ProxyMode in Spring Framework
shant khayalian - balian's IT

ProxyMode in Spring Framework

The Spring Framework is a comprehensive and powerful framework for building enterprise-grade Java applications. One of its core features is the dependency injection (DI) mechanism, which is greatly facilitated by annotations like @Scope. Within the context of Spring, the @Scope annotation is essential for defining the scope of a bean, which determines its lifecycle and visibility within the container. One of the advanced features of the @Scope annotation is the proxyMode attribute. In this article, we'll delve deep into the concept of proxyMode, explore its types, and illustrate its usage with real-life examples to solidify our understanding.

What is @Scope in Spring?

The @Scope annotation is used to define the scope of a Spring bean. The scope essentially dictates how long a bean will be alive, how many instances will be created, and who will have access to those instances. The common scopes in Spring include:

  • Singleton: Only one instance of the bean is created for the entire Spring container.
  • Prototype: A new instance is created every time the bean is requested.
  • Request: A new instance is created for each HTTP request.
  • Session: A new instance is created for each HTTP session.

What is a Proxy?

A proxy, in general, is an intermediary that acts on behalf of another entity. In software, a proxy object can control access to another object, serving as a placeholder or representative. Proxies come from the design pattern known as the Proxy Pattern, which is part of the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns.

Where Did Proxies Come From?

The concept of proxies has its roots in the Proxy Design Pattern described by the GoF in their book "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software". This pattern is used to provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. Proxies are widely used in various software frameworks and architectures to introduce additional layers of abstraction and control.

Why Use Proxies?

Proxies are used for several reasons:

  • Lazy Initialization: Proxies can defer the creation and initialization of expensive objects until they are actually needed.
  • Access Control: Proxies can control access to an object by implementing additional security checks.
  • Logging and Auditing: Proxies can intercept method calls and add logging or auditing functionality.
  • Performance Optimization: Proxies can cache results and optimize repeated method calls.
  • Remote Object Access: Proxies can represent remote objects in distributed systems, providing seamless integration and communication.

When to Use Proxies?

Proxies are particularly useful in scenarios where:

  • The object creation or initialization is expensive and should be deferred until absolutely necessary.
  • Access to the object needs to be controlled or monitored.
  • Additional behavior, such as logging, caching, or security checks, needs to be introduced without modifying the original object.
  • The object represents a remote resource or service, and the proxy provides a local interface.

How Proxies Work in Spring

In Spring, proxies are used extensively to manage bean lifecycles, especially when dealing with scoped beans. When a bean's lifecycle is shorter than the lifecycle of the object that depends on it, Spring uses proxies to ensure the correct behavior. The proxyMode attribute within the @Scope annotation allows the creation of such proxies.

Types of Proxies in Spring

Spring uses two primary types of proxies: JDK dynamic proxies and CGLIB proxies.

  • JDK Dynamic Proxies: These are interface-based proxies that implement the interfaces of the target bean. They are lightweight and only require the target bean to implement an interface.
  • CGLIB Proxies: These are class-based proxies that subclass the target bean. They are used when the target bean does not implement any interfaces or when class-based proxying is preferred.

Introducing proxyMode

The proxyMode attribute within the @Scope annotation provides an additional layer of control by allowing the creation of a proxy around the scoped bean. This is particularly useful in situations where the bean's lifecycle is shorter than the lifecycle of the object that depends on it, like in web applications.

The proxyMode can be set to one of the following values:

  • DEFAULT: No proxying.
  • NO: No proxying (same as DEFAULT).
  • INTERFACES: Create a JDK dynamic proxy based on interfaces.
  • TARGET_CLASS: Create a CGLIB proxy based on the target class.
  • SCOPED_PROXY: Special value that is a shorthand for either INTERFACES or TARGET_CLASS.

Real-Life Example: A Man and His Wallet

To understand proxyMode, let's consider a real-life analogy. Imagine a man named John who has a wallet. In this scenario:

  • John represents a singleton bean.
  • The wallet represents a prototype bean.

John uses his wallet to hold his money, but he might need a new wallet frequently due to wear and tear. Now, let's map this analogy to a Spring application.

Without proxyMode

Without proxyMode, if John were to get his wallet injected as a prototype bean, each request for the wallet would get a new instance. This is how it would look in code:

public class Wallet {
    // Wallet properties and methods

public class Man {
    private Wallet wallet;

    public Wallet getWallet() {
        return wallet;

In this case, every time John accesses his wallet, he gets a new instance. However, this setup has a significant limitation. If the Man class is a singleton bean, the wallet's prototype nature is lost after the initial injection, because Spring injects a single instance of the prototype bean into the singleton.

