Chronic itch due to Prurigo Nodualris is an unpleasant sensation that triggers a desire to scratch that lasts for six weeks or more. It’s called the “Itch-Scratch Cycleâ€. The itch causes the scratch, and the scratch causes more inflammation with more rash and the cycle continues. The “Itch-Scratch Cycle†is a major diagnostic symptom of myriad skin conditions, including Prurigo Nodularis. In this condition, itching and scratching are one of the most prominent features.?
The Itch-Scratch Cycle appears to be triggered by immunological and neurological abnormalities, despite the fact that the illness's true cause is unknown. The chronic itch can be hugely debilitating for the sufferer, damaging their self-confidence and mental well-being.?
Here is an informative piece on Prurigo Nodularis that explains all its risk factors, and symptoms, and how it can be managed by medication and lifestyle changes.