Proverbs 22:3

Proverbs 22:3

Lately, I've been receiving more and more emails asking me what I think might happen in the near future and how they should prepare. I love what John Calvin had to say about the matter.

"When the light of divine providence has once shone upon a godly man, he is then relieved and set free not only from the extreme anxiety and fear that were pressing him before but from every care ... Ignorance of providence is the ultimate misery; the highest blessedness lies in knowing it ... It gives incredible freedom from worry about the future."

Brothers & Sisters, it's great to be wise and prepare for the days ahead -- saving, storing, wisely investing. But I think there is a much more important preparation we often forget -- it is to make certain that the Lord FIRST in our life and make sure we are trusting in Him alone. So that when these trials and tribulations come upon us, we'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we rest securely in His hands!



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