forced 'treatment' at below even the level of basic sign language, is simply dishonest. It is gas-lighting. It is physically abusive, hence violent.
-- It should not be legal for any individual 'medic' to have such personal, 1-on-1 abusive power, over another adequately-well individual (me). Particularly, when that 'medic' decision-making is based squarely on inadequately-informed 'medic' ignorance of my work and study areas, and 'medic' laxity, sloppiness and simple, self-superior refusal and failure 'actually just to get facts right'.
-- Life: 'it is as it is', one second at a time, and keep it honest. My current mental health: excellent. Always has been. Mental *ill* health *should* be about feeling and being ill. Not simply being *told* you are ill, by other (inadequately informed thus ignorant) people. Current downside: unwarranted drug effects. Tired, lethargic, sleeping 12+ hours per day, (used to be early-to-bed, early-to-rise, ~9 pm 'til ~3 am, about ~6 hours), muscle aches, stiff, weight gain, ..., and greatly distracted by this on-going beat-on situation, which wastes a huge amount of valuable time. Also indicated in the available literature: possible on-going brain damage, e.g., loss of grey and white brain tissue and risk of tardive dyskinesia (Parkinson's-like). These drugs are well known to do damage. All for no good enough reason. Ignorant medic gas-lighting makes my life unnecessarily difficult. Do these medics even know what their drugs do to a mind ? Beyond drug physiology of bodies ? Are these medics malign or 'idiot' / negligent / incompetent ? Or do they have ulterior motives and consider subjective issues, by personal lines of reasoning from own evidences, which dishonestly they do not declare explicitly ? Never objective. Always only in the heads of these NHS medics. Is that why it is nearly impossible to get a straight answer from these psychiatrists ? Do these medics do science, or something else ? If science of mind, then how is it that I am not included as anything other than live meat ? My mind is simply invisible to these medics.
-- Key Question: How could these reasonably smart 'medics' (generic) be 'medic-idiots' ? Flip-side question: how can they not be, when they make so little effort 'actually just to get their facts right' ? And when they simply fabricate so much stuff ? Lie with impunity, under common usage of that term ? If not 'medic-idiots', then what ?
And whilst 'medics' (generic) 'lie' with impunity, under common usage of that term, and simply fabricate things which never happened, they write medical reports for appeal hearings, which are phrased so as to cast doubt on everything that I say. I am seen only behind the 'looney'-label (colloquial) by these 'medics', thus I am regarded as toxic and trouble-making. Everything that I say is treated as a potential lie, lunatic or psychotic. Even things as basic as whether I actually have a job, let alone a professional job, whether I work at all, or whether I am even capable of working at all, whether my written notebooks contain anything other than total gibberish, whether I really do job interviews and receive offers of employment with agreed job-start dates, whether my LinkedIn-blogs and Quora answers are scientifically rational and technically sound, or bizarre and non sensical (which is the way that they look to these inadequately-informed, thus ignorant, medics !), or whether I can actually understand and comprehend hospital-level meetings (!). Nothing that I say is taken straightforwardly at face value by those 'medics' with whom I deal. Within the mental health legal system, my personal testimony is given virtually zero decision making weight. My allegations of lies, slander, libel and fabrication by 'medics', which would be grave in any other situation, are simply ignored and not investigated or even considered. I am seen and heard, but largely ignored, effectively a 'disappeared' person. Existing only to be injected like live meat, until these 'medics' feel sufficiently improved.
-- The mutually-sustained group and mass delusion shared by this relatively small collection of 'medics' (generic), is completely different to the view of me held by long-time friends, relatives, work colleagues and clients. By everyone except this smallish collection of ignorant, gas-lighting 'medics', I am regarded as straightforwardly direct and honest, well-informed and good at what I do.
A 'medic' (generic) stands in my lounge, with the police, then has me dragged and lifted from my own home in handcuffs, as a 14 1/2 stone, zero escalation, non violent, token passive resistance dead weight. Absolutely zero acute, or emergency, situation in play. Ever. Zero stress / depression / anxiety / mania / impairment. Ever. Highly functional and of generally happy disposition. Always. No conventional anti-social problems. No significant risk to self or others. No history of ever having been so.
I am locked in the grilled-panel 'dog-cell' at the back of the police van. Then driven to hospital where the same 'medic' assaults me physically, hence violently, ('soft' force), to impose depot injection. This personal, 1-on-1 abuse, against my explicit and clearly repeated ''No' means 'no'', on my grounds of my being adequately healthy. In fact, in excellent mental health relative to those in serious mental distress and pain, who might benefit from such 'care'.
After forced injection, against my clear and absolute refusal, I hear roughly 'There, all done' (paraphrase). The level of patronising condescension in such a statement, is off-the-scale. On leaving the hospital room, I hear 'Thanks, Bill'. My reply, 'Don't thank me for that, it was direct physical assault'. Being trivialised is simply the wrong word. Perhaps think serious ''No' means 'no'' situations, with the forcible act followed by 'There, all done. Thanks for helping'. I am seen and heard but neither recognised nor comprehended. Effectively and implicitly deemed incapable of refusing treatment, to even below the level of basic sign language. The Mental Capacity Act decision specific test, sets the bar that low. However, the MCA is inconvenient for these 'medics', so they simply sidestep the intended protections of the MCA, by invoking the Mental Health Act directly. I am deemed so incapable of thinking for myself, in fact, that the injectors must think for me. And on that basis, they will do me the same favour next month, and on a quarterly interval, for the rest of my life.
In fact, I am an IT and Technical Consultant of ~35 years' post-graduate experience, firing on all cylinders. I can very definitely think for myself. The 'medic' position is dishonest and a cheating / lying / bullying one, on common usage of terms. These 'medics' bend and break rules, do not bother actually to get their facts right, and apply repeated physical assault, hence violence. 'Soft' force, because I reply with non violent, zero escalation, in response to repeated, 'medic'-instigated physical assault, hence violence, for which the limiting case is always murder.
These 'medics' (generic) have ZERO non bogus 'nature and degree' criteria for their 'assessment' of 'serious mental ill health' so bad as to justify such 'treatment'. Other people do not get 'treated' like this. The only 'nature and degree' criteria that these medics ever list, are my perfectly rational writings and actions, which look bizarre and non sensical -- to them (writings like this LinkedIn-blog article or my Quora answers). In practice, these inadequately-informed 'medics' are simply ignorant by the standards of well-educated people. Their position reduces to nothing more than their attempted imposition by physical assault, hence ('soft') force and violence, of their own minority world view, on someone else with a different world view.
And such 'treatment' for no better reason than the arrogant, self-assumed superiority of these 'medics', and their own laxity and sloppiness, thus incompetence, negligence and discrimination, in 'just getting their facts right'. They simply do not think that that matters much, or even bother to try very hard. They adopt the holistic psychiatric viewpoint, with dominant decision-making weight given to collateral evidence. They do not show adequate due diligence in checking, corroborating, clarifying, correcting or verifying key facts. And they operate a 'Chinese-whispers'-type process of written medical record mis-copying, always in the direction of 'more- and sufficiently-crazy' sounding. More important to achieve the desired Mental Health Tribunal decision, than actually to state things accurately in writing.
The ultimate result is 'whole system' medicine without the complainant (me) even in the loop. No internal metrics of mind. No methodologically sound and demonstrated mapping between 'medic' view of complainant view, and actual complainant view. 'Medics' inject me until their own view of the world improves sufficiently. Thus a broadly behavioural-, or stimulus-response-type approach, fully medic- / observer- / experimenter-dependent, always subjective and never objective. (Discussed further below.)
I protest the situation. However the 'back-to-front' mental health legal system assumes 'guilt' (serious mental ill health) until proven 'innocent'. With the testimony of the (assumed-insane) defendant, given essentially zero decision-making weight from the outset. I am essentially ignored. And the system is inherently unbalanced and one-sided by construction and implementation. Veracity of 'medic' sources and assertions are not checked at all. 'Medic'-propagated falsehoods simply accepted as 'good', post-hearing. And with no appeal available to the First Tier Tribunal on the basis of false information, only on due process. Thus due process followed, but with decision-making based on unchallenged, and effectively unchallengeable, false information. These 'medics' 'lie, slander and libel' with impunity, on reasonable usage of those terms.
