Rick Weinberg
Founder, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief at California Business Journal (
When you combine a PRT with masterful Exemption Planning from Ray Olmo and Dustin Nichols, you have the safest and most secure protection for retirement from creditors and frivolous lawsuits.
As David Locke was reading one of the world’s most definitive books on asset protection and trusts, “I was shocked that the trust I had didn’t really protect me at all,” he says. “I thought it did.”
His Revocable Living Trust was an effective tool to distribute his assets after his death, “but as far as a lawsuit against your assets, I had no asset protection during my lifetime,” he points out.
Locke, the co-owner of JLS Environmental Construction Science in the small, quaint town of Loomis, Calif., realized his life’s work – multi-millions of dollars in assets — were completely exposed, especially those assets earmarked for retirement.
“This was a serious threat that my business partner and I wanted to eliminate,” Locke says. “When you get to my age and put in 50 years of hard work and keep your nose to the grindstone and suddenly something bizarre happens that you can’t control and you have an attorney that sues you to get a reward against your assets, well, that’s pretty frightening. I don’t have enough time or energy to rebuild my world and retirement nest egg again.”
Step one was finding an expert in the areas of asset protection, tax and creditor exemptions, and trusts – one who truly understood “the business.” Locke found that individual in Ray Olmo, the Manager of TRUST-CFOsm, co-inventor of Private Retirement Trustsm and a genuine pioneer in the field of Exemption Planning.
As a Certified Estate Planner, Registered Financial Consultant and author, Olmo has redefined what it means to protect retirement assets and earnings — without giving away or losing control of them.
Read the rest of the article here: