Proverb of the Day
"None of us has the absolute and complete picture of truth."
Kevin Kestner
The story is told of 5 blind men who were led up to a large elephant. Each one gravitated toward a different part of the elephant and then described their findings.
The first blind man had grabbed the tusk. He said: "I perceive that the elephant is very much like a spear." The second blind man felt the trunk and said: "I perceive that the elephant is very much like a snake." The third blind man felt the tail and said: "I perceive that the elephant is very much like a rope." The fourth blind man felt the leg and said: "I perceive that the elephant is very much like a tree." The last blind man felt the side of the elephant and said: "I perceive that the elephant is very much like a wall."
Each of the blind men were right.....and each were wrong. They had a piece of the truth, but not the complete picture. We need to keep this in mind when we hear people (including ourself) arguing very dogmatically about "their perceived version" of something. From their limited perspective....they are absolutely right. We need to acknowledge that. We also (if possible) should try to enlighten them to the fact that oftentimes, there is more to the picture than perhaps they have, as of yet, encountered. A wise judge will always hear both sides of an argument prior to making his judgement. humble enough to acknowledge that most of us (including ourself) never have the complete picture of truth, and we desperately need the assistance of "additional pairs of eyes" to show us the "whole elephant".