Providing caring homes for foster children
Providing caring homes for foster children
Foster parents step up to fill a vital need in the community
Clark County currently provides?resources to more than 5,500 children, including?3,300 in foster care, and caring foster parents are always sought after to offer loving homes for those who need them.?
Lynne Jasames, Foster Parent Trainer and Recruiter with the Clark County Department of Family Services, addressed these issues and more on the Vegas Legal Magazine Podcast with hosts Mark Fierro of Fierro Communications and Tyler Morgan, publisher of Vegas Legal Magazine.?
In our new video clip from the podcast, Lynne stresses the importance of providing these children with family, friends, comfort items, and routine -- particularly?when children end up in protective custody through dire circumstances.
"There is a significant, huge need for foster parents right here in our community," Lynne says. "Children are placed in protective custody almost?every day depending on the circumstances and the situation. Even though we do things to try to prevent it, children are still winding up in protective custody."
Foster families come from a wide array of backgrounds, according to Lynne.??
"It's such a huge variety," she says. "We have singles, couples, working professionals, retired professionals. We have LGBTQ families?coming in to support our families. It's a wide range, and we welcome them all. ... We don't want our children?in congregate care, which is why we're really reaching out to our community to step up, to provide good homes for our children."