Provincial Employees - are Unions actually hindering human rights & negatively impacting mental health?

Provincial Employees - are Unions actually hindering human rights & negatively impacting mental health?

Occupational Health & Safety goes far deeper (to me) than simply compliance & audits. Its about loss entirely - from Person, Equipment, Materials, Time, Product... every aspect of loss adds up. (Did you know, on average, a Corporation spends $4000 annually on just bandages for superficial cuts? True story).

Mental Health has always been a driving force to raise much needed awareness in both my personal and professional life. The reality is, we all have it, because its health so there shouldn't be any "stigma" attached - right? We spend more time in the workplace in most cases, then we do at home with our family and friends. Both aspects bleed into the other. Like being on the computer with multiple tabs open, so is our mind. The difference is, we can't simply close each tab to our thoughts. We adapt to living with multiple open. When theres a stress or a mental trauma in the workplace - it comes home with us.

In a previous article I wrote, I took it upon myself, to dig deeper into professions I deemed "high stress". I confidentially interviewed multiple employees in Nursing, Teaching, Police, Fire, Ambulance & RCMP; all stated the same, "its not the scope of work thats having a negative impact on mental health, its the lack of support within". The common denominator here : lack of accountability within the internal responsibility system with these scopes of work governed under Federal & Provincial regulatory bodies. Each of these professionals have unions, specified for each, within their own jurisdictional region.

In regards to mental health, 4yrs of study has proven that addictions are unhealthy coping mechanisms developed over time in the search to cover up or self medicate pain. What I've also learned is that addictions, domestic abuse/violence, anxiety/depression/PTSD are prevalent with the above mentioned professions. I'm advised from all, they either suffer alone or peers cover up suffering of others due to fear of repercussions or "stigma' labelling."It's simply easier to falsify an on duty injury to be covered by WSIB then it is to admit any suffering with mental health".

I've spoken with teachers who confided sexual harassment, racism, bullying etc. I inquired to their union reps. Was advised "the unions don't work to advocate for us at all". Teachers have gone as far to go above the unions - directly to the Ministry of Labour and were completely dismissed. Leaving them invalidated & feeling unprotected & disposable. I personally have gone to a high school Principle, advising of concerns regarding violence involving an unstable student with a knife uttering threats. It was denied despite 5 students including my daughter and a teacher validating the story. I went to a Superintendent expressing concerns both professionally & personally - all of my points were validated "you're not wrong". I went to the School Board following - ignored. I went to the Ministry of Education, ignored.

Now lets discuss Police. I'm a firm believer in 3 sides to every story. When W5 aired the segment of sexual harassment claims by 3 female officers.. it struck a chord. I've since learned there were too many officers sharing the same stories W5 had to limit it to 3. I'm told that unions silence victims. Some officers are $200k in debt to legal fees attempting justice. That unions are limited to said regions and members can't unite as one throughout. Am advised that red tape, isolation, bullying, harassment falls heavily on anyone speaking up to authority and or powers that be. That the Premiere is attempting to pass a bill that removes Provincial employees from suing the Province for Human Rights claims. That known domestic abuse and violence claims by partners of Officers are dismissed and or reports simply go "missing" and the same courtesy's are provided to Firefighters. That unions are "corrupt", that they govern by "who you know". Its not "best person" for internal promotions, its who's friends with whom.

So, if someone, anyone can please advise how and why unions are required - I'd greatly appreciate. There was a time, post war where they were necessary. Equally rights, equal opportunity and equal pay.... this is required now why exactly? From what I've learned, and correct me if I'm wrong, is the removal of human rights, silencing employees with evident, valid human rights violation complaints & preventing competent, deserving applicants within from advancement based on biassed personal preference from union members.

If the consistent Police suicides are proving anything - its that current practice within a very broken internal system is greatly failing. If you keep doing whats always been done, the same result will occur. So again, how well is this working? The view from here - a proven track record of insidious abuse of power, zero accountability & loss across the board. Who's paying the price, the silenced victims and their families. I strongly suggest all who make public statements about "please reach out if you require help with mental health" - stand by these words, otherwise, its simply public relations window dressing, and your employees know it.

There are always choices, turn away from a problem or to speak out and work towards a solution. To the trailblazers, the renegades, the "black sheep" - you ARE the change. To everyone else, silence is enabling. Your complaints are moot if you're unwilling to be part of the solution.


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