This is human rights violation. If it is legal, then it is a civil liberties issue.
I use: slander = spoken falsehood, libel = written falsehood.
Thus not related to the legal technicalities of defamation. Medics are totally free from all recourse under law, for defamation, libel or slander, under common usage of those terms, within private meetings and the privileged Mental Health Tribunal environ. Some medics do, in my personal experience, propagate falsehoods with impunity. Many examples, below.
I also use: lie = (unknowingly ?) propagate falsehood(s) with intent.
The full phrase is too wordy for repeated use and is most likely a euphemism anyway.
Being Ignored as an NHS Common Response
I would respect those 'medics' with whom I deal, if they were scrupulously honest and took the greatest pains to get their facts quite right. And if they did good science. However, they are not and do not. They operate a cheating, lying, bullying system based ultimately on 'lower level truth', i.e., mostly avoid the direct lie, and physical assault, hence violence. 'Soft' force, to get their own way. And they are concerned primarily with getting things done their way, rather than fairly or correctly. To that end, they lie, slander, libel and fabricate, on common usage of those terms. They exaggerate, embroider and mis-copy, as a matter of routine. And they do so with total impunity. Their system is unscientific, not testable, not falsifiable and 'always right'. Where is the accuracy of reporting ? Where is the justification of their medical decision-making, from sound and applicable single-case statistics, updated continually for time and circumstance ? Why would 'medics' propagate falsehoods repeatedly, if their case were sound when stated correctly ? Why respect a system like that ?
A commonly visible NHS response to the issues that I raise repeatedly, is 'Just ignore him'. The clear implication being that I am a trouble-maker who needs to go away. Toxic and refractory. Quite generally, ignoring someone totally, is a very convenient way of dealing with a problematic person -- where legal. Just do not recognise them as an intelligent, decision-making human being. Assume and dictate incapacity to below the level of basic sign language. Such statement irrespective of 'hard facts' and all evidence of sentient life.
My charges of lies, slander and libel against the 'medics' with whom I deal, are never actioned or examined. Not by Mental Health Tribunal Judge, Hospital Managers, Second Opinion Appointed Doctor, Community Care Coordinator, Responsible Clinicians, ... . Simply ignored. That is an effective response, when there exists no legal requirement 'simply and actually to get facts right'. The Patient Advice and Liaison Service has supplied ONE informative answer in ~15+ months, and now requires that I get an Independent Mental Health Advocate to liaise with it, the liaison service. PALS does not supply information to me directly. NHS Enquiries sent me an email some while ago, stating that if I ring it, the conversation will be politely ended. And if I write to it, my correspondence will be duly filed, without response or acknowledgement. Yet PALS tells me explicitly, that it does not discriminate. So does it reply meaningfully just once in ~15+ months to everybody, and demand that everybody liaise with it by IMHA ? Or does it spout platitudes ? Does NHS Enquiries refuse all contacts ? Or contacts only from me ? The evidence is clear enough.
My immediately-previous NHS-complaint narratives, directly below. However, once I have built them incrementally, by diary additions, these can become long reads. And, I do notice, somewhat repetitive, until I have edited them tidily. Which takes time.
The last, is a short, 4-page essay.
Psychologists as Non Scientists & Psychiatry as 'Always Right' : Non Testable, Non Falsifiable, Employing 'Physical Assault' Hence Violence
Straight Answer from a Psychiatrist ? The 'Patient' as 'Less' . Medic World View by 'Physical Assault' ('Soft' Force) Hence Violence
Negative/NonValue of Psychiatric Drug Injection With Forced Deprivation of Liberty & 'Physical Assault' : Typical Mind Fallacy & Limitation of Vision
The Nature of Delusion, Non-Delusion, Mental Ill and Good Health
Introduction to Medic Group and Mass Delusion
This blog is meant to give some plausible explanation of how a whole group of 'medics' (generic) could sustain the same mass delusion about the 'mental ill health' of a complainant (me). Not hard at all, when most of them are 'followers'.
The 'idiot-medic' position, ('idiot' for those reasonably smart 'medics' who get things so badly wrong, by assumed self-superiority, and consequent laxity and sloppiness, from positions of such legal power and responsibility), is really rather a remarkable one. Namely that I am a 'drooling madman' (colloquial -- of course, expressed in correct medic terminology) and quite possibly simply not capable of working at all.
-- Variously, that I do not even have a job, let alone a professional job.
-- That I write nothing but illegible notes in my notebooks.
-- That I just cannot understand or comprehend hospital-level meetings.
-- That my level of incapacity is even to below the level of basic sign language.
Thus from the 'idiot-medic' point of view, it would appear to be something of a miracle, that I ever bring so much as a penny into the household ! All of the above are stated or implied, repeatedly, throughout my written medical notes. Notes which are absolutely riddled with falsehoods propagated by medics. Falsehoods effectively unchallengeable and simply non-appealable, within the UK mental health legal system.
Munchausens-by-proxy, only as something of a light-hearted quip.
-- Dr ** simply exaggerates and fabricates 'crazy things' meant to have been done by me, which are just not true. Thus 'Munchausens-by-proxy', as he makes up illness in another person, me.
The more plausible explanation, of 'medic' (generic) group and mass delusion, only requires those senior medics at the top of the chain to be too self-superior, arrogant, lazy or dishonest, 'actually to get their facts right'. Everything else is self-reinforcing and automatic, including the 'back-to-front' mental health legal system. 'Guilty', i.e., mentally ill, until proven 'innocent'. And the 'guilty' can simply be ignored. Straight win for these medics.
If the following arguments are not obvious, then I need to re-edit. I will do so, at some point. However, this only form of protest takes much valuable time.
05: 00, Fri 12 Jun ’20:
Some thoughts from email to my solicitor, this morning, in response to the latest Responsible (!) Clinician’s report, for the next Mental Health Tribunal:
I have a day-job to do. And fighting medic abuse wastes months of my time, which I don't have spare. However, when I can find time, my next LinkedIn-blog will be something like:
Psychiatry by 'Chinese-Whispers': Plausible Arguments for Medic Group and Mass Delusion
with subtitle:
The 'Back-to-Front' Mental Health Legal System: Guilty Until Proven Innocent -- Defendant Testimony Assumed Unreliable from the Outset
My solicitor sent me the Responsible Clinician's Report for my next Mental Health Tribunal.
And looking at the Responsible (!) Clinician's report, wow, what a hatchet job. I provide some explicit examples later, from this long report. I really am a 'drooling madman' (colloquial) in the eyes of Dr ** and those who he convinces. This is 'medic' (generic) group and mass delusion.
Dr ** reports veiled threats by me against the Kids ! Umm. So veiled they were only ever in the writer's head. I've never been violent in my whole life. And I love my family.
I find it very hard to believe that ** said these things. I will ask. All that stuff about Muppets ! Really ? It's lies by somebody. Even if I am dealing with complete muppets. More details, below. And wearing the bin on my head around the house ? Or walking outside in my boxer shorts for a month ? 100% fabrications. From elements of truth. But truth matters. It is necessary to state everything correctly and accurately. Then it is all sane.
Question to my solicitor: Can't you see that these stories get bigger and bigger at each iteration ? Is there something seriously wrong with Dr ** ?
If I examine Dr **'s reporting, it is all by long 'Chinese-whispers'-type chains. That is, ** to SK, to Dr **. So why is everyone else's reporting taken as accurate, whilst I am effectively ignored, i.e., 'heard' but with essentially zero decision-making weight attached to my testimony ? A lot of this rubbish looks like it could originate with SK. When people have a picture that they want to paint, they embroider and exaggerate. Fact.
What is the likelihood that facts remain accurate, after passing down so many links of the reporting chain, with everyone adding their own degree of 'more crazy' ? Who knows what was written down when ? Or what was passed verbally and when ? How much from memory and with what level of corruption at each 'stage of transmission' ?
This stuff is just total rubbish.
-- There are two obvious places for these lies to arise: (i) Dr **'s exaggeration and embroidering, (ii) SK's exaggeration and embroidering.
There is a basis in fact for everything. But the basis in fact is all 'normal and rational', when stated correctly.
