Washington, DC - This weekend, the Portuguese Socialist Party (PS) conducted an after election review – a postmortem – analysis to understand why they lost the electorate and the Legislative Elections.

There is no reason they – the PS – did not return to power – as the winner.

I'm not sure what conclusions the party came to but let me offer my take. Four (4) factors:

I. Ethics - Tarnished Image

Having a "super majority" in a previous election is not a future determinant of success, especially when the head of the Government and Party are under investigation.

It also didn't help that the man elected to lead the party had "managerial challenges" (TAP).

II. Hubris

Confidence, yes, but humility is also welcomed and appreciated by the electorate.

The former President of the Assembleia of the Republic - a highly educated and most capable official - let the power of the chair in Parliament go to his head.

This is me being kind. Another analyst was not so: "Corporizou a arrogancia do poder em Portugal."[1]

As a Deputy, representing the Outside of Europe electoral circuit, he was neither seen in the community nor delivering for it. Casa do Passal is a prime example. It is a project he visited and spearheaded by a constituent of his - me and my firm: FERREIRAInternational - (Fi) - US, LLC.

While he ignored a humble request for funding, he was part of decisions that funded other and controversial projects (below).

Consequently, the election result, an embarrassing defeat, for him and the party, was the outcome. Really, did he expect a different result?

His dream of being President of the Republic – is at least for now – just a distant dream.

III. Lack of Respect for the Electorate

Just yesterday, I wrote about a lack of respect for the diaspora and its electorate: "'The Great Lisbon Earthquake' of 1755 and The Great Legislative Election of 2024." [2] In that post, I underscored two factors:

  • lack of respect and
  • "out of sight, out of mind."

IV. Power of the Incumbency

It's a simple truth of politics. Those in office usually prevail because they have control over the leverages of incumbency – i.e. – the ability to distribute the largess of government. Not morally right, but a reality.

Had this party not face ethical challenges, I'd just say that it was responsible and wanted to win re-election by being responsible and meeting the needs of the electorate, as best as it could and as above board as possible. Had they lost under these conditions, the public would forgive the party. I'd admire the honesty.

But, as it appears, the party lost its ways in what it communicated to the public and what its actions reflected. One of the party slogans was "action." What action? I'm still waiting for another party leader – the outgoing Foreign Minister - to advise of the government's response to my request for funding.

I may have missed something. I'll have to check my spam folder.

It is one thing to ask for funding when a government can't afford it, it is another when it deliberately runs out the clock so that it can just ignore a legitimate request.

I suspect that there is some solace to be had. Casa do Passal was not the only one ignored. With money in the treasury, and the General Secretary bragging about it now, the party ignored the equally legitimate needs of large and well organized segments of the public. The party turned their backs on them, and the voters returned the favor. They may have gone further – they may have helped them get voted out of office. I spoke to this point in another post: "Makes You Wonder Who Was Really Running The Nation." [3]

Just today, the Party Secretary doubled down on this point – leaving the nation in a better state than it found it:

  • "No final da reuni?o da Comiss?o Nacional do PS, que decorreu hoje à tarde, em Viseu, Pedro Nuno Santos disse aos jornalistas que o PS deixou o país com uma 'boa realidade económica e financeira', que deve ser aproveitada para responder 'a vários anseios da popula??o portuguesa', como 'uma administra??o pública mais valorizada e qualificada'." [4]

Gee, thanks. What did that get you?

The point of being in politics is to address needs of the electorate, which in turn, re-elect you. It is not winning the title of "opposition." Stop the spin. PS had horrible election results. The biggest losses in years.

It only has itself to blame.


In conclusion, let me say that the PS's leadership decision to meet in Viseu, was perhaps one of the few and smartest decisions they have made in a while. The money the party spent in the city over the last two days, is the very least that it could do.

But this is merely crumbs compared to the money it approved for questionable and controversial projects during their tenure in government:

  • €34 million euros for Angola and a €2 billion euro line of credit
  • €65 - 75 million euros for World Youth Day;
  • Millions in euros misspent in what is called "Opera??o Maestro" [5]

Let me also say that the party leadership does have a lot of nerve to show their face in the land of Viriato and Aristide de Sousa Mendes – empty handed – and brag how much money they left in the treasury.

Imagine being my good friend and PS Mayor of Carregal do Sal, who has been a catalyst for the renovation of Casa do Passal, in nearby and quaint Cavanas do Viriato.

It is shameful and despicable how the party of "big bucks" can't spare funding for a project that honors an international and national hero; his "acts of conscience."

They even abandoned one of their own. Why would you back a party that has abandoned – embarrassed – you and your constituents? It is obvious that this party has no appreciation for your vision and talents.

Mayor Catalino, when will you speak up?

Your constituents already sent a message with their ballots – they chose AD over PS – in the March 10 Legislative Election.[6]

Aristides de Sousa Mendes deserves better.

[1] ?

[2] ?


[4] ?


[6] AD beat PS 35 to 27%.



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