Proven Ways To Reduce No-Shows Using Guardso Guard Tour Software
Efficient security guard scheduling lies at the heart of every security operation. But when security guards do not show up, it turns into a great source of frustration for both the security guard company and also the client who’s dependent on the security guard services. While not every no-show can be eliminated, there are simple yet effective ways to reduce them using Guardso guard tour software.
Here read five guardso guard tour software tips to help your security guard company reduce no-shows.
1. Establish A Policy
2. Offer Flexibility In Schedules
3. Send Shift Reminders
4. Be Proactive With Scheduling
5. Schedule Based On Skills
No-shows are a great source of frustration for both the security guard company & the clients. Reduce it using Guardso guard tour software. Here’s how
How are you going to reduce no-shows for your security guard company?