However, people do not state things correctly and accurately, when they are angered or stressed. They exaggerate for effect and to get things their own way. Irrespective of the facts.
Dr **'s reputation depends on him not being a liar, negligent or incompetent. And I have no idea when SK made his reports, whether they were verbal or written, or when they were transcribed.
-- Clearly, I see only the end-lies. Thus I cannot tie down the origins of those lies.
*Q:* So how to resolve this ? And why is it so much lower priority for the mental health legal system, than it is for me ? Truth matters.
Whatever the combination of factors, Dr ** just gets his facts 100% wrong. The buck stops with him. He is the medic with the legal decision-making power. Is it honest of Dr ** to describe himself as honest, when he gets so much wrong and makes so many 'mistakes' (umm !) -- always in the direction of 'more- and sufficiently-crazy' sounding ?
As alternative total speculation, given my personal experience, observations and treatment, could there actually be something seriously wrong with Dr ** ? Where is the professional level of integrity and accuracy of reporting ? Looking on the web, (so it must be correct), I find on a Mayo Clinic web page, Factitious Disorder -- in some form, this used to be Munchausens-by-proxy. Munchausen syndrome, I remember from movies.
Whatever the actuality, Dr ** cannot be allowed simply to make stuff up about me, this bad.
-- There must be something to be done about this.
-- He 'lies' with total impunity.
Does Dr ** have Factitious Disorder or Munchausen syndrome ?
-- Hardly joking !
-- How to explain the falsehoods that he propagates throughout my medical records ? Somebody makes up that stuff. In fact, though, I have a far more plausible and obvious explanation for 'medic' (generic) group and mass delusion, which I detail below.
I have a medic parasite infestation. Impossible to get them out of my hair. It is like having minor 'hell-demons' intent on making my life unpleasant. They phone me at home, repeatedly. They insist on frequent office meetings. They come to my house. They stand in my lounge with the police. They drag me from my own home in handcuffs and lock me in the grilled-bar ‘dog-cell’ at the back of the police van. They ignore my ''No' means 'no'' to forced depot injection, on my grounds of my being adequately healthy, and they inject me like live meat. Always when I am in excellent mental health, relative to those in serious mental distress and pain, who might benefit from hospital 'care'. This is 1-on-1 personal abuse.
Then the bullies accuse *me* of being violent !
Such abuse by medics, always against zero acute, or emergency, situation. Always, zero stress / depression / anxiety / mania / impairment. High functionality and generally happy disposition (despite getting beaten on repeatedly by these medics). No conventional anti-social problems of any kind. No significant risk to self or others. No history of ever having been so. Main medic justification for repeated forced injection, thus violence, the medic delusion that I might get 'too smelly' (paraphrase) if not injected regularly by them. That is a serious and realistic evaluation of medical reports and Mental Health Tribunal decisions, though in colloquial language. Main risk is evaluated to be to 'my health'. 'Degree', i.e., severity, of 'mental health condition' not demonstrated. And 'risk to health' is evaluated to be primarily my self care and hygiene. How easy to 'create' a disabled 'looney' ? Just litter throughout his medical records, exaggerations and 'very serious discussions', of just 'how smelly' he gets, or might get (colloquial). I describe this in my other LinkedIn-blogs.
I need to find a way to do something about this.
-- Why are lies, slander and libel by medics (under common usage of those terms) *not* pursuable ?
-- Where is the evidence that Dr ** does not have a serious mental health problem ? He fabricates health difficulties and makes up symptoms. His stories get bigger and bigger !
Psychologists as Non Scientists and Psychiatry as 'Always Right': Non Testable, Non Falsifiable, Employing 'Physical Assault' Hence Violence
Sun, 24 May '20:
Considering the psychologist's report for next week's Mental Health Tribunal and Hospital Managers' appeal:
The psychologist writes '... On both occasions when interviewing Bill he brought a note pad and pen to the session. He wrote down questions he was asked and it felt at times like he was the one doing the interviewing. On the second occasion we met I raised this with him and he was open to that he was making notes, although these did seem illegible which he admitted. I noted in his room were around a dozen note pads with lots of illegible notes on. ...'.
-- The psychologist then believes, literally, that I write notepad after notepad of unreadable stuff. She really does believe this, apparently. This is not a scurrilous statement. It is a key takeaway from this psychologist's interview, by the Senior Registrar. The Senior Registrar then repeats this statement as though, like the total 'drooling madman' that he paints in his Responsible Clinician's report, I write utter rubbish in notepad after notepad.
-- Strangely enough, I feel quite let down by the psychologist -- hers was meant to be the independent and balancing view. Odd.
The psychologist attributes to me, statements like '... I'm smart ...' mostly in isolation and largely out of context. Which of course, sound stupid, near stand-alone. Who on earth says stuff like that with direct intent ? Perhaps someone with learning difficulties. So she thinks I'm 'quite dumb'. Or perhaps that would be unprofessional. She is having me tested for autism. Umm ! I did an online test. I scored less than ~20% likelihood. And my layman's view of autism was always of having no concept of, or indeed ability to conceive, how another mind might work. Whereas I think about the nature of my own mind, and of other minds, a lot and with great interest and curiosity. Does that mean that I read people well ? Perhaps not. But I'm learning with time. And nothing like autistic, in my own inexpert opinion.
-- How well do the psychologist and the psychiatrists read me ? Do they do better at reading people, than I do ? In my opinion, they are all deluded by their applied 'looney'-label (but in professional terminology) and cannot see me behind it.
A psychiatrist asked me at one point, if I had considered things from my family's point of view. I had given it thought. And I had also considered my family's view of my view. And my view, of my family's view of my view. Whereas, when I asked the psychiatrist about just how well he had established a mapping of psychiatrist view of complainant view, to actual complainant view, I got the distinct impression that he had not considered that perspective-mapping at all. My personal experience is that psychiatrists are not that reflective. They work predominantly from a position of the their own assumed superiority and correctness. Those medics with whom I deal, do not appear to be at all concerned that they have zero meaningful internal metrics of mind for the complainant (me). I 'am better' when 'I look better to others'. Collateral evidence and the holistic psychiatric viewpoint. 'Whole system' medicine, without me really in the loop at all.
The real trouble though, with the psychologist's written report statements that I write notebook after notebook of illegible notes, is that standard 'Chinese-whispers'-type mis-copying, which is commonplace for medical reporting, then turns this elsewhere in my medical reports into the implication that (colloquial paraphrase) like a drooling mad-man, I scribble nothing at all but gibberish in my notebooks. So where is the fair and balanced assessment of my advanced engineering maths, particularly my good linear algebra, my computational physics and my software development notes ? Do the psychologist and the later transcriber(s), capture my notebook contents honestly, fairly and accurately ? Are the good 'maths / science / philosophy / logic / admin / finance / diary' contents of my notebooks now indicated correctly, to the independent tribunal and appeal assessors for whom these medical records and reports are their primary source of information ? This is the picture painted for Mental Health Tribunal Judge and Hospital Managers, as their primary documentary evidence, at appeal hearings. So is the combined 'Chinese-whispers'-type picture painted, a fair one ?
-- Even if my quick hand-writing can be seriously messy, my stuff always looks tidy by the time that it gets edited carefully into LinkedIn-blog articles, Quora answers, email, programming technical notes or software.
At other points in her report, the psychologist does not follow my arguments. And naturally enough, her implication is that that is my problem. Her lack of comprehension. My fault. Perhaps her report is more factual and objective than that ? Maybe. But I think not, in practice. I think that that conclusion is implicit. Equally, the psychologist describes me as going off at a tangent repeatedly and needing to be steered back on track. From my perspective, there was a lot to say. It was not a one-track, linear argument. Instead, multiple branches. And I always steered myself back on-track, to the correct initial branch-off point, once I had made the point I thought relevant. Perspective is a big deal in psychology, psychiatry and life.
And the psychologist totally did not get the point of my light-hearted discussion of anal retentivity from the psychoanalytical and scientific points of view. I LinkedIn-blogged it elsewhere.
