Pseudo Diversions!!
In my previous article I spoke more about "CARE" as a attribute, and how Caring without expectations will make you successful even without self - realization. I want to pen down my new article about one of the most sensitive topic that exists when someone is not Cared.. Curious enough to explore with me.. Let's go!!
"Every moment of resistance to Temptation is victory"
I believe now you are getting a clue of what we are going to discuss.. Yes you are right, "TEMPTATIONS IN OUR LIFE"
Temptations start early in our life. Let me share my journey and my stake with Temptations. When I was at school, my parents would say me they would buy me a new bicycle if I come first. So whenever I sat to read and had a goal to score well in exams, just like it happens in movies, a cloud would pop - there is a scene where I'm riding a new bicycle to school. In this case, I had two goals - one to score first, other to own bicycle. Both of them are directly proportional, if the chance of me coming first increased, the chances of me getting a bicycle increased too. So I had my goal post set and achieved it.
Now, I'm grown up, I'm studying my 10+ 2. The temptation also grew with me from bicycle to scooter/scooty. My college was far off from my home, I was late to college or found it tiring to ride bicycle everyday to college. Again this was sanctioned by my parents, I started driving scooter/scooty to college. I even had accidents, that's a different story altogether.. Let's come back.
I was enrolled to Engineering by then, was already into depression(Let me not spill beans, this may come up as an article). Now my temptation was to own a Royal Enfield bike to come out of depression. My mother thought it is best time to gift me a bike. So I started riding bike to college along with my old scooter on alternate days based on what I wear.. Obviously right, We Girls have our schedules based on what we plan to wear for the day!!
Temptation grows as you grow. You are professional now, You have started working. I saw people changing companies every 1 year or 2 years and drawing their paycheck ahead of their experience. I thought that is how you should stay in industry, make lots of money.. But don't judge me so early, I was not greedy but I did not had good guidance and was in an assumption that money is the only factor that brings happiness.
Temptations at young age are very different from the temptations at workplace. At young age, you tend to convert temptation to positive achievement just like I narrated about my Bicycle. When you grow, temptation at work are enormous, this may impact in positive and negative ways, depending upon the decisions you make.
Let's understand Temptation at Workplace?
I recently was in a Book reading club in my organization, where we were reading "The Professional" by Subroto Bagchi. I came across a chapter with title "Not Suffering False Attractions". In this chapter, the author emphasizes on how we get tempted on different grounds.
There are two kinds of temptations:
First Temptation: Whenever you see some peer doing best at their work, You feel motivated to go learn from them and try to build a strategy which works for you. You are tempted to grow. This is a healthy competition you set for yourself. By doing so, you are improving yourself in three things -
Second Temptation: This particular temptations leads to your downfall. You suddenly see some of your peers leaving the team and moving out of the organization for a bigger paycheck, but you are still there. This has two parts to it seeing others v/s seeing yourself.
I personally saw lot of attrition around me. I was also in the same spot, where I saw few of my colleagues move out, but nothing ever tempts me. I just stepped out of my herd mentality , and started answering my questions with my gut instincts. Mind speaks with a intelligent quotient, Heart speaks with a emotional quotient.
MIND: If I move out, I will also get to work with product based org etc. HEART: Are you serious? you are working as first line of workforce in a staffing organization. In product based, you are the last line. You must kidding girl!! Culture is something that is priority to you, can you see something better than current one. You have your say in the company, your ideas are valued.
MIND: Okay, But at least Money is important right, you get more money for the change. HEART: Yeah you will get, but will you eat money or what. Ideally you need a little hike, go back and speak to you manager for a raise and solve your problem. Stand up for yourself girl!!
MIND: But My friends are all gone, I have to work with new people, how will I adjust. HEART: Are you crazy - do you want to get stuck or go build your network. Meet and greet new people, hear to their ideas, the current friends were also strangers when you joined the company right, that's okay chill you can partner with new bees... You are not so na?ve!!
Now my heart started saying few other things too, HEART - This is the company which helped you grow - do you want to leave this in tough times. How mean of you. Haven't you learnt to give back and support. Now sit and do that. MIND: And Guess what?? Most of them left, now is the time for you to rise and shine. Loss of people who left can be converted as your profit. Strive hard, get adapted, work on the transition, put some extra efforts, you are there!!
We live in an instant gratification world, but studies show that people who delay their gratification succeed more in finances, relationships and achievements.
My dad said once "Chanda, Give a person a lot more, he will never say 'I have had enough'. But feed the person stomach full 'He will admit he had enough'. Remember this, Apart from food, nothing will ever satisfy humans".
Whenever there is temptress who wants to disturb you, pause your mind and reflect back. You will have your answers. Don't keep on moving your goal post, instead fix it firmly and achieve it.
Director - Business Operations at TEKsystems
2 年Beautiful article Chandana ???????? The article defines clearly how temptations come at every phase of life but if we cut the noise and focus on the goals the path is clear.
Senior Account Manager @ TEKsystems | IT Recruitment
2 年Amazing article Chandu ?? Loved the way you articulated your thoughts!. Can't wait for the next????
Senior Manager at TEKsystems | IT Recruitment, People Development
2 年Amazing Article. Love the humour in it?? You are a Pro now in writing articles, sharing your experiences and thoughts. You have set the benchmark very high for others?? More power to Chanda????