No PS5 For You!
Sony has confirmed that the highly anticipated next console the PS5 will not be available in stores on launch day. The company stated in a blog post that due to COVID-19 concerns there would not be units for sale at any partner retailers and all launch day sales will be online only. Anyone with an in store pre order should still be able to get their unit on launch day.
Sony has come under fire with this latest console generation for some of their pre order practices including what some customers saw as a loyalty test to get a pre order. Sony created a sign up form to be approved for a pre order that according to them is “based on previous interests and PlayStation activities. “ This is an interesting role reversal that had gamers essentially applying to prove they were worthy to be a Sony customer rather than Sony trying to prove their value to the consumer. Supply shortages were inevitable after the production time lost to COVID-19 for both Xbox and Playstation, and this method of having to apply for the ability to pre order might be preferable to the high numbers of new release electronics we often see in the hands of scalpers and profiteers, but one thing is for certain. This next console launch is shaping up to be quite the show.