A key conclusion which I infer from the psychologist's report, is that psychologists, at least this psychologist, are not scientists. The psychologist summarises interviews, with me and with others, and naturally attempts to pull everything into a coherent picture and overview. It is interesting to observe the process:
' ... Bill seems to identify from being young with intellectual ability. ... It likely this defines who he is and any challenges to this, challenge his core identity. It is possible that when feeling less connected to reality or having experience that do not make sense to him, he over compensates by searching for an explanation in science, where he feels most comfortable, irrespective of the subject. The goal may be to distract from the current difficulty and it’s likely to be an unconscious process. Protection of his identity is likely to be maintaining factors for his mental health difficulties as well as noncompliance with his medication. ...'.
I read this as roughly 'Bill thinks he is smarter than he is, and that maintains his mental health difficulties. And so he sciences everything'. In the past, a Mental Health Tribunal judge described me as 'grandiose', which I have discussed in other Linkedin-blogs. 'Grandiose' is used in these latest medical reports also. So I do speculate whether it is used repeatedly in the technical sense of 'delusions of grandeur.'
But the psychologist, like the psychiatrists, gets me badly wrong. I don't ever feel less connected to reality, or have experiences that do not make sense to me. Reality is immediate combined primary experiences, internal world and external world, local to self in space and time. Thus reality is easy. Existence is a given. And life simply requires 'it is as it is', which is a pretty simple premise, and 'just do it', for living daily life. Epistemology though, is 'much harder' than ontology. It is probably possible to know a lot. However, I think it is never possible to know what is known or how well. Which though, really is not any sort of a problem for daily life, either.
With subjective reality as immediate combined primary experiences, everybody must make 'reasonable assumptions' about how to interpret their own experience. Intuition is personal and based on unique life experience to date. One person's reasonable assumptions or intuition need not be another person's reasonable assumptions or intuition. And it is never possible to experience another person's reality as they experience it. So why expect to interpret own view of someone else's reality, the same way they do ? And why should medics feel sufficiently superior to attempt to force their own view of reality on someone else, by physical assault hence violence ?
However, what really sums up the difference between the psychological position (or this psychologist's position) and the scientific position (or my position) is the phrase ' ... he over compensates by searching for an explanation in science, where he feels most comfortable, irrespective of the subject. ... '. From my perspective, everything is science, old science, new science and always mixed science. (Though 'single science' works amazingly well, which probably implies objective reality.) Whereas the psychologist appears to have a picture of subjects where scientific explanations do not apply. Like psychology and psychiatry maybe ? The psychologist got exasperated with me at one point and told me 'not to science it'.
'Medic' (Generic) Group and Mass Delusion: Toxic and Refractory
In this context, it is interesting to me, to speculate on the possibility and nature, of psychologist and psychiatrist / nurse / social worker / auxiliary staff / admin staff / police / emergency ambulance staff / tribunal and appeal hearing members / … , group or mass delusion. From two different perspectives. Firstly, psychologist and psychiatrists are continuously aware of patient 'delusions' as their own day-jobs and thus their own day-to-day realities. So how do they explain obvious 'patient odd stuff', if they do not do so scientifically ? The Community Consultant, for instance, in the context of our discussions of intelligence, pointed out the well known difference between left-brain and right-brain thinking. The psychologist does actually write as though she has first hand experience of '… feeling less connected to reality or having experience that do not make sense ...'. And she writes as though she explains such first-hand experience non scientifically. Thus, totally speculatively, what possibility that medics (generic) who spend a significant proportion of their time with the 'mentally ill', get pulled into a mass delusion, i.e., non scientific beliefs for what is actually scientific reality and instead of scientific rational argument ?
The second perspective is then my personal flip-side case. How easy for medics (generic) to maintain a group or mass delusion about a complainant (me, say), i.e., medic belief in contradiction with complainant reality and complainant rational argument ? How easy for them to gas-light, unintentionally or intentionally ? On reflection, this would be very, very easy indeed. Roughly ~90 % of all 'medics' (generic) are 'followers' (my rough guess). Nurses / socials workers / auxiliary staff / admin staff / police / emergency ambulance staff / … must accept the 'looney'-label (but in professional terminology) as given by 'senior' medics (generic). It would simply be unprofessional of them to be pulled into a complainant (apparent) delusion. The problem is compounded further by the fact that even senior in-patient medics defer to Community, Mental Health Assessment team, and crisis team medics. Once locked on-ward, no 'simple rational argument' suffices to achieve escape from detention. In-patient rules must be followed, in order to escape finally. All reporting, on-ward and off-ward, about someone to whom the 'looney'-label has already been attached, is from the perspective of 'assumed-crazy' (colloquially). And repeated personal experience tells me that anything that does not look 'crazy enough', can be simply rewritten ('lied' about) to make it look 'crazier' and 'sufficiently crazy'. Often as a 'Chinese-whispers'-type, mis-copying-of-medical-records effect. Thus simply apply the 'looney'-label and it is ~90% self-reinforcing, immediately. So a key question becomes: once the 'looney'-label has been applied, how could any 'senior' medic (generic), ever 'see me' behind their applied 'looney'-label ? In my case, the only (bogus) 'nature and degree' criteria of my 'mental ill health' that 'senior' medics (generic) ever list, are their subjective medical opinions of the bizarre and non sensical nature of my web-posts, my emails, my written notebooks, etc., and my actions -- from their perspectives. In fact, medics have even declared in written medical notes and records, that I could not understand or comprehend hospital meetings ! Umm. 'Lower level truth' at best, if they were actually implying that their 'understanding of the situation' was simply going over my head. Straightforwardly then, medics are deluded on standard dictionary variants of that term. But how to shift toxic and refractory 'senior' medic (generic) group or mass delusion ? To do so, would require those 'senior' medics to realise that my web-posts, my emails, my written notebooks, etc., and my actions, were actually scientifically rational, then to come clean, and thus to admit that they had made a total mess-up. No wonder then, that these 'senior' medics (generic) are toxic and refractory to elimination of their mutually-sustained, group or mass delusion. And therefore that the ~90% of medic (generic) 'followers' continue to follow.
Quite generally, it is 'scientistic' and unscientific, to pre-judge such an issue without examining critically all respective evidences and analyses. So how to treat a case of mutually declared delusion between disputants ? The scientific approach is 'higher level truth', i.e., keep asking direct questions and obtaining and supplying direct answers, with intended 2-way conveyance of meaning, not just words, and an ultimate aim of mutual comprehension. From direct experience, psychiatrists work very differently. They work mostly with 'lower level truth', which is deliberately indirect, evasive, misleading and misdirecting, one-sided, pre-judgemental, subjective not objective, non independent and non impartial. And a key psychiatrist position is that of assumed self-superiority, which declares the other disputant 'insane' and therefore refuses nearly all direct dialogue. Instead, the psychiatric position resorts to repeated physical assault, hence violence. This to impose repeated depot injections, in an attempt to force medic minority world view, on someone else with a different world view. Such medics then argue that they are doing the other disputant (me) a favour by being violent. All in his own best interest. And that that repeated mob-handed physical assault with a sharp implement, (against my zero escalation, non violent, token passive resistance) is not violence at all. The disputant is simply claimed not to have the capacity to think for himself, so that his thinking must be done for him. Even when that disputant is an IT and Technical Consultant of ~35 years' post-graduate experience, highly functional and firing on all cylinders. A 'powerful' (umm !) way to attempt to force 'the win' in an argument ! Power means sanity.
The trouble with psychology and psychiatry as non-scientific subjects then, in my personal experience and to my own detriment, is that they are 'always right'. Non testable. Non falsifiable. Always subjective. Never objective. Based on ego, sense of psychologist/psychiatrist superiority and correctness, not on proven-to-be-sound methodology. And the upshot is that I get beaten on, again and again and again, month after month, by psych's, for no better reason than what I do or write, looks bizarre and non sensical to them.
