The provision of support must be Evidence Based

The provision of support must be Evidence Based

#Support for #access needs must have an #exceptional vehicle to document and provide the following elements for the student and the school:

  1. The importance of #collaborating on students 'access needs' and reviewing the 'impact, frequency and level of support' for these needs.
  2. 3. Explain the importance of knowing each student's #learning #personalised in areas of the learning environment.
  3. 4. Highlight the common goal of achieving at least one year of learning #growth each year.
  4. 5. Emphasize the need for #clearexpectations for #differentiatedsupport for every student to reach their potential.

The key to this is working from #evidence forwards and the key components of evidence:

  1. #Level of #adjustment
  2. #Intensity of #need
  3. #Frequency and #range of #support