With proxyMode

To solve this problem, we use proxyMode. By setting proxyMode to TARGET_CLASS, Spring will create a proxy that dynamically fetches the wallet instance every time it is accessed, preserving the prototype behavior:

@Scope(value = "prototype", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class Wallet {
    // Wallet properties and methods

public class Man {
    private Wallet wallet;

    public Wallet getWallet() {
        return wallet;

With proxyMode set to TARGET_CLASS, every call to getWallet() will return a new instance of Wallet, ensuring that John always gets a fresh wallet, mimicking the real-life scenario where he might need a new wallet frequently.

Example 2: Car Rental Service

Consider a car rental service. The service itself (the rental agency) is a singleton, but the cars (rental vehicles) are prototypes. Every time a customer rents a car, they should get a different car.

Without proxyMode, the rental service might end up giving out the same car instance every time a customer requests a car, defeating the purpose of having multiple cars.

public class Car {
    private String licensePlate;

    public Car(String licensePlate) {
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;

    // getters and setters

public class CarRentalService {
    private Car car;

    public Car rentCar() {
        return car;

Using proxyMode ensures that each time a customer requests a car, they receive a different car.

@Scope(value = "prototype", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class Car {
    private String licensePlate;

    public Car(String licensePlate) {
        this.licensePlate = licensePlate;

    // getters and setters

public class CarRentalService {
    private Car car;

    public Car rentCar() {
        return car;

Every call to rentCar() will now return a different car instance, maintaining the correct behavior for a car rental service.

Practical Use Cases of proxyMode

  1. Web Applications: In web applications, proxyMode is often used to handle request and session-scoped beans. For instance, a ShoppingCart bean that is session-scoped can be injected into a singleton service bean. Using proxyMode ensures that every user session gets a unique ShoppingCart instance.
  2. Transactional Services: In transactional services, beans that represent units of work, such as database connections, can be scoped to the request or session. Using proxies allows these beans to maintain their lifecycle while being injected into higher-scoped beans.
  3. Microservices: In microservices architecture, where different services might need to share common resources, scoped proxies can help manage the lifecycle of these resources efficiently.

Detailed Example: Shopping Cart in E-Commerce Application

Let's consider a more detailed example of an e-commerce application where a ShoppingCart bean is scoped to the session.

@Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class ShoppingCart {
    private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<>();

    public void addItem(Item item) {

    public List<Item> getItems() {
        return items;

public class ShoppingService {
    private ShoppingCart shoppingCart;

    public void addItemToCart(Item item) {

    public List<Item> viewCart() {
        return shoppingCart.getItems();

In this scenario, the ShoppingCart bean is session-scoped, meaning a new instance is created for each HTTP session. The ShoppingService is a singleton service that manages the shopping cart. By using proxyMode = TARGET_CLASS, each HTTP session will get a unique instance of ShoppingCart, allowing multiple users to shop simultaneously without interfering with each other's carts.

Understanding the proxyMode attribute in the @Scope annotation is crucial for effectively managing bean lifecycles in complex Spring applications. By leveraging proxies, developers can ensure that beans with shorter lifecycles can be properly injected into beans with longer lifecycles, maintaining the integrity and expected behavior of the application. Through real-life analogies and practical examples, we can appreciate the power and flexibility that proxyMode brings to the table, enabling robust and scalable application design.

By mastering the use of proxyMode, developers can write more modular, maintainable, and efficient code, ultimately leading to better-performing and more reliable Spring applications.

Test your Knowledge:

1. What is the purpose of the @Scope annotation in Spring?

A) To define the lifecycle and visibility of a bean within the container.

B) To define the database connection settings.

C)To configure logging levels.

2. What is a proxy in software design?

A) A direct instance of an object.

B) An intermediary that controls access to another object.

C) A database management tool.

3. Why would you use the proxyMode attribute in Spring?

A) To define the database schema.

B) To create a proxy that manages bean instances dynamically.

C) To configure the application server.

4. Which proxyMode value creates a class-based proxy using CGLIB?




5. In what scenario would you use a session-scoped bean with proxyMode?

A) When you want a single instance across all sessions.

B) When you need a unique instance for each user session.

C) When you want to disable session management.

6. In what scenario would you use a session-scoped bean with proxyMode?

A) A library and a book.

B) A restaurant and a dish.

C) A man and his wallet.

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