The 'Back-to-Front' Mental Health Legal System: Guilty Until Proven Innocent -- Defendant Testimony Assumed Unreliable from the Outset
The Mental Health Tribunal system is pre-judgemental and discriminatory, by construction and implementation, compared to standard UK law. It therefore reinforces, automatically, the 'medic' (generic -- including the appeals hearings) group and mass delusion.
a. The ‘patient’ (complainant) is assumed ‘guilty’ (seriously mentally ill) until proven 'innocent'.
b. Previous ‘crimes’ (mental health record) are presented at all hearings.
c. ‘Medic’ and ‘patient’ testimony are given totally different weights
-- ‘Patient’ testimony is assumed to be unreliable and ignorable, essentially zero consideration given.
d. Burden of proof rests on the ‘patient’ to demonstrate ‘medic’ lies / slander / libel (common usage of terms);
-- No onus on ‘medics’ to justify their sources, assertions or subjective medical opinions.
e. Medics are allowed opinions, with no factual basis demanded or imposed at all.
f. The Mental Health Tribunal is an inquisitorial decision-making system, based on balance of probabilities, with veracity of medic statement or assertions never questioned.
g. ‘Medic’ falsehoods are always taken as ‘good’, post-hearing, with no First Tier Tribunal appeal available on the basis of false information, only on due process; thus due process followed on the basis of false, unchallenged and essentially unchallengeable false information.
In my case, the mental health legal system reinforces, automatically, the ‘medic’ (generic) group and mass delusion. Personal experience says that it is simply not possible for this complainant to have charges of lies, slander, libel and fabrication against medics, (common usage of those terms), taken seriously. None of Mental Health Tribunal Judge, Hospital Managers, or Second Opinion Appointed Doctor, investigated the veracity of medic sources, or the accuracy of medic assertions, on the basis of my complaints. I was effectively ignored behind the 'looney'-label. No indication at all, in their written reports, that those claims were even a consideration. In fact, Mental Health Tribunal Judge and SOAD referred explicitly to existing and available evidence. They never questioned that evidence at all. Medics can simply 'lie' with impunity, under reasonable usage of that term. And the medics with whom I am dealing, do so, routinely. They just do not bother 'actually to get their facts right'.
Dr ** writes a lot of libellous rubbish (common usage of terms) into his Responsible (umm!) Clinician's report, which I have not yet had time to blog. However, apart from the straight lies, fabrication and libel (common usage), one sentence stands out, Dr **'s description of my view of the situation:
' … He went on to explain his reasons for wearing a bin over his head as an experiment for low grade noise pollution and as we had no knowledge of what he was doing we mistook his behaviour, which was scientifically sound though he could have used a better bin than a rusty one, as sign of mental illness. ...'.
No member of my family ever saw me put the bin on my head. I described it later, as what I intended to be a funny story for my wife. And I am honest with medics. Which is a mistake, because they are inadequately-informed 'medic-idiots', on reasonable usage of terms. And they are not honest with me. 'Lower level truth' at best, from the medics with whom I deal. I was testing for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) shielding of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF, 3 - 30 Hz), and Super Low Frequency (SLF, 30 - 300 Hz), environmental noise on a tinnitus-like effect. For instance, mains electricity is at 50 - 60 Hz, lightning strikes at, say, O(100 Hz), e.g., as used in magnetotellurics in the oil and gas industry. The point being that for low frequency effects, EMI shielding is achieved by redirecting electromagnetic fields, not attenuating or reflecting them. And for that, magnetic metal is utilised. Thus, rusty metal was a *good* choice, probably indicating iron or steel.
After all this time, Dr ** is either not intelligent enough, interested enough, or concerned enough, actually to have gotten the science right. He gets the use of a rusty bin, 100% back-to-front, i.e., he still does not know what he is talking about. Yet Dr ** knows full well, that medics have been beating on me this way for about ~15 months now. The in-patient team called a 'Stop the Line' meeting. Such meetings are meant to avoid patient abuse, amongst other things. However, the Community Team has now taken the in-patient team, out of the loop. Thus it can continue its on-going abuse, completely unchecked. ALL of Dr **'s 'nature and degree' criteria, for his 'assessment' (!) of my serious 'mental ill health', are bogus and based on his inadequately-informed ignorance. He has ZERO meaningful 'nature and degree' criteria. And he absolutely refuses 'actually to get his facts right'. His delusion is toxic and refractory. He continues to propagate falsehoods with total impunity. I have listed those falsehoods in my other LinkedIn-blogs.
Speculation: Environmental ELF (Extremely Low Frequency: 3-30 Hz) and SLF (Super Low Frequency: 30-300Hz) Noise in Mental Health and Tinnitus
Brain waves, delta / theta / alpha / beta, act at ELF and gamma at SLF. However, these are also the frequencies of environmental noise, e.g., due to lightning strikes and magnetic field variation. Electromagnetic waves at such frequencies traverse the whole Earth, reflecting within the ionosphere. They are land and sea penetrating and used for instance, for communication with submarines (using 14 mile antennae !).
Such frequencies are used routinely for Earth studies. Electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation at the speed of light in vacuum, c, corresponds to a wavelength of 20,000 miles at 3 Hz and 2,000 miles at 30 Hz. The diameter of the Earth is ~8,000 miles. Thus studies of geo-subsurface and of the Earth's core, can be made with such waves. Magnetotellurics operates at around ~100 Hz SLF. It employs only passive base stations, no active sources at all. And signal strength is sufficient to generate base station results suitable for correlation and analysis. Geo-subsurface structure can then be deduced on the basis of diffusive (not wavelike) EM modelling.
I have discussed in my other LinkedIn blogs, potential links to experimentally observed brain-wave sync'ing, e.g., mother and infant (Cambridge University), and the speculative possibility of personal communications based on this and related effects, including psi-type notions and related near-future hi-tech, e.g., Elon Musk and Neuralink, Body Machine Interfacing (BMI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI, Carnegie Mellon University).
-- For instance, pick up extremely and super low frequency delta / theta / alpha / beta (3 - 30 Hz ELF) and gamma (30 - 300 Hz SLF) brain waves and related signals by portable imaging sensors, e.g., Electro-Encephalography (EEG), Electric Field Encephalography (EFEG), functional near infra-red spectroscopy (fNIR), ..., transmit wirelessly to a remote server and apply: signal processing techniques (deconvolution, filtering, …); machine learning for acoustic and visual signal manipulation (classification, partitioning, principal component analysis, …); artificial intelligence trained on MRI, PETS and CAT scans, EEG, EFEG, fNIR, …, test sets. Then transmit someone else's audio and visual 'thoughts' to your Windows HoloLens-type spectacles, where you can view those thoughts in an Augmented Reality (AR) window of your everyday life. For example, what do composers or conductors visualise whilst composing or conducting ? Do they have visuals ? If so, might it ever be possible to capture these and play them back, sync'ed to the music ?
Synthetic Telepathy has been studied, e.g., by the US Army for voiceless battlefield communications: 2008 MURI project, University of California, Irvine (UCI), School of Social Sciences, Cognitive Neurosystems Lab, Mike D'Zmura, MURI: Synthetic Telepathy (
SLF is also mains electricity frequency, 50 or 60 Hz.
Speculatively, environmental ELF and SLF might possibly interact with dynamic brain current-voltage, I-V, (and / or EM), on neuron/synapse (ionic) electro-chemistry sub-networks. Brain function is also force-deformation based, e.g., swelling of axons with propagation of nerve impulses. With memory and learning linked to neuron/synapse plasticity and reformation of dendrite connections. Given the known psychological / physiological model of dopamine-related neuro-transmitter 'noise', I wonder if the possibility of environmental ELF / SLF noise has been tested ?
Without being flippant, but given the context, consider the possibility of a tin- / aluminium-foil helmet, and consider only attenuation at 10 Hz, which calculations report as 10^-2 to 10^-3 dB 'representative'. Then achieving 40 dB attenuation seems to require a helmet thickness vastly (!) greater than manageable. Thus purely attenuation-based shielding (no reflection or redirection), of low frequency environmental noise, using tin- / aluminium-foil, looks problematic.
However, standard EMI-type shielding at low frequencies, is based on redirecting electric and magnetic fields. Thus a steel helmet could look more sensible (as it is magnetic). In practice, shielding would only be partial, so I wonder if whole-room Faraday cage experiments might be more useful and viable ? If the experiment has not been tried, it is interesting (to me anyway) to consider if the result would be obviously no brain I-V (or EM) noise interaction effect, or not ? I will web search.
Similarly, I wonder if similar studies would be at least worth attempting for tinnitus sufferers ? If experiments are immediately null, then no harm done.
