Proverbs 27 - Lessons Learnt
Ng'ethe Maina
2025/26 Focus: Scaling Innovation, Driving Sustainable Growth & Building Future-Ready Solutions
Do not be over confident about what tomorrow will bring for you
We don’t know what tomorrow may hold, so we should have a humble attitude towards the future
Do not praise yourself
Let another praise you, and not your own mouth: We should stay away from self-promotion in its many forms. Modern technology gives us many more methods and opportunities to praise ourselves, but we should avoid such self-praise.
German proverb says: ‘Eigen-Lob stinkt, Freundes Lob hinkt, Fremdes Lob klingt’—
self-praise stinks, friend’s praise limps, stranger’s praise rings.
Jealousy is worse than anger and wrath combined
Envy is worse than both of them, partly, because it is more unjust and unreasonable, as not caused by any provocation, as wrath and anger are, but only proceeding from a malignity of mind, whereby a man is grieved for another man’s happiness…and partly, because it is more secret and undiscernible, and therefore the mischievous effects of it are hardly avoidable; whereas wrath and anger discover themselves, and so forewarn and forearm a man against the danger.
Travel as much as you can; but have a place to return to
Those who wander lack the security of their home and can no longer contribute to their community life.
Do not forget your friends or your parent's friends either
We should hold the bonds of friendship as dear and obligating, even beyond generations. Friends should not be forsaken.
To thy family, never forget, never neglect
Careful who praise you when it is uncounted for
He who praises you more than he was wont to do, has either deceived you, or is about to do it.’ There is nothing more calculated to arouse suspicion than profuse protestations of friendship. Real friendship needs no such assurance.
Our hearts reflect us as clear as night and day
The feelings and thoughts that come from our heart reveal us as the reflection in smooth water reveals the face. Who we are will eventually be evident to others as our words and actions reveal out heart.
Desires will never cease
Our longing to look upon things we desire will never be satisfied;
We are valued by how people speak of us
First, that you may know what a man is by the way he bears praise. Second, that you may know what a man is by the things he praises. Third, that a man who treats praise as the fining pot treats silver and gold purges it of unworthy substance.