I did perform experiments of my own. I did not have a steel helmet. However, I did have a steel bathroom bin. Emptying that out and placing that on my head ... the loud noise in my head increased ! That loud noise was definitely not acoustic wave, as no-one else could hear it. On reflection, this is at least consistent with EM field lines originally terminating at infinity, now terminating on the bin surface. Thus possibly inducing current and maybe increasing brain EM and I-V effective noise, via some broadly mirror-image type argument.
I would be interested to know if I am the only person in the world to experience such an effect, or if it could be reproducible elsewhere.
As more of an oddity, and thinking in terms of holistic, strongly emergent fields, with the steel bathroom bin on my head, I placed my hands over both ears ... and the 'volume' increased sharply again. Umm. That is harder to understand. However, it is a straightforward correlation, so I do not dismiss it.
-- On the simplest notion of maybe resonant noise, closing a cavity could increase stored energy density. As and when I next have loud head noise, I will therefore ask one of the Kids to tell me if they can hear any noise coming out of my ears. They would think that very funny. :-) I would not try that experiment with everyone (!) ... but I think it is sensible enough to have blogged it.
And the above effect perhaps understandable based on increased pressure on the eardrum, or if 'inner noise' behaves like the ratio of ELF and SLF environmental noise, divided by acoustic wave input, with that acoustic wave input tending to zero, say. Or maybe some EM capacitive type effect, due to hands and arms near to head. Or maybe, some strongly emergent field effect, with holistic model, not reducible to sub-components (reducibility would imply weakly emergent, non holistic modelling).
-- I do not know if tinnitus sufferers experience 'loud white noise', but if so, that would still need explaining along the same lines. 'Random noise' would still not suffice as an 'explanation', even given a putative meta-model for probabilistic determinism, I-V and EM on brain neuron-synapse (ionic) electro-chemistry.
-- For instance, has anyone tried direct noise cancellation on ELF and SLF brain-wave-related I-V and EM, potentially identifiable as (the source of) tinnitus, roughly 'inverse-EEG' ?
Science is manageable because much mixed science decouples largely to single science effects. However, some mixed science can be very difficult to disentangle. Beyond subjective (as knowledge) reality, in the form of own, immediate, combined primary experiences, internal world and external world, local to self in space and time, it is always necessary to make reasonable assumptions. Thus the more available data the better. In the case of the (obvious and quick, thus sensible) steel-bin-on-head experiment, I think it likely that this might not be an 'easy' single science effect, but actually more akin to trying to deduce from EMI shielding, the digital signal processing (DSP) of a laptop, with its CPU, memory (RAM) and disk drive (HDD). Thus, hardly doable, as mixed science.
And science is mostly not doable, in the form of constructing and falsifying input->output models systematically against a comprehensive body of experimental evidence, without a lot of time and effort. Thus attempt pre-scientific, putative explanations in the first instance.
Psychological and Psychiatric Metrics With and Without Explicit Models of Mind
On the notion of head noise, it is interesting to note that head noise is multi-dimensional. Thus acoustic wave volume or 'loudness' would be measured in decibels, with a pre-factor of 10 or 20, depending on whether description was in terms of amplitude or intensity (amplitude squared). However, head noise can be 'loud nearby' or 'loud far away' (!) for instance. Thus in principle, maybe 4D, i.e., (volume, x, y, z), like a 'sound stage'.
I would also be interested to know just what form head noise took for tinnitus sufferers in general. If 'shapes' of sounds varied, then head noise could be a lot more than 4D, e.g., capturing tinny noises, grating noises, single tones, ..., etc.
Attempting to describe head noise from a psychological perspective, this immediately illustrates two broad 'camps' in psychology. Behavioural psychology is now largely deprecated. However, its key approach is stimulus-response. I believe more modern related sub-disciplines are bio-social psychology, humanist psychology, ... . If any of these broadly stimulus-response type disciplines do not have an explicit 'model of mind', then how might they capture multi-dimensional head noise ? Cognitive psychology, in contrast (and I do not know what other broadly related psychological variants exist -- on my reading list), does have mediational response and I believe, an explicit mind model, 'introspective mindscape', which can be examined by methodologically sound interview.
Then how might any psychological experiment be evaluated, say, based on metrics which included mind explicitly and those that did not ? If stimulus-response type experimentation, for example, did not include head noise in its metric, whereas a cognitive psychological approach did, might quite different deductions be inferred, about experimental outcomes ? What correlation between outcomes measured on the basis of each broad methodology ?
And as a closely related question, what impact due to subjective judgements by experimenters and observers ? Could results be heavily experimenter and observer dependent ?
As a thought experiment, how might broadly stimulus-response and cognitive approaches evaluate the assertion: 'laughter is the best medicine' ? (Or simply, as a 'life choice'.)
The impact of 'laughter' on 'well-being' might, for instance, be evaluated on both an internal 'hilarity' scale, thus 'I am not amused' to 'side-splittingly funny', and on a 'well-being' scale, thus 'miserable' to 'happy', say.
If the aim is to achieve a meaningful correlation between both internal scales, then a broadly cognitive approach could interview, time-and-date-log and thus correlate both scales. Roughly, 'how funny does life look ?' correlated to 'how happy is the test subject ?'.
Then how would the broadly stimulus-response method, approach the same task, assuming that experimenters were not going to introduce an explicit model of mind ? No explicit measure of either internal scale. Whereas both must be inferred, to estimate the same correlation. A stimulus-response type approach might, I would guess, try either passive monitoring, detecting and logging funny events, or else attempt actively to impose funny events. And then make external estimates of test subject well-being.
-- Framing the thought experiment in that fashion, the whole stimulus-response method, if ever based only on external observations, would look highly subjective. Ultimately, deduced correlation could be skewed totally, by simple mismatches between the sense of humour of the experimenter and the sense of humour of the test subject, and by differences between experimenter-interpretation of external indicators of test-subject well-being and actual, test-subject, internal experience of well-being.
For instance, suppose that a stimulus-response method, might work on an external indicator scale from, zero to 'Oh My God' (OMG) when things looked seriously bad. Then considering a relevant thought experiment scenario, a 'scientifically-minded' test-subject might be at neutral and curious, when placing a steel bathroom bin on his head, to test for any possible EM contribution to a personally-observed, 'loud', tinnitus-like effect. Whereas any (notional) stimulus-response monitoring, might immediately hit the OMG-button.
Quite generally, this is also a key psychiatric issue for assessment of efficacy of treatment. To what extent is psychiatrist view of patient perspective ever known to be reliably mapped to actual patient perspective ? If no adequately accurate mapping is achieved, then the 'patient' (complainant) could become essentially invisible and unheard. And when evaluating efficacy of treatment, then applying what metrics and from whose point of view ? Assessment of efficacy of treatment is clearly subjective. For well established and proven metrics, what methodologically well established correlations between psychiatrist view of efficacy of treatment and patient view of efficacy of treatment ? And does that actually matter, when the psychiatrist holds all the legal power ? As an illustrative limiting example, and in the worst case, if no reliable mapping is established nor sound metrics applied, the patient could be largely irrelevant to the procedure, the psychiatrist simply 'medicating' the 'near invisible' patient, until the psychiatrist's view of the situation improved sufficiently.
-- In my own opinion and personal experience, this is a definite risk and possibility, within the holistic psychiatric framework, where dogmatic adherence to the 'holistic' approach, can imply nearly all decision-making weight given to collateral evidence. Thus the potential for 'whole system / person' medicine ... without the 'patient' really even 'in the loop'.
Falsehoods by Dr ** in his Responsible Clinician’s Report of 5/6/2020
Dr ** writes:
' ... ** reported that for a month he had been going out to the garden in his boxer shorts. ...'
Fact: that is just a 'lie'. It never happened. I did step out onto our private patio, at night, in the dark, in the view of no neighbours, in dressing gown and slippers, during warm weather. That was an eminently 'normal and average' thing to do. Like all of Dr **'s exaggerations and mis-statements, this is meant to read as 'crazy'.
' ... ** reported concerns ... that he was no longer able to communicate in a literal manner and is communicating through abstract form and through characters from films and cartoon's. He was quickly distracted onto another subject and then another and then another. He was challenging everything that others were saying to him. ...'
Fact: I have never been unable to communicate. My verbal and written communication skills are always excellent. However, read the above paragraph literally as written, for a Mental Health Tribunal Judge with this as primary source of information. It says that I could no longer talk normally, and was doing something like 'Mickey Mouse impressions' to communicate. That is simply total lies. 100% fabrication intended to look 'completely crazy'. And clearly, the final sentence states that I am not 'compliant', when I obviously should be (!).
Dr ** states that SK reports:
' ... he had started to wear the bathroom bin on his head, walking around the house like this. Again he would not engage … as to why he was doing this. ... '
Fact: This is a major fabrication. This never happened. No member of my family saw me perform this experiment. And I certainly never walked around the house like this. Somebody’s total lies.
' ... Mr Batty had been writing about his contact with the "muppets" and wrote they were speaking to him and asking for his help to rescue them. "He wrote about the individual muppets and had written plans to save them". ...'
Fact: This is 100% fabrication. Total rubbish. I did write some very sensible and sane Muppet notes. I was, and am, dealing with a lot of muppets. More below.
' ... Mr Batty had also wrote (sic) that" when he wears the bathroom bin it is because the noises and voices are too loud and he is trying to cope". … ‘
Fact: 100% fabrication. Total lies. I never wrote any such thing. I never ‘wore’ the bathroom bin at all. Where I did try this simple, low-tech-equipment experiment, I performed the experiment when no-one could see me. And the tinnitus got louder, not quieter. Or was not affected at all (the most common result, on retest). Thus if any of the medics with whom I deal, took any notice of what I told them, they would know that they above claim was false. The bathroom bin made my tinnitus worse, or else had no impact.
-- I did not write anything like the above. So why does it not matter to medics, that they lie, on common and reasonable usage of that term ? Should medic reporting not be accurate ? Or should medics be able to fabricate and propagate falsehoods with impunity ? How about if their 'intentions are good'. Does truth matter ? Do facts matter ? Is harm and damage inflicted with good intent, not harm and damage ? And should professional responsibility preclude wilful ignorance on the part of medics, i.e., preclude medic absolute refusal simply to get their facts right and to correct errors when flagged ?
So if Dr ** does not have Munchausens-by-proxy, how did this rubbish ever get written ? Does this level of total fabrication represent good professional practice and adequate accuracy of reporting ? Could the source of falsehoods lie elsewhere, e.g., with SK ? But even if so, is Dr ** not incompetent and negligent to be repeating and propagating such total falsehoods, when my liberty, livelihood and physical assault rest on his professionalism ? Is well-intentioned ignorance, say, adequate justification for lies, slander, libel and fabrication, under common usage of those terms ?
muppets and Muppets
The arrogance and unjustified assumed superiority of medics, in telling me that I cannot even understand or comprehend hospital meetings, from my position of ~35 years' technical and professional experience, is something to which I am now getting well used. Still, no words really though ... . Am I dealing with muppets ? Not meant to be unkind. But these guys lock me up repeatedly, for weeks and months at a time, and order again and again, my mob-handed physical assault … .
-- At one point, a Senior Registrar and I discussed the fact that I have in the past, considered at least the possibility of populating my head with Muppets, e.g., like Miss Piggy and Kermit. The Senior Registrar does not know what a Muppet is. Simply a cultural difference. So he does not understand how I find myself dealing with muppets. Or why Muppets might be preferable. Think Pixar's 2015, Inside Out, for personified emotions. Science of mind, rather than drug physiology of bodies. The Senior Registrar raised the Muppet-question, based on reports. I did not introduce the topic. However, such cultural and slight language differences mean that 'subtleties' of language are lost. This is a communications problem. I do my best to work around it. Unsuccessfully, to date.
The report to the Senior Registrar was, roughly, that I was pre-occupied or obsessed, with Oompa Loompa's and Muppets. Thus the usual sort of 'Chinese whispers' effect. Why do medics even consider stuff like that ? On the basis of my LinkedIn-blog thought experiments on time travel, one very senior and smart medic, actually wrote in my detention papers, that 'I was preoccupied with time-travel and cloning myself' (!). Just what kind of drooling madman do they think I am, for medics to write and repeat stuff like this, seriously ? It's like the 'Where's Wally' game. Where's the 'looney' ? And is he the one wearing the red-and-white stripy hat ? Or does he look different to that ? I am overly pre-occupied with muppets, for good reason. However, those muppets should get things right, and be sorting this mess out. And not take weeks and months of my time, (valuable to me, anyway), doing so. No skin off their noses. But are medics planning to 'beat on me' forever ?
And when the Senior Registrar tells me, from his position of condescending and patronising 'known' superiority, that I should be looking after my family, and not wasting 'so much' time on notions such as a headful of Muppets, then he is talking out of the back of his head. (Again, a rough but about right, paraphrase of the Senior Registrar's statement.) Firstly, I have only given this a few hours' thought. Secondly, what value (if any at all) as a putative psychiatric 'intervention', a headful of brightly-coloured, worthwhile characters, perhaps Muppet-like ? And / or perhaps Inside-Out-like, turning dials, pushing buttons and pulling levers, when internal metrics of mind simply are not quantifiable directly ? I'm a physicist, not a psychologist or psychiatrist. But is it obvious up-front, that such a 'science of mind' notion, quite different from drug physiology as science of bodies, is not worth even a few hours' spare-time thought, away from the mainstream of the day job ? I do remember a popular article which described an intervention for stress, which was to sit quietly 'tapping one temple'. And that intervention, quietly tapping the side of own head, was remarked to be good, by the commentator, who qualified the technique by stating that it had been invented by a psychologist or psychiatrist, who knew what he was talking about. Odd what sticks in the mind, after so many years. I do not have the reference easily or immediately to hand.
The Senior Registrar also asked me about my LinkedIn blog paragraph, with Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka, on the psychologist's couch, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, . The point being that that smart-looking Oompa Loompa psychologist was non judgemental. And he did not attempt to impose the Oompa Loompa world view, by mob-handed physical assault. However, behind the 'looney'-label, all such high-brow literary references are seen as more evidence of 'mental ill health'. Like sitting in my on-ward room, doing my IT Consultant day job, by writing algebra in my notebooks and programming at my laptop. Crazy world stuff, in a crazy world situation.
What psychiatric value, a headful of Muppets ? Muppets are worthwhile, colourful characters. Whereas I have to deal with muppets, including a Community Care Coordinator who acts like a minor 'hell-demon' (as described above). However, in reality she is not even a minor 'hell-demon'. Though I still have to deal with her direct physical assault hence violence -- personal and 1-on-1. She stands in my lounge, with the police, and has me dragged out of my own home in handcuffs. She likes to do that injection herself. She enjoys it. Even though my mental health is excellent, relative to those in serious mental distress and pain, who might benefit from such 'care'. (For 'care', think 'Misery' with James Caan and Kathy Bates.) So what if the minor 'hell-demon' Community Care Coordinator, becomes instead Camilla the Chicken ? That because she is always hitting the OMG button and getting me dragged away by the police. Muppets are nice. Everyone likes Muppets. I have to deal, anyway, with minor 'hell-demon' medic muppets who absolutely refuse 'simply to get their facts right'. And Dr ** can be Gonzo. He likes chickens. Perhaps he has an eye for a fine leg ?
-- Dr ** is actually quite proper, a family man, and does not have an eye for a fine leg. And as I don't know chickens, I don't know if Camilla the Chicken actually has a fine leg. But then, it is my joke, and just maybe Dr ** is not actually Gonzo, anyway. Psychiatry is very much a matter of perspective. As are psychiatrists and 'patients' (complainants). And as, in fact, is everything in the whole Universe. Am I enough of a drooling madman, actually to believe that Dr ** is Gonzo ? Umm. Question to be answered from my perspective. And from Dr **'s perspective. I have in the past, considered Dr ** to be one of the more human of the psych's. However, now he gets things very badly wrong. He regards me as suffering from circumscribed delusions, toxic and refractory. The trouble is that I never believed any of the above 'drooling madman' stuff. That is purely a 'medic' (generic) group and mass delusion. Thus his 'diagnosis' of my circumscribed delusions makes him refractory. How to shift his delusion that I was, and remain to reduced degree, a toxic, drooling madman (colloquial) ? Umm. As Dr ** has exhorted his colleagues to read up on circumscribed delusions, and argued that my circumscribed delusions are a banana skin on which his colleagues must not slip, has Dr ** condemned himself forever, to believe his own delusion, despite any and all evidence to the contrary ? We inhabit jointly, a physical, external, mutually accessible Universe. So what about just 'actually getting his facts right' ?
I am the only person in the Universe, who can experience my reality. I therefore know the truth. My position is an honest one. I am an honest person. Dr ** cannot experience my reality. He cannot know that truth. He can only accuse me of being toxic and lying, whilst never being able to verify or confirm that assertion. His position is variously a 'dishonest' or 'idiot-medic' one, even if he is an honest person. 'Idiot-medic' because his position is self-superior and arrogant off-the-scale, from a position of his inadequately-informed ignorance of my areas of work and study. He claims to know my reality better than I do. He is reasonably smart, thus is an 'idiot' to get things so badly wrong, in a position of such responsibility. And he asserts that an honest person (me) is a liar. Is it 'honest' of Dr ** to be ignorantly (?) wrong, again and again and again ? He could at very least, check 'hard facts' and correct his errors. Those hard facts exist, on reasonable assumptions, even if knowledge and truth are relative and subjective, and reality personal and unique. However, all the 'medics' (generic) with whom I deal, and the whole mental health tribunal, appeals and complaints system with which I have interacted, refuse to examine veracity of sources or justify 'medic' assertions. 'Medics' regard themselves as unanswerable. It is hardly possible even to ask them a question, let alone get a straight answer. Power defines sanity, irrespective of 'hard facts'. 'Insanity' is being in a minority of one even when personal mental health is excellent. Excellent relative to those in real mental pain and distress, for whom these medics should be 'caring'.
Mind is a self-consistent thing. Belief in a strong self, implies strength. Thus the aim and intent of these gas-lighting medics is to cripple me, by attempting to impose their minority world view by physical assault, hence 'soft' force and violence, on someone with a different, more minority, world view (me). Their world view, the 'medic' (generic) group and mass delusion, being that I am, or should become, disabled and dependent.
'First do no harm'. These medics are hypocrites.
In the form of Muppet Camilla the Chicken, the Community Care Coordinator is nicer than as the 'medic' muppet minor 'hell-demon'. But then chickens are not very smart. Perhaps that is the saving grace ? What to make of harm with good intent ? Umm.
Eventually, these 'medic' muppets must 'just get their facts right'.
It does occur to me that perhaps Dr ** lies actually, literally and deliberately, because he thinks that I lie, i.e., because of his delusion that I am toxic. Maybe Dr ** lies and fabricates in perceived 'self-defence' ? However, I do not lie. I flag Dr **'s slanders and libels (common usage of terms) at one Mental Health Tribunal and Hospital Managers' appeal, and Dr **'s lies get bigger and more inclusive in the following Mental Health Tribunal report. To cover his own back, perhaps.
How to tell if Dr ** lies actually and deliberately ? I can but speculate. But those blatant and major lies come from somewhere. And they are not coming from me. The lies listed above can be tested. And the origin of those lies, pinned down.
Looking back objectively, at the last ~15 months of medic 'beat-on', the only 'mental ill health' (!) criteria medics have, are my serious focus on work areas of my own choice, as an independent contractor, and hanging round in sweats when exercising regularly.
However, Dr Ali reports my 'becoming much energised' and 'spending large amounts of time on my laptop' -- as an IT Consultant ! -- as indications of my serious mental ill health. Umm. And thus as justification for forced detention, and physical assault, hence violence, to impose depot injections.
The rest of Dr **'s report looks a lot more damning than that ! He paints 'drooling madman' very, very convincingly for the Mental Health Tribunal Judge and the Hospital Managers, for whom their dominant evidence is his report, including all of its propagated falsehoods and major fabrications.
Dr ** libels me repeatedly, under common usage of that term, by accusing me of doing no work. That over a period from August '19, when I was on zero hours contracts, with no work available from the client. Instead working on piecework for another client, paid on completion. Or doing professional development work. Work which, in their total ignorance, 'medics' dismiss variously as bizarre / non sensical / worthless / 'crazy' / deluded / 'psychotic'.
And Dr ** reports in a manner which implies strongly, that I lied about a permanent job start which I put back to begin-Mar '20, whilst I completed contract piecework. At best, his report is written to induce extreme scepticism in the reader, about the actuality of any such job. Then Dr ** omits conveniently from his report, the fact that he locked me up over the beginning of Mar '20, and absolutely refused me that scheduled permanent job start. And he clearly presents his report with the intent of making this look like my fabrication.
' ... He had not undertaken paid work since August 2019. He reported that he was about to start a new job in December which was deferred to January 2020 and then March 2020. He argued that the Consultant Psychiatrist had zero evidence of neither (sic) nature nor degree of mental illness and have costed (sic) him 2 permanent jobs by admitting him to hospital against his will and denying him to attend the interviews. ...'.
As Dr ** is the / a Consultant Psychiatrist, why refer to himself in the third person ? Perhaps he refers to someone else. However, as the rest of his report is written with lower density of grammatical errors, did he even write this passage ? Or did he copy and paste it from elsewhere ?
Is Dr ** a 'medic-idiot' ? Did Dr ** simply never even realise that that begin-Mar '20 job-start was a real thing ? His passage reads as though this were an interview, rather than an actual permanent job start. Was he that deluded / ignorant ? Did he dismiss me, trivially, as that much of a liar ? Maybe my new job-start was simply not of the slightest interest to him ? No skin off his nose. He didn't even recognise it.
-- Or is Dr ** malign ? Really. That denied permanent job-start was serious.
-----Original Message-----
From: **@**.com
To: William Batty <[email protected]>
Sent: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 17:34
Subject: Re: ** onboarding
Hi William,
We're looking forward to having you start next week. Could you send me the below information by Friday please?
1) Could you complete and return the attached form please.
2) What name would you prefer for your ** email: will@.. bill@...?
3) Do you have a P45 from your previous employment? If not, it's not a problem, but let me know.
Thanks and all the best,
In Mar / Apr '19, a previous in-patient Responsible Clinician actually wrote into my medical records, that he believed that I could not even 'understand or comprehend hospital meetings' ! I was firing on all cylinders and this was 100% false. As evidenced clearly by a contemporaneous string of carefully-edited, well-written and well-argued emails, protesting my situation, to every relevant legal and mental health body in the UK. Perhaps that psychiatrist was employing 'lower level truth' at best, and implying that his 'understanding of the situation' was going over my head. Either way, that Responsible Clinician absolutely refused my attendance at an already-scheduled, second interview, on-site, for what may have been a 'dead sitter' of a permanent job, day-commutable from home. So perhaps he has cost me over a year's permanent salary by now. However, Dr **'s passage above, is clearly written so as to cast doubt on the truth of that claim. Even 'objective reporting' always reads, and is intended to read, as a supporting indicator of 'mental ill health', when written into medical reports. Especially surrounded by falsehoods and fabrications always in the direction of 'more- and sufficiently-crazy' sounding.
-- Was that previous Responsible Clinician malign ? Really. Possibly a year's lost permanent salary is serious.
-------- Original message --------
From: **@**.com
Date: 11/03/2019 20:51 (GMT+00:00)
To: William Batty <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Software optimisation
Good evening Bill, can you make a face to face meeting on Monday the 18th @ 4pm?
Details to follow.
Why has Dr ** decided that I am a liar ? Maybe, because he lies actually and deliberately ? There appear to be limited possible sources for the above-listed, current Community Responsible Clinician's report-lies. Thus traceable.
-- As Gonzo, Dr ** just has a bit of a chicken fetish. And chickens aren't smart.
If I were to identify with a Muppet character myself, who would it be ? It would have to be the Swedish Chef. He is obviously happy, a nice guy, and has skills. However, he is a stereotyped foreigner and outsider. He represents labelling of people. Being a 'foreigner' need not be a matter of nationality. 'Different' within local interaction group, is all that is required. And very clearly, the Swedish Chef is not understood. He speaks and is heard. But nobody understands what he is saying. The Swedish Chef represents the difficulties of language, communication and actual 2-way conveyance of meaning. Clearly, the Swedish Chef is a figure of fun and is not taken at all seriously. But this is The Muppets, so it is all friendly.